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A16 Valmod Pack


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Is this compatible with 14.5? Normally I copy the data and mod directories into the proper directory. However, after 14.5 I had to copy just the files ie data/config/*. After I did that, the game loads and I can start a game just fine but i'm missing icons for certain items in game.


It seems like i'm doing something wrong, thoughts?

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Hello, is this compatible with Mega City?


I'm not familiar with Mega City but I assume the only xml it touches is the rwgmixer. In which case, yes. My rwgmixer.xml is vanilla, you can replace it without breaking anything in my mod.


If the progression.xml isn't pushed, wouldn't i end up with not seeing i.e. the steel armor perk? I have ONLY the icon folder on my PC and all of your mod on my dedi server, and when i log in, i see the steel armor perk. I can't craft the steel armor until i buy the perk and then i can. And all this is with only the icon's folder on my pc. ;-)

This is only tested in a game that is allready running, but will test it on a new game aswell.


Like I said, its inconsistent on what parts of it push and what parts dont. If you dont have my progressions.xml on your client you might notice you can't craft the workbench on the server. If you're using the Overhaul the workbench is a free recipe, no perk for it exists.



Is this compatible with 14.5? Normally I copy the data and mod directories into the proper directory. However, after 14.5 I had to copy just the files ie data/config/*. After I did that, the game loads and I can start a game just fine but i'm missing icons for certain items in game.


It seems like i'm doing something wrong, thoughts?


Yes, its compatible with 14.5.


I assume you had a A13 version previously? Delete your Mods folder then put in the Mods folder I include in my zip to see if that fixes it.


Also worth mentioning if you're playing on a server the icons do not push and you need them on the client side.

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I was playing 14.4 locally before and it worked great. After following your instructions, I get the following when I start the game from steam. This is after I uninstalled the game, installed and copied data and mods from the overhaul zip located at https://www.mediafire.com/folder/nwxli43yox62y/Valmod




That picture is terrible. Basically when I copied the data folder to the game location, it wasn't an additive move but instead a complete replace of the data directory. To fix that, i only copied the files in data/config and replaced those. I copied the mods directory into place.


I still dont have any icons though for items from the mod.



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It has always been a complete replace of the data folder.


Go to your 7DTD directory.

Delete your mods folder.

Now open your data folder and delete the config folder.


Now return back to the main 7DTD folder with the 7DTD exes.

Open my zip. Drag and drop my mods folder and data folder into the main 7DTD folder.




If it doesn't work then double check and make sure you're following the install steps exactly as I described, with no deviation.


Chances are, not to sound rude, but you likely mucked something up when you decided to "fix" the process. A shocking amount of people seem to make this a LOT more complicated than it is.

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It has always been a complete replace of the data folder.


Go to your 7DTD directory.

Delete your mods folder.

Now open your data folder and delete the config folder.


Now return back to the main 7DTD folder with the 7DTD exes.

Open my zip. Drag and drop my mods folder and data folder into the main 7DTD folder.




If it doesn't work then double check and make sure you're following the install steps exactly as I described, with no deviation.


Chances are, not to sound rude, but you likely mucked something up when you decided to "fix" the process. A shocking amount of people seem to make this a LOT more complicated than it is.


Well i'm an idiot, I was putting the data and mods folder a level too deep. Following your instructions worked perfectly. Sorry for the hassle!

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what is the actual name of the mod folder to put in icons you want to install.

I tried adding shears one time that someone made but the icon wouldn't show in my game....

I think my mod folder is in wrong place....could someone tell me the directory/folder it has to go in


(the directory tree would be nice.....eg steam/steamapps/common.......etc)


thank you (didn't mean to hijack thread)

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what is the actual name of the mod folder to put in icons you want to install.

I tried adding shears one time that someone made but the icon wouldn't show in my game....

I think my mod folder is in wrong place....could someone tell me the directory/folder it has to go in


(the directory tree would be nice.....eg steam/steamapps/common.......etc)


thank you (didn't mean to hijack thread)



I give the exact instructions and an example picture in the topic description.


