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Is it just me or do the traders don't have the weapons for sale like they used to?


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Perhaps this is related to game stage. I just started level 3 missions, haven't done one yet. The trader I got sent to had a baseball bat for sale that I bought. Don't recall anything else.  I don't recall seeing many weapons for sale from any of the traders I've been visiting and I've got about four of them now. Perhaps they did but it wasn't something I wanted.

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3 minutes ago, ElCabong said:

Perhaps this is related to game stage. I just started level 3 missions, haven't done one yet. The trader I got sent to had a baseball bat for sale that I bought. Don't recall anything else.  I don't recall seeing many weapons for sale from any of the traders I've been visiting and I've got about four of them now. Perhaps they did but it wasn't something I wanted.

they got almost no weapons in A21. sometimes a bow but no guns. Also the fun thing is the trader inventory is diffrent for me and my wife. Shouldnt we see the exact same inventory at the trader? 

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4 minutes ago, Gr.o.m. said:

Daring Adventurer increase the trader stash you can buy from.

I put one perk point into it and could see a tier 3 AK47 at day 3.

When I did that in the past I saw the same thing twice. That was not a 21 though

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Might be RNG (the higher level my character are the better gear the traders had, including weapons). Also I think it's now tied to your level (i.e., new stat 'trader level' that is tied to your level, which daring adventurer increases).

Edited by boban (see edit history)
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Remember that traders were nerfed so equipment is now based on your level with that particular trader.


It is player level * (1+quest_tier_mod).  Quest tier mod goes from 0 to 0.3 in increments of 0.05.


Also, they are geared towards specialties more.  Trader Hugh will have a more unique stock of weapons compared to the other traders


So your best bet for weapons would be Trader Hugh and working on getting his mission tier up higher for a larger selection.  The others will also sell weapons (obviously) but as you can see below, RNG might not be as kind to you if you are working on Jen's missions rather than Hugh's missions

  • Trader Jen - 3 to 5 melee and 3 to 5 range weapons - note these can be repeats
  • Trader Hugh - 3 to 5 melee and 3 to 5 range weapons - all are suppose to be uniques
    • Note:  Hugh also has another trader group of weapons, similar to Jen's but only 1 to 2 and repeatable.

You should be seeing a minimum of 3 and maximum of 5 at all traders except Hugh (Hugh should be a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 7).  It would be interesting to see if this is actually the case.  I don't think I found Hugh yet in my current playthrough, but I believe I got Joel and Bob found so I can see what their stocks are right now (one I am working at T3 missions and other other hasn't started yet).  I haven't bought any weapons or sold any weapons to them so it should represent their stock available for purchase.

3 hours ago, manni44 said:

Also the fun thing is the trader inventory is diffrent for me and my wife. Shouldnt we see the exact same inventory at the trader? 


No, stock is based on trader level that can be unique with each person so each inventory can be different between players.

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15 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

Remember that traders were nerfed so equipment is now based on your level with that particular trader.


It is player level * (1+quest_tier_mod).  Quest tier mod goes from 0 to 0.3 in increments of 0.05.


Also, they are geared towards specialties more.  Trader Hugh will have a more unique stock of weapons compared to the other traders


So your best bet for weapons would be Trader Hugh and working on getting his mission tier up higher for a larger selection.  The others will also sell weapons (obviously) but as you can see below, RNG might not be as kind to you if you are working on Jen's missions rather than Hugh's missions

  • Trader Jen - 3 to 5 melee and 3 to 5 range weapons - note these can be repeats
  • Trader Hugh - 3 to 5 melee and 3 to 5 range weapons - all are suppose to be uniques
    • Note:  Hugh also has another trader group of weapons, similar to Jen's but only 1 to 2 and repeatable.

You should be seeing a minimum of 3 and maximum of 5 at all traders except Hugh (Hugh should be a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 7).  It would be interesting to see if this is actually the case.  I don't think I found Hugh yet in my current playthrough, but I believe I got Joel and Bob found so I can see what their stocks are right now (one I am working at T3 missions and other other hasn't started yet).  I haven't bought any weapons or sold any weapons to them so it should represent their stock available for purchase.


No, stock is based on trader level that can be unique with each person so each inventory can be different between players.


What are the thresholds for when they get another weapon in stock? Also anyone else notice that at level 1 all traders of the same type generally have the exact same stuff for sale? like Hugh ALWAYS seems to have a Bellows for sale on a new game, and Jen usually always has anvil's and med supplies.

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5 hours ago, Scyris said:

What are the thresholds for when they get another weapon in stock? Also anyone else notice that at level 1 all traders of the same type generally have the exact same stuff for sale? like Hugh ALWAYS seems to have a Bellows for sale on a new game, and Jen usually always has anvil's and med supplies.


For weapons and tools (spoiler):

  • Tier 0 - From level 1 to level 20
  • Tier 1 - From level 15 to level 40
  • Tier 2 - From level 50 on
  • Tier 3 - From level 100 on

So after you reach Level 21 with a particular trader, you won't see stone or pipe weapons in their stock.  But if you go to another new trader and your level is less than 20, they have the possibility of having stone weapons in them.



Traders have two stock lists that they pull from - a general list that each trader has and a specialty list that is unique for each trader.


Jen will always have medical items as that is part of her specialty list.  I would be more surprised if she had no medical items in her stock.


Hugh doesn't always have bellows and Jen doesn't always have anvils.  Using Jen as an example:

Jen's Tools (spoiler)


  • For her specialty list, each group is pulled from.  For tools, that means 4 counts, all unique.
  • For her general list, each group is pulled from.  For tools that means 1-2 items, all unique.
    • This is speculation on my part, but I don't think unique apply to both lists.  Meaning you can't get two of the same items from the specialty list, but can get two items if they were picked from the specialty list and the general list.
  • If you are at the T0 level, then that means:
    • Stone Axe
    • Stone Shovel
    • Repair kits
    • Anvil
    • Bellows
    • Forged Iron
    • Forged Steel
    • Paint Tool
    • Wire Tool
  • For T1 level, the same list but you replace the stone axe / shovel with
    • Iron Pickaxe
    • Iron Shovel
    • Iron Axe
    • Hammer
    • Wrench
    • Sledgehammer
  • T2 and above tools are considered rare tools:
    • Bob is the only trader that will always have rare tools when you are high enough level
    • The other traders have a chance via one of the general lists
      • Note there are 23 subgroups in that list so the odds are stacked against you to have another trader with those items


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