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[A21] ๐•๐ž๐ซ๐ ๐ข๐ฅ๐’๐ฉ๐š๐ซ๐๐š'๐ฌ ๐•๐š๐ซ๐ข๐จ๐ฎ๐ฌ ๐•๐ข๐œ๐ญ๐ฎ๐š๐ฅ๐ฌ โ€” New food, drink, and bundle items to populate your Random Gen! [formerly In-Universe Junk]


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Welcome friends, to the new and improved Various Victuals! I was not happy with the original name of this modlet, and I wanted to change it for Alpha 21... so I did, theme and all. Honestly, I enjoy the new name much better! Did you know that victuals means 'food or provisions'? I sure didn't until I went looking for alliteration words! And it was supposed to be longer, too, but I made the title logo as it was and fell in love with it as it was!



This modlet, as did the old one, includes most of the various in-game food, drink, and junk items that you see out in the world of 7 Days to Die. I say "most", because there are items still in-game that I haven't yet includedโ€”mostly the various pill bottles and tool shelf itemsโ€”as I deemed them unnecessary and bloat. But there are very many that are included! Have you ever wanted to reach in and eat that delicious looking bag of Nachios "Good" Flavor Tortilla Chips from the new snack vending machine? Or how about taking a sip of some delicious Sir P. soda from the new Fizz Cola soda vending machine? Or even perhaps you wished you could just take the six pack of soda right off the Shamway grocery store shelf and chug all six frat style? Well now, you can, with my modlet, Various Victuals!



(Please understand I use AGF Hud Plus and KhaineGB's 60 slot backpack, so the item icons appear to be bigger than the box size; this shouldn't be the case in vanilla)




  • 21 total soda and drink items based on the various drink brands you see out within in the world, 6 of which are brand new! This includes the Alpha 21 vending machines (Fizz Cola and Springvann Oasis Mineral Water), the original fountain soda machine, and the Alpha 21 coolers and freezers!
    • All total drink items are as follows: Brew Cola, Fizz Cola, Diet Fizz Cola, Star Cola, Fructosa Cola, Diet Fructosa Cola, Citrus Splash, Citrussy, Lemon Zip, Energy Shot, Peppy PhD, Sir P., Old Tyme Root Beer, and Fras Root Beer; Sport Drink, Orange Quest, and Red Tea Herbal Tonic; Sleepy Time Tea, and Juice Aid Orange Juice; and Red Impact Wine!
  • 23 total new food items and ingredients based on the various brands you see out within the world, 11 of which are band new! This includes the new Alpha 21 snack and candy vending machine, as well as the new Alpha 21 freezers and shelves!
    • All total items are as follows: Nachios Tortilla Chips in Good and "Gross Cheese" flavors, Oops! All Air Classic and Sour Cream and Onion potato chips, Off Da Fritz snack crackers in Peanut Butter and Cream Cheese and Chives flavors, Bretzels, Prime Bars in Chocolate Chip flavor, Paradis Nuts Peanuts and Almonds, Thick Nick's Beef Jerky, Arizona Potato Granules, Butter Balance butter spread, Antonio's Frozen Pizza, Cajun Pride seasoning, Diamond Potato Chips, DaBox Cereal, Pure Grain Flour, Gourmet Man Salisbury Steak, HOT Soup, English Wafers, and Mixed Vegetables!
      • Be careful, however, for items that were once frozen may lower your health due to being left at room temperature too long!
      • Flour will also still kill you if you eat it raw. Don't say I didn't warn you!
  • 6 new recipes based on the food and drink items within this modlet! this includes: Corn to Flour, Mashed Potatoes, White Bread, Orange Juice, Steeped Herbal Tea, and Herbal Tea With Honey!
    • Herbal Tea with Honey unlocks at level 18 of the Cooking magazine tree, alongside Pumpkin Cheesecake!
    • Corn to Flour requires a stone to ground the corn itself into flour. This may change in the future!
  • Recipe Replacers for the follow recipes to include items from this modlet where applicable! this includes: Blueberry and Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin Cheesecake and Bread, and Tuna Fish Gravy Toast now include flour instead of cornmeal, and Shepard's Pie and Sham Chowder now include Arizona Potato Granules instead of regular Potatoes!
  • 3 total bundles โ€” the Six Pack of Soda , Nail Box, and Tool Box Bundle โ€” based on the Working Stiffs and Shamway store shelves! These work just like vanilla bundles.
    • The Six pack of soda grants you 6 cans of any of the sodas included in this modlet, or up to six cans of Herbal Tonic or up to 6 cans of Mega Crush!
    • The Tool Bundle grants you a random chance to receive one or more random quality salvage or repair tool (Wrench, Claw Hammer, or Ratchet), some Steel Tool Parts, or even some nails!
    • The Nail box grants you up to 25 nails, as well as paper for the box!
  • [NSFSS!] Custom, client-side icons for every added item, some completely original and made as close to the original material as possible (others are screenshots, scaled, fixed, and color-corrected)
  • Same loot probability as vanilla โ€” you should be able to find any of the items in this modlet in the appropriate food- and drink-based containers (appended lootgroups and lootcontainers to add in items without removing any vanilla items)
  • 1 modified lootgroup โ€” (groupShamewayFreezer01) so that only the items visibly in the freezer model are able to be looted! It does still keep groupFoodTrash so that rotten flesh and bones can still be found, since it seems appropriate



