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A Clockwork Project

Clockwork Orange

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Update (7/19/17)



-Changed biomes decorations / spectrums / Particle effects (Credit goes to Tin for creating these tweaks)

-I did make some changes compared to his iteration, I added more grass, made the forests a little more dense, reduced the dead tree / burnt tree spawn chance, reduced some Rock Resources spawns and slightly increased bird nest spawns in the forest biomes



-Changed BigDecorationRadius of most trees



-Slightly reduced biome size but still maintianig the jiggle not to have small patches of biomes within other biomes


With the new mixer, my dedi is going on 30 mins and still creating hubcelldata

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Update (7/19/17)


-Quests will no longer give any errors! Sorry about that


- - - Updated - - -


With the new mixer, my dedi is going on 30 mins and still creating hubcelldata


Yeah that is normal at this point! Just be patient only the first load time will be an issue!


As a rule of thumb the longer the initial load time the better, that means you are getting a good city to spawn seeds will also affect this as well since it could be generating more cities since its a probability chance.


One of the reasons its longer is because the forest biomes are a bit denser with trees but I also made them less dense with rock formations as well.


Trust me its worth the load time.

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Can i suggest a quest line for Bedroll, leather and some of the other hidden items and things to help new to the mod players find them :)


I have a quest for a bedroll already soon as you complete the Tailoring table quest it will prompt you for a craft a sewing machine quest then after you complete the sewing machine quest you will get the bedroll quest along with a few other quests like craft animal hide clothing and leather armor, but keep in mind you will have to unlock leatherworking after you craft enough animal hide clothing to level up your leatherworking skill.

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Update (7/19/17)


-Added recipe to craft Cloth from cotton plants at the Tailoring Table without the need for a sewing machine

-Added recipe to craft Leather from animal hide at the Tailoring Table without the need for a sewing machine


- - - Updated - - -


Loaded in, im on a hill, i see a flat area, i measured the flat span, no cites, 700m flat area, in forest biome. Was a city on the far west edge


Yeah the terrain generation is amazing since all the flat land will actually allow for cities to spawn at their fullest degree provided the randomness actually puts them in the best spot for it to do that based off of its randomness and seed. I unfortunately cant control where the game decides to put the cities but at least the Rwgmixer creates tons of flat land for it to have the best chance for it.

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New seed new map, started off in a desert biome....wow its awesome! There is little...very little vegetation, not 100's of yucca plants, barley even grass to punch, not like vanilla, this is how a dessert SHOULD look, barren, a wasteland, death trap for the unprepared.

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New seed new map, started off in a desert biome....wow its awesome! There is little...very little vegetation, not 100's of yucca plants, barley even grass to punch, not like vanilla, this is how a dessert SHOULD look, barren, a wasteland, death trap for the unprepared.


Yeah you can thank Tin for the biome decoration changes he really did a nice job, and it can be a bit discouraging for new players that end up in the mountains when they spawn, they will think that the mountains is all there is, or that they are too amplified until they see there way through to find the flat land. I just went in to do some more balance testing and I found myself unable to stop playing for the last hour lol


By the way I wont be making any more changes to the biomes or Rwgmixer for a while so everyone's world is safe from having to restart now at least until i can figure out how to make the flat land into rolling hills with more height variation cause to be honest the world generation is too realistic, mountains actually feel like real mountains and they are perfect, and the flat land is exactly what I see when I look out my window hardly any hills at all but to me the flat land is a bit boring.

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Yeah you can thank Tin for the biome decoration changes he really did a nice job, and it can be a bit discouraging for new players that end up in the mountains when they spawn, they will think that the mountains is all there is, or that they are too amplified until they see there way through to find the flat land. I just went in to do some more balance testing and I found myself unable to stop playing for the last hour lol


By the way I wont be making any more changes to the biomes or Rwgmixer for a while so everyone's world is safe from having to restart now at least until i can figure out how to make the flat land into rolling hills with more height variation cause to be honest the world generation is too realistic, mountains actually feel like real mountains and they are perfect, and the flat land is exactly what I see when I look out my window hardly any hills at all but to me the flat land is a bit boring.


I agree with this...exactly



But...as a love for bow and arrows...im going to regret this...lol i think there might be...ugh too many nests.

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I have reworked farming and will try to explain.


You can now plant "fruits" directly like potatoes, corn, blueberries you can just plant them directly into tilled soil


Once you have planted a plant it will grow to maturity and can be harvested, at this point you can decide if you want to collect its fruit or if you want to collect it as a seed, if you want the fruit then you use your hand, scythe left click, machete right click. If you want to collect the seeds for say crafting chicken feed then you use the scythe right click that is pretty much its only purpose. Other than if you dont care if you are getting fruit or seed because you are just expanding your crop and dont need it for food.


In both harvesting events if you choose to gather its fruits then you will be 100% guaranteed 1 fruit with a 25% chance to gain an extra fruit. Same goes for if you decide to harvest the seeds with scythe right click. You will get 100% chance to get 1 seed and 25% chance to gain an extra seed.


Once you harvest the plant the plant will downgrade back into a sapling so there is no need to plant that plant ever again it will grow to maturity and you can harvest it each time it grows to maturity. No need for replanting crops.


