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Observations about deer a21


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	<!-- NONE must not be the first entry since first name determines if enemy group -->
	<entitygroup name="WildGameForest">
		animalRabbit, 25
		animalChicken, 25
		none, 50
	<!-- NONE must not be the first entry since first name determines if enemy group -->
	<entitygroup name="WildGameForestNight">
		animalDoe, 15
		none, 85

	<!-- NONE must not be the first entry since first name determines if enemy group -->
	<entitygroup name="EnemyAnimalsForest">
		animalSnake, 20
		none, 80


That's it. Stags and Boars don't spawn anywhere anymore except as sleepers. Bears and Wolves only spawn in Snow as well, only thing in Pine Forest is Snake. Kind of an odd nerf to food/buff to easier start. I don't like it personally, have to play around with the new file format to mod it.

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That's a weird change that makes no sense. I will say though that I had a feral wolf spawn as part of a clear/fetch quest in the desert though. It was a sleeper, right next to a zombie, which is probably why they weren't fighting eachother.


No wolves or bears in the forest seems weird.

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I have noticed more does,  both around our base and simply wandering through the downtown area as We are located close to a pretty large downtown area.   I myself don't pursue them.  I enjoy seeing signs of animal life in the post apocalypse and I try to only kill the hostile creatures.  I.E.  I have been eating lots of Snake Meat.  I have seen two Bucks though in this game world but they could have spawned due to some other condition.  I remember calling it out on one occasion to the Other Players in My group because I saw the Buck,  then just a short distance away,  a doe.  "Oh look, there's a family pair, a Buck and a doe over here'


I kind of miss seeing more boar though.   For some reason in past game versions they wouldn't attack me unless I got right in their face,  but another member of Our Play Group has the reputation that "If there is a wild animal around,  it will chase her"  I still laugh at remembering one day as I rode toward a road intersection and see a figure SPRINTING across my line of sight,  left to right.  and right behind her was a pair of boars.  I was too busy laughing to say much more than "Taking your pets for a walk?  She gave me a....not so pleasant response.  Those boars chased her for two blocks until she killed them.   LOL

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