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About the Dew Collector, any chance of a mod to up its storage capacity/slots?

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I am wondnering if we could please get a mod that increases the storage capacity of these from 3 to 6 or 9 slots. Could lock it behind workstations 5 like the forge. Reason I am asking for this, is due to the distance you need to travel to get to other biomes for better loot/traders, and more storage would mean you can spend more than a single day out there without losing out on water production. I would prefer if it was like Once Human where you can attach a rain collector to a water purifier to purify the water, then run a pipe from the purifer to a storage container for automated water production. Actually automation like this would be fun to have in 7dtd.

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Nothing, but too many can cause constant screamers as TFP decided to make them generate heat even though they make 0 noise, Having more storage slots in each means you need less overall, or rather can spend more time away from base before they get full.

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I'd pick a spot out in an empty field far enough from your base that the zombies are unloaded. Then build a shelter for your dew collectors, place 10-20 of them. Then come back when they should be full, grab all the water and leave before screamers can start showing up. If you don't have filters for them all you could also set up campfires with pots to do all the boiling there, as you might as well have that heat generated in an area that won't bother you. The Fancy way to do this is to dig a tunnel at bedrock from your base out far enough to never see the screamers, then dig a tall enough chamber to install your dew collectors. Then you can check on it whenever and not worry about nuisance zombies.

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2 hours ago, Riamus said:

Yeah, it's already in the game.  If you want more, you'd need to alter the existing mod or create a new one.


I will poke around and see what is under the hood.


I changed how the mods work in A21 and planning on doing the same thing with V1.0.  If it is a simply xml change, then it wouldn't be hard to create another tarp mod that is a higher quality and give you a larger stack size.  But I am also lazy so I would probably just use the same icon and tint it differently so it stands out from the vanilla mod.

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3 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:

2 words fun Pimps



1...................2.............3...........? :)




Water Bucket :)


I konw, I know, just funning.

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15 hours ago, Whorhay said:

Я бы выбрал место на пустом поле достаточно далеко от вашей базы, чтобы зомби выгрузились. Затем постройте убежище для ваших сборщиков росы, разместите 10-20 из них. Затем возвращайтесь, когда они должны быть полны, возьмите всю воду и уходите, прежде чем начнут появляться крикуны. Если у вас нет фильтров для них всех, вы также можете развести костры с горшками, чтобы кипятить все там, поскольку вы также можете вырабатывать это тепло в области, которая не будет вас беспокоить. Изысканный способ сделать это - вырыть туннель в коренной породе от вашей базы достаточно далеко, чтобы никогда не видеть крикунов, затем вырыть достаточно высокую камеру, чтобы установить ваши сборщики росы. Тогда вы сможете проверять его в любое время и не беспокоиться о надоедливых зомби.

A good solution for a single player game. Only I would not make a tunnel, but a bridge.

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