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Infested cache, amount of food found and other nerfs needed.

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Settings for my world.

Single player. 

Warrior difficulty, 60 minute days, zombie day speed jog, blood moon 64 count and rest is at default settings.


Put all points so far into strength and pummel Pete. I'm at 7 strength and 3 pummel Pete. Wooden Club is at quality 5.


This is all based on Single player world. I dont care about Multiplayer and feel that any balance for that should be done by those who run the servers. Trying to balance for both is impossible.


So far so good with the 1.0 experimental. Crafting seems to be needed a bit more with the trader nerfs to rewards and what they sell but I've only made it to day 4 so far.


Quest wise infested caches need a nerf they still give way to much ammo. Maybe I'm just getting lucky but I'm finding alot of food in cabinets so that and the vending machines make farming useless so no reason to cook or use all those cooking magazines since again making food is kinda pointless, same goes for water.


The zombies extra boost to hp is welcomed and so far make the early game a bit tougher but not by much.


Feels like these nerfs are needed because it's basically saying skip the entire mechanic of farming for food and dew collectors for water along with the whole mechanic of mining coal and nitrate along with gathering brass to craft bullets.


Since I know folks will say don't like it don't use it that isn't a legitimate reason. Telling people to ignore a decent portion of the game and it's mechanics is ridiculous. Along with the nonsense of what survival means. If they are going to turn this into a looter shooter then remove the need for food and water. 

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Simply relying on canned food is not how I like playing the game so while it might be possible to loot and use vending machines exclusively, I enjoy playing so much more when I have cooked meals and teas because I'm not having to constantly be munching on crap that only gives small increments of fullness.


I'm not saying they shouldn't continue to tune in the right amount of food that can be found in loot and in vending machines but I think there are also other motivating factors to getting a farm established and plenty of meat on hand to cook the higher tier meals rather than just eat canned goods all the time just because it can be found and bought pretty easily.


I'm not sure I get your last sentence that they should just remove the need for food and water if they want to turn the game into a looter shooter. Why would getting rid of any need for food or water help this game be a better looter shooter? I'd say that if you are feeling a constant need for food or water then it is probably because of the diet you are relying upon thinking you don't need to farm, or cook, or build up your water supply and just nickel and diming your hunger needs with all the canned goods you are finding.

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31 minutes ago, Roland said:

Simply relying on canned food is not how I like playing the game so while it might be possible to loot and use vending machines exclusively, I enjoy playing so much more when I have cooked meals and teas because I'm not having to constantly be munching on crap that only gives small increments of fullness.


I'm not saying they shouldn't continue to tune in the right amount of food that can be found in loot and in vending machines but I think there are also other motivating factors to getting a farm established and plenty of meat on hand to cook the higher tier meals rather than just eat canned goods all the time just because it can be found and bought pretty easily.


I'm not sure I get your last sentence that they should just remove the need for food and water if they want to turn the game into a looter shooter. Why would getting rid of any need for food or water help this game be a better looter shooter? I'd say that if you are feeling a constant need for food or water then it is probably because of the diet you are relying upon thinking you don't need to farm, or cook, or build up your water supply and just nickel and diming your hunger needs with all the canned goods you are finding.

The last statement is because you don't need to be cooking or making water. You can find full meals like meat stew, blueberry pie in PoIs, water is still easy. Mind you this isn't counting horde night loot bags which last alpha gave plenty of not just canned food but also ammo.


If I felt an actual need for food and water I'd set up a farm and dew collectors but much like the last alpha that isn't necessary at all. 


Personally I'd remove the chance to find canned food out in the PoIs and only limit it to ingredients and same for the loot bags. Something to encourage cooking and making better water. 


Leave the good meals and water for sale at the trader and as quest rewards for those who want to try and bypass the cooking and the canned food and drinks inside the traders vending machines only. 

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2 hours ago, Roland said:

Why would getting rid of any need for food or water help this game be a better looter shooter?

Frankly, via less clicking. If the food problem solves itself by playing the looter-shooter, then the food portion doesn't really add much to the game. Just extra inventory-clicking between loot boxes. That might be a worst case, I don't know how A22 plays, but I think that's the core of the point.

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Honestly, I'm mildly surprised farming still exists in this game. It gets in the way of forcing you to loot POIs to do just about anything. Maybe they could force us to loot fertilizer to make crops grow. That's pretty on brand.

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