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Duct taped drones


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Anyone else notice how much duct tape is needed to craft drones?  I only have tier 3 unlocked so I don't know what tier 5 is, but if it continues increasing at the same rate, it'll be 75 for one drone.  No wonder they call them junk drones.  That much duct tape is crazy.  With costs like that, not to mention 10 motion sensors, which at least seems almost reasonable as drones can have a lot of cameras, they just aren't worth crafting. I'll stick to my tier 1 until I can find or buy a better one.


It seems like they are trying to force players to use the dew collectors and deal with the heat generation.  They lower water (great, I support that) but then they also add tons of duct tape to a bunch of recipes while adding magazines to try and get people to craft more.  At this rate, who will want to craft if the cost to do so is so high?  The different things don't fit together except to say that they want to force players to use the dew collectors and enough of them to cause regular screamer attacks.  I can't see any other logical reason to have things like this that are really opposing one another.


I guess crafting will be an afterthought again.


I'm not really sure what they are thinking with and of this.  I mean, I like removing jars and I don't mind the magazines but then they do things that mess up what they say the goals are.


We want you to craft more so we are adding magazines.  Okay, that works fairly well.  But we are going to make it so you can't craft things very well because everything will use large amounts of duct tape, which is hard to produce because we made having large amounts of water more difficult.  So we want you to craft but we want it to be such a pain that you won't do it.  Logic, anyone?

Edited by Riamus (see edit history)
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Yeh, 75 feels like a lot. Honestly, it might just be going with the easiest solution "for now", just multiplying things per quality. For an opposite in the same system, Parts consumption seems really low now, starting at 1 Machete part gets us to to 5 for a Q5.. I had 15 before I had the books to make a Q1 .. :)


Then again, 75 isn't wholly insane for a one-time craft.. four collectors churns that out in a week, and at that stage of the game the extra 10k dukes needed will be just lying in a box somewhere. The number is big, but if it gathers over time, it isn't all that painful.


Then again, at that point, the dukes to buy the Q5 are there as well, as long as one shows up in an inventory ...

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2 hours ago, theFlu said:

Yeh, 75 feels like a lot. Honestly, it might just be going with the easiest solution "for now", just multiplying things per quality. For an opposite in the same system, Parts consumption seems really low now, starting at 1 Machete part gets us to to 5 for a Q5.. I had 15 before I had the books to make a Q1 .. :)


Then again, 75 isn't wholly insane for a one-time craft.. four collectors churns that out in a week, and at that stage of the game the extra 10k dukes needed will be just lying in a box somewhere. The number is big, but if it gathers over time, it isn't all that painful.


Then again, at that point, the dukes to buy the Q5 are there as well, as long as one shows up in an inventory ...

Yeah, parts were cut significantly and I'm not really sure why.  I always had plenty of parts in A20.  Of course, I never had any reason to use them, so that might be why.


You make a fair point about it being a one-time cost (per person, anyhow) but even so, when you start adding up the high amounts of duct tape in just about everything you craft, it seems very overdone.  I almost wonder if I might look into a mod to reset the crafting costs to A20 values as those generally made a lot more sense.


I'm a person who isn't going to spend ridiculous amounts of resources to craft something even if I have the resources unless there isn't any other way to get the item.  I'll just buy it or loot it even if it takes a bit longer.  I could easily make the duct tape for these once I unlock tier 5 (I could do it now but I'm definitely not even going to consider paying 45 duct tape and then another 75 just to make the tier 3 I can make now and then make a tier 5 later) but I just won't spend resources like that.  A personal quirk, you might say.  ;)


I don't know... to me it just feels like they don't want us to craft things after telling us that they do want us to craft things.  It doesn't make any sense to me.

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I am actually more asking why does the higher tier one magically suddendly need more mats? you'd think itd take LESS mats since your better at making them so less waste. TFP does some really strange things at times. Also i've played alot of games with crafting and 7dtd is literally the only one I seen that had craft material costs go UP with higher tiers.

Edited by Scyris (see edit history)
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20 minutes ago, Old Crow said:

What really bakes my noodle is that the drone somehow needs a lot more duct tape to build.. than a 4X4.


Better question is would you REALLY wanna drive a vehicle held together by tape? As for the drone needing alot of duct tape, I am guessing its a balance thing, as its basically 4-5 rows of extra inventory if you load it with full cargo mods. I'd usually make mine wait outside the poi, and I'd use it as a storage chest then make it follow me when I leave. Basically a mobile storage chest. This way I avoid the risk of it getting me killed by blocking a doorway or making me eat my own explosive as it flys in front of me right as I tossed it.

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32 minutes ago, Sandman said:

It seems a like a lot however given that it's easy to amass a lot of duct tape it's doable with minimal effort. 


Yeah my current game is on day 7 in the morning and I have like 85 glue sitting in storage? a good chunk of that crafted, I think 60+ or so. Though I came back from a quest that morning to find not one but two screamers waiting for me. Not a big deal thou early game so all they summon is normal walking zombies I can 2 shot with normal swings of my baseball bat.

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