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Mismatched amount of game files - Steam verify


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When I verify the games files via steam, the amount of file I get and the amount my GF get are different by 10 files.


I get 13752


She gets 13742


I have uninstalled, removed all traces of the game from appdata and Steam folder on both PC's , downloaded fresh and the discrepancy remains.


We got an issue where she could no longer join my game using her profile on day 21 and wondered if this could be the cause.


Anything I can do to get the game files to match or am I just barking up the wrong tree so to speak.


I want to make sure the game is a solid as it can possibly be before we start again.




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When you verify the game files, be sure to run it at least two or three times. Steam doesn't always get it right the first or second try. After that, if you run the game and have any issues, read the pinned topic: HOW TO REPORT AN ISSUE ---- Please Read Before Creating New Threads ---- - General Support - 7 Days to Die

especially the part on how to find your output log file and how to use pastebin.com to generate a link to post here where someone can get you some help. On my rig, 7 Days takes up 15.87gigs and 13752 files so I'd recommend running the verify your gf's files a couple more times.

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Verified quite a few times over the course of trying to fix it, I don't appear to have had any issues that others haven't reported already. 


I.E -  Object Reference Not Set to an Instance of an Object - and - Null Reference Exception (these do sound like they could relate to missing files!)


I think the PC that has missing files may have been downloading from another PC in the house rather than getting fresh copy, apparently Steam does that now.


I'm going to uninstall from that PC and try again as its just an old one I used as a dedicated server many alphas ago, now just used as Netflix PC on my bedroom TV.


Thanks for the response, I'll let you know if a (real) fresh download restores the missing files.



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