Open steam. Go to your steam library.

Right Click 7 Days To Die and select properties

Click the Local Files Tab

Click the Browse local files button.




Open the Valmod zip you downloaded. Inside is a Data and Mods folder. Drag and drop these folders into the game's directory, overwriting when prompted.


Unless you have added a Mods folder before in the past there should be no mods folder in the 7DTD directory the first time. Its something my mod adds/uses. If you dont see a mods folder there dont worry about it. Just drag and drop my data and mods folder into the install directory and it will all take care of itself.



I dont include a directory tree because, well, it isn't needed. Following the steps above take you to the right folder. But if you insist it will look something like this:

steamapps\common\7 Days To Die


My data and mods folder go into that folder, overwriting anything that may be there already.





Does that explain everything?



I've had some people asking where is the list of what gets locked down on with the overhaul pack...and I can't seem to find it myself.


Do be sure to mention the Expansion pack an alternative option if they don't want vanilla recipes locked down. As for a list you can now find it included in the data/config folder with the xml files. It will be called Valmod Overhaul Guide.

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Just tryed out this mod. Really great Work i must say :-)


Only think i noticed so far is that some of the descriptions in the campfire is a bit off, but i don't know if its possible to change it, or if it allready have been mentioned. :-)




Wait. Beef isn't a fruit!?

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Question for Valmar. Hopefully he sees this.


Regarding the UI I personally prefer the Hud Monderasation project or whichever its called. However when I installed that I was unable to use the study desk and armory ect. How much work would if be to make this work / you to make a version with the UI and such?

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Mod and vanilla


I give the exact instructions and an example picture in the topic description.


Open steam. Go to your steam library.

Right Click 7 Days To Die and select properties

Click the Local Files Tab

Click the Browse local files button.




Open the Valmod zip you downloaded. Inside is a Data and Mods folder. Drag and drop these folders into the game's directory, overwriting when prompted.


Unless you have added a Mods folder before in the past there should be no mods folder in the 7DTD directory the first time. Its something my mod adds/uses. If you dont see a mods folder there dont worry about it. Just drag and drop my data and mods folder into the install directory and it will all take care of itself.



I dont include a directory tree because, well, it isn't needed. Following the steps above take you to the right folder. But if you insist it will look something like this:

steamapps\common\7 Days To Die


My data and mods folder go into that folder, overwriting anything that may be there already.





Does that explain everything?





Do be sure to mention the Expansion pack an alternative option if they don't want vanilla recipes locked down. As for a list you can now find it included in the data/config folder with the xml files. It will be called Valmod Overhaul Guide.







Wow, I continue to be impressed with your attention and responses to all sorts of questions. Thanks Valmar!

I decided to take the plunge and use your mod for the first time since this Alpha dropped - I have one question though - I have a current game going which I want to keep as vanilla, and I want to start another modded playthrough. Is it easy to switch between the two, keeping one as vanilla and one as modded? Thanks!

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Question for Valmar. Hopefully he sees this.


Regarding the UI I personally prefer the Hud Monderasation project or whichever its called. However when I installed that I was unable to use the study desk and armory ect. How much work would if be to make this work / you to make a version with the UI and such?



I seem to have the same problem and i also use a seperate ui mod "Origin UI" When i install Vals mod i left out his XUI folder and xui.xml file because i assumed the only relevant changes were ui based and didn't effect anything else.


Hopefully Val will verify and set us straight here, if thats the case i will simply add them back in so i can fully utilize his mod. I really do prefer the other modded ui over his, no offence val, but if i have to switch back no probs. Prefer not too but to be able to use your mod completly i will without question. Just kinda trying to get by by having my cake and eat it as well so too speak, lol...

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Starting my own game in SP with Valmod on


Hello everybody! please forgive my noobish question, but how can I start a new game in SP with Valmod Overhaul enabled?