  • 1 new energy drink based on the Alpha 20 Shamway coolers โ€” Gold Star Energy Drink, which might act like mega crush, or given its more army-style logo, something to do with combat instead of running speed.
  • 3 new liquors based on the new liquor pile items added in alpha 21 โ€” Diablo Descarado Tequila, Stratim Vodka, and Ricky Joel's Bourbon, all of which that will have their own unique buffs (maybe, it depends on if I can learn how to make and implement custom buffs), or a combination of other buffs.
  • More tool bundles based on the various boxes around POIs โ€” This includes the Impact Driver bundle, which may include scrap iron, motor tool parts, or even the elusive Impact Driver; and perhaps a few others depending on what I can make bundles out of.
  • More recipes for more foods, as an add-onโ€” this includes Roasted Vegetables, White and Pumpkin Toast, maybe even actual sandwiches instead of moldy ones!
  • More language localization โ€” anybody is free to make their own, and if you do, let me know and I can add it to the main page, if that is something you would be interested in. I don't know any other languages than English and a bit of Spanish, so I'm pretty much useless when it comes to this, and I don't trust any online translators to translate properly!
  • Updating the mod with any new items as 7 Days to Die continues development and polishes off its new art assets accordingly โ€” And as long as I can get good, high resolution screen grabs of the items!
  • Removing any items if they end up becoming part of vanilla โ€” that was always the plan, because who knows what might happen and I'd be more than happy to set my modlet aside for vanilla stuff, always.



Some of the new items in a couple of containers, the freezer and the Shamway Box (the crate at the end of dungeon POIs!):





Herbal Tea with Honey seamlessly integrated into the new Magazine system:




Items from this modlet seamlessly integrated in vanilla Vending Machine loot tables, so they show up alongside vanilla food and drinks now:





  • Compatible with Alpha 21, and as long as nothing changes, future alpha versions! This should also work with existing saves if you haven't already downloaded the mod.
  • If you are planning to play this on a server, everyone needs to have the mod downloaded for icons to show up! Otherwise, icons will be invisible! (I did not previously know this! The downside of being a single-player only player!)


The A21 version of this modlet IS compatible with Version 1.0!
However, this modlet is NOT compatible with Alpha 20!


Here is my current Modlet list if you want an idea of what modlets this is compatible with (hint: it should be all of them unless they add the same things my modlet does!)


Please note the four redacted mods are personal mods, one or two of which I may release in the near future! The one I won't is simply a bunch of very small fixes I previously used to directly edit the vanilla .xml files for, but have since changed to include them as a modlet for myself so I don't have to redo the .xml every single time. This includes trader open time (4:05 instead of 6:05, like Undead Legacy), vehicle speed changes, less grass in the pine forest and snow biomes because I've found it causes micro-stutter on my rig, halving the hunger and thirst buffs (from 50, 25, and 8? to 32, 16, and 4, which makes for more intense stages of starvation and dehydration in my opinion, weapon and armor mod slots equal to their quality level, bigger cabinet and refrigerator space, and more eggs in birds nests. This is my personal play style and I'll probably never release it unless somebody asks for it directly!





(I still don't know how to use GitHub, sorry!)

(You can click the image above to download as well!)


(If you would like to download the A20 version, here is the old forum topic.

I will not be updating or supporting this version, however, so use at your own risk)



(serious thanks are hurled with my noodle arms at Guppycur's modding server, without it I literally would have never posted an Alpha 21 update. They helped tremendously in converting the Herbal Tea with Honey recipe into the new magazine system, as well as literally helping me learn how to xpath when I first released the A20 version of this modlet. I believe I originally shouted out DoughPhungus, MageJosh, and Shavick, so I won't do it again here to avoid unnecessary pinging, but they helped with the original and the updates! I'd also like to thank schwanz9000 for clarifying some model textures in the A20 version, I am like eternally grateful for that!)

