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New console version pregenerated maps?

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I think in one of the streams they said 8k would be the largest consoles will start with. That leaves me to believe we will only get 3 including Nav. Console players got screwed once already by lost support and ended up with a game that would reset your base. Now they are saying we will get nearly the same game as PC you just need to re buy it for more than PC paid. Yet we lose local coop, have no mod support get no random gen maps and likely will only have 3 maps to play. While they say future updates will add random gen and possible mod support, I don't know if I can trust them after the last version we got that deleted my base to many times to count. 


Yes it's telltales fault, if that was true Funpimps would have pulled it from the market when they got the rights back a few years ago, yet they plan to keep selling the old broken version till 7-15-24 while influencersnare pushing the game for the most part are not warning console players you are getting a lesser version again and that the one you can buy today is not what they are playing.


Even broken the game was fun, but this all feels like console players once again are getting used for cash and getting a lesser game.

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10 hours ago, jyd85224 said:

Now they are saying we will get nearly the same game as PC you just need to re buy it for more than PC paid. Yet we lose local coop, have no mod support get no random gen maps and likely will only have 3 maps to play.


You lose local co-op because your console barely has the hardware for the base game. Much less support for managing two players at the same time. Maybe if Sony/MS decided to use GPU's for a change with dedicated VRAM it would be different. But it isn't.


No mod support is again due to the fact that the game barely plays on the console. There is no way it would support any overhaul mod, or most mods that add assets. Mod support is still being looked into though, and it isn't a final no.


Console will have random-gen maps. Just not at initial release. Again, they are having to move worlds to make the game playable on the console hardware. As a result you are going to have limitations. This should be familiar to you as many games ported from PC to console have some limitations as a result.


Given the current limitations of the console, if they match the PC version to the console, I see a potential for 13 pre-generated maps. 

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