I'd like to test this mod in this new version, I used to play in multi in a server with Valmod Lite with the previous A13 patch and I found it very much fun. What should I do to enable starting a new game?

Thanks in advance to anyone helping!!

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Hello everybody! please forgive my noobish question, but how can I start a new game in SP with Valmod Overhaul enabled?

I'd like to test this mod in this new version, I used to play in multi in a server with Valmod Lite with the previous A13 patch and I found it very much fun. What should I do to enable starting a new game?

Thanks in advance to anyone helping!!


You would start the same way as a normal game, but make sure the mod is installed. If it is then you do the same process as in vanilla... Oh and btw with the class remeber that if you search in your crafting window class you will find all the classes you can start with.

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Question for Valmar. Hopefully he sees this.


Regarding the UI I personally prefer the Hud Monderasation project or whichever its called. However when I installed that I was unable to use the study desk and armory ect. How much work would if be to make this work / you to make a version with the UI and such?


I seem to have the same problem and i also use a seperate ui mod "Origin UI" When i install Vals mod i left out his XUI folder and xui.xml file because i assumed the only relevant changes were ui based and didn't effect anything else.


Hopefully Val will verify and set us straight here, if thats the case i will simply add them back in so i can fully utilize his mod. I really do prefer the other modded ui over his, no offence val, but if i have to switch back no probs. Prefer not too but to be able to use your mod completly i will without question. Just kinda trying to get by by having my cake and eat it as well so too speak, lol...



First off I highly recommend using notepad++ for these edits.


The XUI.xml and XUI folder are indeed required. It isn't for visual changes. Without them workstations will not function correctly. However you can make other UIs compatible. Also no worries, the UI is a /very/ subjective matter and I perfectly understand that not everyone will prefer mine.


This is how you can make my workstations work with another UI mod:




(Overhaul only) Find workstation_workbench and add this: <window name="windowToolsWorkbench" />



(All) Then down near the bottom of the file after the last window group add this:




<window_group name="workstation_workstationOven" controller="XUiC_WorkstationWindowGroup">

<window name="windowCraftingList"/>

<window name="craftingInfoPanel"/>

<window name="windowCraftingQueue"/>

<window name="windowToolsCampfire" />

<window name="windowOutput" />

<window name="windowNonPagingHeader" />


<window_group name="workstation_dyeStation" controller="XUiC_WorkstationWindowGroup">

<window name="windowCraftingList"/>

<window name="craftingInfoPanel"/>

<window name="windowCraftingQueue"/>

<window name="windowOutput" />

<window name="windowNonPagingHeader" />


<window_group name="workstation_studyDesk" controller="XUiC_WorkstationWindowGroup">

<window name="windowCraftingList"/>

<window name="craftingInfoPanel"/>

<window name="windowCraftingQueue"/>

<window name="windowOutput" />

<window name="windowNonPagingHeader" />


<window_group name="workstation_workstationArmory" controller="XUiC_WorkstationWindowGroup">

<window name="windowCraftingList"/>

<window name="craftingInfoPanel"/>

<window name="windowCraftingQueue"/>

<window name="windowOutput" />

<window name="windowNonPagingHeader" />

<window name="windowToolsArmory" />


<window_group name="workstation_Brewery" controller="XUiC_WorkstationWindowGroup">

<window name="windowCraftingList"/>

<window name="craftingInfoPanel"/>

<window name="windowCraftingQueue"/>

<window name="windowOutput" />

<window name="windowNonPagingHeader" />


<window_group name="workstation_oilRefiner" controller="XUiC_WorkstationWindowGroup">

<window name="windowCraftingList"/>

<window name="craftingInfoPanel"/>

<window name="windowCraftingQueue"/>

<window name="windowOutput" />

<window name="windowNonPagingHeader" />






NOTE! Be sure to add it BEFORE </ruleset></xui> they must always stay on the bottom.


Now we go to the XUi folder.