Edited by vergilsparda
edit: Changed some stuff in the post to reflect the compatibility with V1.0 experiemental (see edit history)
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  • All previous parenthesis "(Item)" markers have been removed at author's discretion, because they took one look at them in the vending machine and decided it looked extremely ugly beside the vanilla food and drinks, and they didn't really work anyway
    • Localization file has also been updated with fixes to spelling, grammar, and general errors, so hopefully everything looks a little more polished, especially with the removal of the "(Item)" markers
  • All items have been given generic names and only show the brand name within the description, for parity with vanilla (something I did not notice before!)
    • All of them have changed, but a few examples of the changes to items go like this:
      • Diamond Chips -> Can of Potato Chips
      • Juice Aid Concentrate -> Gallon of Juice Concentrate
      • Cajun Pride Seasoning -> Can of Cajun Seasoning
  • Removed all instances of various food giving back Empty Cans, Empty Jars, and Resources, for parity with Alpha 21 vanilla changes
  • Removed the schematic for Herbal Tea with Honey (formerly Sleepy Time Tea with Honey) and integrated the recipe into the new magazine system
    • Herbal Tea with Honey is now also in the appropriate campfire menu; previously it was in Medical, now it should be in Drinks
    • Steeped Herbal Tea should now properly show Stamina Regen duration
    • Herbal Tea with Honey now also has a Stamina Regen buff, doubled because honey has been added. It made no sense for one to have one but not the other; I don't know what I was thinking!
  • Vending Machines of all kinds should now stock all food and drink items from this modlet that is appropriate
    • Snacks are also worth less than canned goods, and sodas worth less than other drinks, so they make for good early game food and drink if you're having trouble finding or making food otherwise. They still cost quite a bit (96~ dukes for snacks and somewhere around the same for soda)
  • Loot tables have been updated with new items and have been combed through to ensure all items from this modlet will properly appear in-game (hopefully, I looked about 398492843 times, but knowing me something is probably still missing)
  • New .xml files โ€” blocks.xml, progression.xml, and traders.xmlโ€”have been added again, to reflect changes made in this modlet
    • Existing .xml files have been combed through to further optimize them, if that's even a thing. Some stats still refuse to work correctly, but that's okay, because it doesn't have to be perfect!
  • Flour pallets now give flour instead of cornmeal, because why wouldn't they? (Tone of text does not indicate how excited author is for this, it's so cool! And they're still rare enough that finding flour is enough of a hassle unless you know where to look! Sweet!)
  • Some food and drink items have had their stats raised or lowered to better reflect the addition of even more food and drink. Snacks will now only give you a 'little' bit of food, as they are, after all, just snacks!
  • Sport Drink, Herbal Tea, Steeped Herbal Tea, Herbal Tea with Honey, Orange Juice, and any others that once showed leather should now properly show bottled water because who the hell drinks leather? (how did I originally miss this?)
  • Red Impact Wine loot chance has been raised (again), so it should now properly show up in loot (and it has, in my own testing game!)
    • Red Impact Wine should now show up in all three new Liquor Piles
  • foodFrozenVeg and drinkSportDrink have updated UI Icons to reflect new/fixed textures on existing cooler and freezer models
  • Mixed Vegetables now properly lower health when eaten rawโ€”recipes have yet to be determined but may be added in future updates
    • Cajun Seasoning should now also properly lower water as well as health
  • Recipe Tags changed to reflect new Learn by Reading system
  • Cajun Seasoning and Mashed Potatoes should now show negative water loss instead of a simple '0', as they do lower water
  • Arizona Potato Granules now also lower water stat significantly, because why wouldn't they? Who eats dry potato granules?
  • Orange Juice Concentrate (form. Juice Aid Orange Concentrate) now no longer shows a Food value of '0', because it isn't food
  • Arizona Wipes icon has officially been removed from ItemIconAtlas folder, since I no longer have any plans to add them in, since they wouldn't do anything.
    • Impact Driver box Icon remains because it may be added in a future update
    • Gold Star Energy icon also remains for the same reason
  • Too many more changes to account for but it's mostly just fix after fix after fix after fix! Play around a little and see for yourself!






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4 hours ago, Feyth said:

Spun up a new server no mods but this one



sorry for such a late response, I was asleep! This isn't a bug with my mod, I don't think items with custom icons can be used server-side.

