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Tool damage. Is this a bug?


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I was breaking down some shelves in a POI, and I noticed that the block damage doesn't seem to be accurate ( I'm playing with increased block damage if that matters).


The Iron Pickaxe takes 6 hits to break the shelf.  The Stone Axe takes 11 hits.  According to the block damage listed for each tool, the Stone Axe should do it in less hits.  It doesn't.  It takes nearly twice the number of hits.


Is there some hidden bonus with T2 tools?


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7 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

Not a bug, stone axes have a 50% reduction when used on metal objects.

Thanks for the answer.  Is that written somewhere in the game that I missed?  Or can it only be discovered through XML snooping?

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I don't think there is anything specific in game that spells it out exactly.


From the item description




A primitive tool useful for cutting wood, mining stone, repairing & upgrading walls, doors & windows. Not the best weapon.

Repair with Small Stone.

Scrap to Small Stone.



Axes Loading screen tip



Axes are excellent at harvesting wood, but are not the weapon of choice for killing zombies.


Pickaxes Loading screen tip



Pickaxes are great for harvesting the various ores such as iron, lead, coal, oil shale and potassium nitrate.


Axes have reduce block damage against earth, stone, and metal


Pickaxes have reduce block damage against wood and earth


Shovels have reduce block damage against wood, stone, and metal.


It follows the logic of using the correct tool for the task at hand.  It is going to take a person longer time to chop down a tree with a shovel instead of an axe, a longer time to mine ores with an axe rather than a pickaxe.



Edited by BFT2020 (see edit history)
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I am not sure how it all works in the background. I just know in my own mind that even a level 6 stone axe should not work better than even a level one iron axe or pickaxe.

Same as a level 6 iron pickaxe shouldn't work better than a level 1 steel axe.

To me anyway.

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