(Overhaul) Windows.xml go to the bottom and after the last window add this:




<!-- Armory Bench, this is only used to gain icons -->

<window name="windowToolsArmory" width="228" height="121" panel="Right">

<panel style="header.panel">

<sprite style="header.icon" sprite="ui_game_symbol_cookware"/>

<label style="header.name" text="TOOLS" text_key="xuiTools" />



<rect name="content" depth="0" pos="0,-46" height="75" disablefallthrough="true" on_press="true">


<grid name="inventory" rows="1" cols="3" pos="3,-3" cell_width="75" cell_height="75" controller="WorkstationToolGrid" repeat_content="true" allow_sort_order="false">

<item_stack name="0"/>



<grid name="slot_preview" depth="1" rows="1" cols="3" pos="3,-3" cell_width="75" cell_height="75" controller="SlotPreview">


<sprite name="slot" depth="2" width="70" height="50" color="[white_quarter_alpha]" sprite="sewingKit" atlas="ItemIconAtlasGreyscale" pos="35,-30" pivot="center" foregroundlayer="true" />



<sprite name="slot" depth="2" width="70" height="50" color="[white_quarter_alpha]" sprite="tanningRack" atlas="ItemIconAtlasGreyscale" pos="35,-30" pivot="center" foregroundlayer="true"/>



<sprite name="slot" depth="2" width="70" height="50" color="[white_quarter_alpha]" sprite="weldingTorch" atlas="ItemIconAtlasGreyscale" pos="35,-30" pivot="center" foregroundlayer="true"/>





<!-- Armory Bench end -->


<!-- Workbench -->

<window name="windowToolsWorkbench" width="228" height="121" panel="Right">

<panel style="header.panel">

<sprite style="header.icon" sprite="ui_game_symbol_cookware"/>

<label style="header.name" text="TOOLS" text_key="xuiTools" />



<rect name="content" depth="0" pos="0,-46" height="75" disablefallthrough="true" on_press="true">


<grid name="inventory" rows="1" cols="4" pos="3,-3" cell_width="75" cell_height="75" controller="WorkstationToolGrid" repeat_content="true" allow_sort_order="false">

<item_stack name="0"/>



<grid name="slot_preview" depth="1" rows="1" cols="4" pos="3,-3" cell_width="75" cell_height="75" controller="SlotPreview">


<sprite name="slot" depth="2" width="70" height="50" color="[white_quarter_alpha]" sprite="handSaw" atlas="ItemIconAtlasGreyscale" pos="35,-30" pivot="center" foregroundlayer="true" />



<sprite name="slot" depth="2" width="70" height="50" color="[white_quarter_alpha]" sprite="chisel" atlas="ItemIconAtlasGreyscale" pos="35,-30" pivot="center" foregroundlayer="true"/>



<sprite name="slot" depth="2" width="70" height="50" color="[white_quarter_alpha]" sprite="weldingTorch" atlas="ItemIconAtlasGreyscale" pos="35,-30" pivot="center" foregroundlayer="true"/>



<sprite name="slot" depth="2" width="70" height="50" color="[white_quarter_alpha]" sprite="electricToolkit" atlas="ItemIconAtlasGreyscale" pos="35,-30" pivot="center" foregroundlayer="true"/>





<!-- Workbench end -->





Thats it. Add that code to the two mentioned files and anyones UI mod should be compatible. Hope that helps. Let me know if you have issues.



Wow, I continue to be impressed with your attention and responses to all sorts of questions. Thanks Valmar!

I decided to take the plunge and use your mod for the first time since this Alpha dropped - I have one question though - I have a current game going which I want to keep as vanilla, and I want to start another modded playthrough. Is it easy to switch between the two, keeping one as vanilla and one as modded? Thanks!


Yes, it is reasonably simple to switch and to keep. You have two options.


Firstly you can install the mod and just play it. If you dont like it then verify the file integrity in steam and it will get back all the vanilla xml files. As these files are really tiny in file size this costs practically no bandwidth and will be done in just a few seconds.


However you can also keep two copies. Before you install my mod open your Data folder in the 7DTD directory. Within it you will see a folder called Config. Rename this folder to Config Vanilla. Then go back out to the directory. Install my mod as you normally would.