Unfortunately I only play single-player, so I'm not sure what the fix is. You could try turning off EAC, but if this is going on a server, that's probably a very bad idea unless you absolutely trust everyone you're playing with!ย 

I should have been more clear with the icons bit in the description, the "[NSFSS]" means "not safe for server side".ย 

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9 minutes ago, Feyth said:

it's okย  i figured it out, it is safe but players also need the mod for the artwork


Ah, that makes sense! I'm glad it's working now. I'll add that everyone needs to have the mod for it to work on a server to the main post for clarity since I didn't know that was a thing that could happen until now

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6 hours ago, MrSamuelAdams said:

So my buddy who joins my game on steam, has this mod in his mods folder and so do I...


In his single player game, just like mine we can see the icons for the items.


BUT, when he joins our multiplayer game together he can't see the icons? Any fix?


Unfortunately I don't know much about multi-player, but to clarify, it's also installed on the server, right? Not just on his and your game? (that seems like a stupid question and I apologize for asking it but I figured I'd ask anyway just in case, yknow?)


You may also have to turn EAC off, but I don't recommend that if you don't know who you're playing withโ€”in your case, you do, so it should be fine, but try both of those and if neither option works let me know!

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What's odd is that my parents play and they both have this modlet in their mods folder, as I test the mods to see if they work right.

And when they play together they see the icons for the food items this mod adds in.

So I'm uncertain why it's not working for you @MrSamuelAdams

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30 minutes ago, MrSamuelAdams said:

We both have it installed. There's no server. I'm hosting and he joins my game. We have around 50 modlets installed and that seems to be the only one with a bug at the moment. He gets the items, just no picture/icon shows up. ๐Ÿ˜•


that is strange, actually! Can you do me a favor if you're comfortable and let me know one or two mods that also have custom icons in it? I'd like to compare with mine and see if anything is amiss across different mods. It could be that something in my mod is missing that is in one of yours, and I need to push an update adding that something in; but I won't know what it is until I poke around in someone else's mods lolย 

21 minutes ago, Rathlon said:

What's odd is that my parents play and they both have this modlet in their mods folder, as I test the mods to see if they work right.

And when they play together they see the icons for the food items this mod adds in.

So I'm uncertain why it's not working for you @MrSamuelAdams

Your parents are so cool, omg. Tell them I'm honored!!ย 

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45 minutes ago, MrSamuelAdams said:

try check in the item icon folderย ย 7 Days To Die\Mods\"that mod folder"\UIAtlases\ItemIconAtlasย . they should have bunch of .png picture of item icons in there.



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24 minutes ago, Izayo said:

try check in the item icon folderย ย 7 Days To Die\Mods\"that mod folder"\UIAtlases\ItemIconAtlasย . they should have bunch of .png picture of item icons in there.


They're definitely in there on my end, I'm rolling with my mod right now and everything is where it should be. It could be that the icons didn't download properly, which is completely out of my hands! (And by the way, Izayo, your shotgun mod is gorgeous! I'm not personally a shotgun user but if I was, I'd definitely choose yours)


Everything on my end with regards to item structure in items.xml is also correct. I thought at first that the property "CustomIcon" and its value might have been reserved for multi-player icons (and who knows, it might be and I'm just stupidโ€”happens often!), but I believe that's for the little closed/open book icons (among other things) in the corner of an item. Looking at Izayo's items.xml to cross-check my own, theirs seems to add ammo type to the cornerโ€”a very cool addition if I might sayโ€”so it's not that. And looking at my mediafire zip file, it definitely includes icons.


Unfortunately, @MrSamuelAdams, whatever is the issue seems to be on your end. The only things I can think of is that either you or your friend (or both) are on differing alphas (my mod has worked since the second experimental version and does indeed work on stable), or one or both of you have EAC enabled, which I've read in a few places can cause custom assets not to load into the game. That's usually for dedicated servers but you could try disabling it (and also that you trust your friend quite well not to cheat), and try again. You're not on a server, so I don't think you have to manually add my Localization.txt to your own game's, but I've also read that that can cause issues. However, that seems to be related more to item names and descriptions, not icons.


If all else fails, I'm so sorry, I really don't know whats going on and I feel terrible that it isn't working and that I can't help you!