But as a fail safe if you accidentally destroy the sapling or the second stage sapling because you were not sure if it was fully developed you will be guaranteed to get 1 seed back no mater what tool or click you use, so you can replant it, there is no bonus chance to get an extra one in either of these two stages of plant growth.



EDIT: Sorry narimbur you are correct the corn and Chrysanthemums harvest events were set wrong, Im surprised it did not give me any errors during testing because their harvest events were calling for items that no longer exist.

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I have reworked farming and will try to explain.


You can now plant "fruits" directly like potatoes, corn, blueberries you can just plant them directly into tilled soil


Once you have planted a plant it will grow to maturity and can be harvested, at this point you can decide if you want to collect its fruit or if you want to collect it as a seed, if you want the fruit then you use your hand, scythe left click, machete right click. If you want to collect the seeds for say crafting chicken feed then you use the scythe right click that is pretty much its only purpose. Other than if you dont care if you are getting fruit or seed because you are just expanding your crop and dont need it for food.


In both harvesting events if you choose to gather its fruits then you will be 100% guaranteed 1 fruit with a 25% chance to gain an extra fruit. Same goes for if you decide to harvest the seeds with scythe right click. You will get 100% chance to get 1 seed and 25% chance to gain an extra seed.


Once you harvest the plant the plant will downgrade back into a sapling so there is no need to plant that plant ever again it will grow to maturity and you can harvest it each time it grows to maturity. No need for replanting crops.


But as a fail safe if you accidentally destroy the sapling or the second stage sapling because you were not sure if it was fully developed you will be guaranteed to get 1 seed back no mater what tool or click you use, so you can replant it, there is no bonus chance to get an extra one in either of these two stages of plant growth.



EDIT: Sorry narimbur you are correct the corn and Chrysanthemums harvest events were set wrong, Im surprised it did not give me any errors during testing because their harvest events were calling for items that no longer exist.


sounds great.




For my taste you should open the skill mining-tools. Progression is so slow I will never get concrete or steel. You must play for months the same game to get the proper lvl. I'm now day 15/60min and mining-tools is just 4 and I need 20/40 ;(

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sounds great.




For my taste you should open the skill mining-tools. Progression is so slow I will never get concrete or steel. You must play for months the same game to get the proper lvl. I'm now day 15/60min and mining-tools is just 4 and I need 20/40 ;(


Really... I tested it again and I only had to mine 72 blocks of asphalt which is 1500 hp a bit more than regular stone which is only 1000 hp and it gave me one full level and it only took me a few in game hours... I could probably get 2 or 3 levels an evening just mining stone all night.


That was with a regular iron pick axe.


And you are not supposed to be able to immediately get concrete right away I want people to build out of wood first. Thats the purpose of tiered progression and that is why wood has a lot more hp in my mod than in vanilla.

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It sounds if we play a different game. :)


1. subject books: you said you can read them more than one time, but this is not possible. Books you find and books you made by your self could only read one time. So the research table makes no sense at all. So, if a book is marked as known, the read button is gray and you can't read it.


2. With tool smiting 45 I can make tools with 267. I mined about 2500 clay, 500 sand and 1000 stone and got nearly one lvl. After mining 4 block stamina is just the half and instead of two hits for one block you need 3 or more. Drinking beer, alcohol and standing on a bedroll helps a bit. But after mining some blocks the shovel is dead. Repairing from 267 to about 57. So running back, making a new shovel and so on. So I need 3 shovels and many game hours for getting only one lvl. What you wrote about mining asphalt may works with higher lvl and steel, but not at at my lvl.

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Hmm strange you cant click the book from your inventory you have to read them from your toolbelt for some reason idk why that is....


I will have to try figure that one out cause it will be hard to tell new players that. But yeah just make sure the book in in your toolbelt and you can read it no problem.


As for mining I am sure everything is fine, I will test with stone tools as well and I did notice that Coffee buff was nerfed hard from vanilla and I will probably bring back the infinite stamina it used to provide. I had to drink grain alcohol and coffee to be able to perform that test within the time frame that I did. That coupled with the fact that I did not take the time to repair my tool each time as well.


And yes you do need many repairs or many tools to get to one level of mining but the fact still remains that it will only take 72, 1500 hp blocks using a iron pick to get to one full level so if you have lots of forged iron in your inventory you can keep repairing the pick and keep mining.


So after checking the books out I am certain that you are getting the same progression as me. It did take me several iron picks I think 5 or 6 and they were all the in the 200 - 270 quality level range to get 1 full level of mining I just spawned them in for myself but its the same as repairing it that many times too.


And I think the issue you are seeing with the mining skill is those other blocks like clay and dirt and stuff dont take as many whacks so your not getting the same amount of experience per block. And I have to base the experience off of the number of whacks not the number of blocks dug up otherwise 72 clay blocks would be getting you level left right and center because of how fast it would take to dig them up.


EDIT: I just downloaded and checked A 14.7 files and it seems coffee buff remains unchanged why does it feel nerfed? I am using the same stamina usages for tools as I did in the past I am looking into this. I think they changed something with the players base stamina regen since they have ridiculously overpowered stacking skills / perks that reduce stamina loss. I will have to figure this out so i can compensate because I removed those ridiculous increases through skills / perks.

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