Now if you ever want to jump back to vanilla you just have to go back into the Data folder and rename the Config folder (which at this point should be mine) Config Mod then rename the Config Vanilla folder back to just Config. This is what I do to jump around between different builds of my mod. Hopefully that all made sense to you. If not let me know and I will try to clarify.



Hello everybody! please forgive my noobish question, but how can I start a new game in SP with Valmod Overhaul enabled?

I'd like to test this mod in this new version, I used to play in multi in a server with Valmod Lite with the previous A13 patch and I found it very much fun. What should I do to enable starting a new game?

Thanks in advance to anyone helping!!


Firstly ensure it is the Overhaul you want and not the Expansion pack. If you've played Valmod Lite you basically played the Expansion pack. The Overhaul locks down a lot of vanilla recipes so ensure you know what you're getting yourself into.


That being said to play it you only have to download the zip and install it, per the install instructions given in the description (and a few posts up, actually). Its a simple drag-and-drop process. After its been installed you just start up a new map and you're ready to go.

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I seem to have the same problem and i also use a seperate ui mod "Origin UI" When i install Vals mod i left out his XUI folder and xui.xml file because i assumed the only relevant changes were ui based and didn't effect anything else.


Hopefully Val will verify and set us straight here, if thats the case i will simply add them back in so i can fully utilize his mod. I really do prefer the other modded ui over his, no offence val, but if i have to switch back no probs. Prefer not too but to be able to use your mod completly i will without question. Just kinda trying to get by by having my cake and eat it as well so too speak, lol...


Thats because in xui.xml theres stored all the UI info, so stuff like UI for all those benches, research tables and so on...

The only way for you to transfer your own UI from another mod is to find out which values of the code in xui.xml are used for those xp bars, health bars, food and thirst and then replace them in Valmars XUI.xml

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has anybody reported yet that the apple icon/thumbnail seems to be missing in the "lite" expansion?


Great work otherwise :)


Nope, no one mentioned it. Thank you, have that fixed in the next update. The icon is actually there, I just didn't name it properly. Rookie mistake.


- - - Updated - - -


Thats because in xui.xml theres stored all the UI info, so stuff like UI for all those benches, research tables and so on...

The only way for you to transfer your own UI from another mod is to find out which values of the code in xui.xml are used for those xp bars, health bars, food and thirst and then replace them in Valmars XUI.xml


This is true but it is worth mentioning that in this case it would be quicker and easier to add in my code for workbenches into another UI mod, rather than add all of a UI mod into my mod. The workbench code can largely be added with just a few copy/pastes. Adding someones UI changes to my files however will likely require a great many of changes in all the files. Easier to just attach my workstations to their work rather than try to fit their work into my file. If that makes sense.

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Firstly ensure it is the Overhaul you want and not the Expansion pack. If you've played Valmod Lite you basically played the Expansion pack. The Overhaul locks down a lot of vanilla recipes so ensure you know what you're getting yourself into.


That being said to play it you only have to download the zip and install it, per the install instructions given in the description (and a few posts up, actually). Its a simple drag-and-drop process. After its been installed you just start up a new map and you're ready to go.


Ok, Thank You Valmar and Thomas Kirkl!


As far as the mod is concerned, i have installed the expansion and I noticed that even basic items such as wooden bow or wood frame are locked while with the "lite" version of the mod i used to play with they weren't. Did you increase the number of necessary recipes compared to the lite version? If so, I think it's quite difficult to play given the necessary survivor notes don't drop so easily and zombies are quite hard to kill without a bow...

Thanks for your kind answers, keep up the good work!

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I do look in corpses but I didint find any, in stumps i managed to find 1. I guess im just unlucky :)


Hi Thomas and thanks for your answer to my noob question above. Where are you playing 7 Days with Valmod? Do you play SP or MP? It seems there are not many servers atm and i will gladly join a MP server...

Thank You!

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