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No worries. Thanks for the looking into it.ย 

I'll try and re-download it again and tell him as well.ย 

Because yeah, we're on the latest build and all icons work when we're solo. It's just when we're doing our save together in our multi-player game.ย 


I'll get back to you and see if that's it.ย 

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36 minutes ago, vergilsparda said:


They're definitely in there on my end, I'm rolling with my mod right now and everything is where it should be. It could be that the icons didn't download properly, which is completely out of my hands! (And by the way, Izayo, your shotgun mod is gorgeous! I'm not personally a shotgun user but if I was, I'd definitely choose yours)


Everything on my end with regards to item structure in items.xml is also correct. I thought at first that the property "CustomIcon" and its value might have been reserved for multi-player icons (and who knows, it might be and I'm just stupidโ€”happens often!), but I believe that's for the little closed/open book icons (among other things) in the corner of an item. Looking at Izayo's items.xml to cross-check my own, theirs seems to add ammo type to the cornerโ€”a very cool addition if I might sayโ€”so it's not that. And looking at my mediafire zip file, it definitely includes icons.


Unfortunately, @MrSamuelAdams, whatever is the issue seems to be on your end. The only things I can think of is that either you or your friend (or both) are on differing alphas (my mod has worked since the second experimental version and does indeed work on stable), or one or both of you have EAC enabled, which I've read in a few places can cause custom assets not to load into the game. That's usually for dedicated servers but you could try disabling it (and also that you trust your friend quite well not to cheat), and try again. You're not on a server, so I don't think you have to manually add my Localization.txt to your own game's, but I've also read that that can cause issues. However, that seems to be related more to item names and descriptions, not icons.


If all else fails, I'm so sorry, I really don't know whats going on and I feel terrible that it isn't working and that I can't help you!

Happened to my mod as well, sometime (very rare) winrar. refused to extracting .png file.ย  one of the user can solved by re-download the mod and install again.ย  if it still doesn't work , check in the console for red or yellow error logs


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5 hours ago, MrSamuelAdams said:

Thank you guys it worked.ย 

He didn't have the icons!ย 




Any idea how to figure out what this is and what it's looking for? I can't figure it out. I can't play... But it's obviously missing something idk where to ask for help.ย 


It seems like you're missing some vanilla files (anything in 7DaysToDie_Data is vanilla). However this might just be nothing; best to check in the general help side of the forums!

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Me and my boyfriend have a server with your mod. We used to play vanilla and recently we download some mods to test on alpha 21.
He's having a bug that he didn't have before when we were playing vanilla. Basically, when he drinks water or any other drinkable item, the water bar doesn't go up, like he didn't drink anything. This only happens with the drink meter. It keeps goind down and drinking something doesn't change anything. If is a drink with buffs, he gets the buffs normally, but not the water itself.
He then dies, and for a while, the bug disapears, but come back again after some time. I looked online about this kinda bug and didn't find anything. This doesn't occur with me, just him.ย 
I'm sorry to bother you if this is not a bug from your mod, I'm new to the game and I know the game has a lot of bugs itself, that's why I don't know if it's a mod bug or not.
Your mod is the only one that adds food/water stuff. But just to be sure, I'll put the other mods we use down below. If there's anything you need me to do or send to you, just let me know.
And thanks in advance!

Alpha 21 - Mod List -ย 

- Quartz HUD
- A21 556 gun pack (1 of 3)
-ย Jakmeister999's REASONABLE Large Stacks (A21)
- FpsBoost
-ย VergilSparda-Various Victuals 1_3

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12 hours ago, Catty27 said:


Me and my boyfriend have a server with your mod. We used to play vanilla and recently we download some mods to test on alpha 21.
He's having a bug that he didn't have before when we were playing vanilla. Basically, when he drinks water or any other drinkable item, the water bar doesn't go up, like he didn't drink anything. This only happens with the drink meter. It keeps goind down and drinking something doesn't change anything. If is a drink with buffs, he gets the buffs normally, but not the water itself.


[snip for brevity!]


Hey, it's totally okay! I know it's also not the place to go for general bugs, but I'm not that strict about who goes where so long as someone gets the help they need, and if I can direct you to the right place, then so be it! Unfortunately, I have never encountered this bug myself and I play with my own mod 100% of the time (I genuinely do not play vanilla without it anymore!), but who knows, you know? I don't play multiplayer, so I myself have never encountered this bug. And given that you've said it happens to vanilla water as well, it must be something with vanilla.


Most people usually stop here and tell you to make sure your game files are validated through steam (right-click on game in library, properties, files, verify integrity of game files), so try that first. If it's just your and your boyfriend, then you can also turn off EAC since I doubt either of you are going to actively enable creative mode or do anything harmful to each other in the game (I've heard some mods don't work unless it's disabled, and mine may be one of them). And if all else fails, then try having your boyfriend test your mod list in single player (and you as well!), to see if it occurs there, and if it does, then you've at least narrowed it down to something happening in multiplayer, which could mean that something is bugged with your server, and in that case I have no idea how to help you, as I've never played around with servers!

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