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Windows 10 or newer is required......

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Since when?    I've been gone from home 9 months working, and just got back and free to play.  Been enjoying the A21.0 for awhile until the .exe just vanished suddenly.   Steam file verification failed to recognize, and instead of wiping and downloading again, I updated versions to A21.2 which reaquired the missing .exe file Steam overlooked.   Everything was hunkydory for most of the day and I decided to take a break and exited the game for about an hour.   Came back, started it back up, and it went through a percentage loading splash screen which it didn't do before, and presented me with this error stating I need to upgrade my OS from Win7 (which I intend to eventually, Win11Pro waiting but I need a full hardware overhaul first).   For the record, my hardware is more than adequate to run the game, so unless you're offering me all the hardware upgrades at your personal cost, drop it.


Question is, what happened in that short period of time I took a break that wasn't present 1 hour ago, and how can I tell the game to go $%^& itself, and run like it did just a moment before?   Otherwise, I will go back to verson A21.0 that wasn't being a prick.....

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This ^


Steam stopped supporting Windows 8 and earlier on January 1st 2024, so anytime the game is updated after that, Steam is going to start checking what version OS you have.  The only way to keep playing games on older version OS though Steam is to have the version prior to the support being ended for OS like Win8, Win7.


Link where this was discussed last year



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Alright, I will roll it back to A21.0

But Steam should rephrase it's statement from "Steam will stop running on Win7 in 0 days"  to "Steam will no longer be supported on versions older than Win10".....   one would think, of all the money spent on software, they could at least get the languages translated properly.   As steam is still running on Win7.   And when I get around to building a new computer, I will continue to use this OS....   I don't like the newer OS versions for personal reasons.... but primarily because of how relatively invasive and uncooperative they are for general users..... of course personal data is more valuable than money....

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Rolling back to A21.0 might not be enough, you may have to roll back your steam client also to prior 2024.  In addition, you are probably going to have to resort to manual downloads and manual installs.


In addition, you probably will have to disable updating of all your current games along with the steam client itself.  Purchasing future games, not sure if that will work with the old steam clients.  It sounds like it might, but will require workarounds if the store front is not working.


However, I can't say with any certainty about the above as I updated my computer a long time ago to Windows 10 so this is one issue I haven't had to deal with.


FYI, Microsoft stopped supporting Windows 7 back in 2020 which means those old operating systems will never receive new security updates.  That is going to make you vulnerable if you are connected to the internet, along with Steam as the old clients won't have the latest security patches.

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On 5/22/2024 at 9:59 AM, BFT2020 said:

Rolling back to A21.0 might not be enough, you may have to roll back your steam client also to prior 2024.  In addition, you are probably going to have to resort to manual downloads and manual installs.


In addition, you probably will have to disable updating of all your current games along with the steam client itself.  Purchasing future games, not sure if that will work with the old steam clients.  It sounds like it might, but will require workarounds if the store front is not working.


However, I can't say with any certainty about the above as I updated my computer a long time ago to Windows 10 so this is one issue I haven't had to deal with.


FYI, Microsoft stopped supporting Windows 7 back in 2020 which means those old operating systems will never receive new security updates.  That is going to make you vulnerable if you are connected to the internet, along with Steam as the old clients won't have the latest security patches.

I understand.  And I am not worried about security updates because hackers are going after the majority, not minorities.   And the majority are using more modern OS.   And I still prefer my classic cars/trucks over this newer BS today.....   unfortunately, regarding computers I will upgrade eventually, just not today.

After turning back to version 21.0 I found the culprit.  EAC, not the version of game or Steam.   Anyone having similar issues in the future, just inform them they won't play online (in my case, I don't care I just want to play the game and pass some time) but they can run the game at least if they run it without EAC.   No since rolling back steam, changing the BIOS date on the mobo to trick things......  no need for fancy work arounds.  Just simply run it without EAC and have fun.

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35 minutes ago, Ryu Oki said:

I understand.  And I am not worried about security updates because hackers are going after the majority, not minorities.   And the majority are using more modern OS.   And I still prefer my classic cars/trucks over this newer BS today.....   unfortunately, regarding computers I will upgrade eventually, just not today.


Some of them might also go after low hanging fruits. As long as you still can install an up-to-date browser and don't do any financial stuff on that machine the risk should still be low.

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