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Ambient Zombie Noises In New Update...

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I did not expect this -- certainly added some further atmosphere to a mission in the wasteland. Swear I heard one of them yell "Help me!" in a monsterous voice. I think the range is a little far, though. But this means zombies around the building your in are all adding to the ambience.


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5 hours ago, For4ger said:

...can you describe in more detail how you achieved this?

It's really just built-in since that last update the other day or so ago. Zombies have idling noises, instead of just roaming around silently until they snarl when they see you. It's moans and groans and stuff like that, the jumper has a insectoid sound, but you can hear it quite loudly from a fair distance away. When I was doing my mission in the wasteland I was constantly aware of zombies that sounded like they were in the building with me, when they were actually outside and across the street. Should be automatic for you if your game is updated.

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It's a new thing I've noticed too. It's almost like a "warning" moan. When you're close enough to see them but they haven't spotted you yet. I'd say similar to how the coyote makes it's warning whine. It's separate from the new hazmat sounds. 

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3 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:

Maybe it's the new mutated zombie sounds

Yeah... the new sounds from specific zombies might seem to be ambient sounds.  The zombie in the biohazard suit has a moaning sound that was just recently added.  Maybe that or the mutated zombie sounds (not sure if I've heard that one yet) are what are being heard.  I haven't noticed any new ambient sounds, but I generally tune those out and rarely notice them, so that could be why.

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I am hearing something too. I thought my stomach was growling at first. I hear it inside buildings doing missions and I sometimes hear it when I'm driving through the forest on my bicycle.

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