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(A21) Oakraven Collection


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Sorry Arramus but think I found another issue:(


ArgumentException: Type cannot be null.
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.GameObject.GetComponent(UnityEngine.GameObject,System.Type)
  at EModelBase.createAvatarController (EntityClass _ec) [0x000e0] in <b9bc0d5ab478449782320d065c54704e>:0
  at EModelBase.Init (World _world, Entity _entity) [0x000ac] in <b9bc0d5ab478449782320d065c54704e>:0
  at Entity.InitEModel () [0x00061] in <b9bc0d5ab478449782320d065c54704e>:0
  at Entity.Init (System.Int32 _entityClass) [0x0000d] in <b9bc0d5ab478449782320d065c54704e>:0
  at EntityAlive.Init (System.Int32 _entityClass) [0x00000] in <b9bc0d5ab478449782320d065c54704e>:0
  at EntityEnemy.Init (System.Int32 _entityClass) [0x00000] in <b9bc0d5ab478449782320d065c54704e>:0
  at EntityFactory.CreateEntity (EntityCreationData _ecd) [0x004c2] in <b9bc0d5ab478449782320d065c54704e>:0
  at EntityFactory.CreateEntity (System.Int32 _et, System.Int32 _id, ItemValue _itemValue, System.Int32 _count, UnityEngine.Vector3 _transformPos, UnityEngine.Vector3 _transformRot, System.Single _lifetime, System.Int32 _playerId, System.String _skinName, System.Int32 _spawnById, System.String _spawnByName) [0x0001b] in <b9bc0d5ab478449782320d065c54704e>:0
  at EntityFactory.CreateEntity (System.Int32 _et, System.Int32 _id, UnityEngine.Vector3 _transformPos, UnityEngine.Vector3 _rotation) [0x0000c] in <b9bc0d5ab478449782320d065c54704e>:0
  at EntityFactory.CreateEntity (System.Int32 _et, UnityEngine.Vector3 _transformPos) [0x00014] in <b9bc0d5ab478449782320d065c54704e>:0
  at SpawnManagerBiomes.SpawnUpdate (System.String _spawnerName, System.Boolean _isSpawnEnemy, ChunkAreaBiomeSpawnData _chunkBiomeSpawnData) [0x0043f] in <b9bc0d5ab478449782320d065c54704e>:0
  at SpawnManagerBiomes.Update (System.String _spawnerName, System.Boolean _bSpawnEnemyEntities, System.Object _userData) [0x00007] in <b9bc0d5ab478449782320d065c54704e>:0
  at World.OnUpdateTick (System.Single _partialTicks, System.ArraySegment`1[T] _activeChunks) [0x001e6] in <b9bc0d5ab478449782320d065c54704e>:0
  at GameManager.UpdateTick () [0x00073] in <b9bc0d5ab478449782320d065c54704e>:0
  at GameManager.gmUpdate () [0x00336] in <b9bc0d5ab478449782320d065c54704e>:0
  at GameManager.Update () [0x00000] in <b9bc0d5ab478449782320d065c54704e>:0


That Avatar Controller thing in your entityclasses file is causing another error. The mod is still playable but wanted to make you aware of it.



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8 minutes ago, Winter Steale said:

What should I be looking for? The mod loads fine and states completed. No error message there. Tried removing the modlet and it the issue still remains. Seems to have broken the birds nests all together and there are none in the world any more. Did not have this issue before adding the modlet. It is not a vanilla bug so TFP will not help. The file is too long and considered a text file so will not allow me to attach here either. So, I'm guessing I will have to wipe the server and start again without the modlet since it seems to not work?

Adding a modlet once a World is already up and running is always a risk, and more so since A20 based on how things are stored in the World files. A19 was more forgiving but those days are gone. The Coop Mod removes existing nests before a World begins, and then adds these updated versions. The nests are placed on the World dynamically as a player moves to new regions in the World. It is best not to add and remove mods once a World has gone live unless you are willing to take the risk as the consequences can be World changing in a negative way. If you are going to start a new World without this mod, that resolves the issue. If you are going to try again with this mod, ensure it is installed before anyone joins the World.

15 minutes ago, Astralweaver said:

Sorry Arramus but think I found another issue:(


That Avatar Controller thing in your entityclasses file is causing another error. The mod is still playable but wanted to make you aware of it.



Scanning through the test log on a new World of Navezgane with only the Bee Hives Mod active in b317 did not show a similar error report.


The Avatar Controller used in this mod is 'AvatarAnimalController'. This is the same one used for snakes, bears, boars, etc.
It is bundled into the game by default, and as such is native to the game files.


If other players using this mod experience the same issue, they will be able to see your error post and hopefully upload the whole log to show if there are any other mods in the mix or if it is purely linked to the Bee Hives.

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The mono bikes require an update since b323 overhauled the turbo, forward-reverse, and torque system. It's on the list and will be updated in a few hours.


A new map seed with Coops already installed as a mod in the Mods folder will see Coop nests appear dynamically as the player opens up new chunks and regions.

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3 hours ago, Winter Steale said:

It says these work server side but having a hard time since others don't see nests and still see blue boxes. We started a brand new world with this and I can see the nests but others can't. 

A 'server side only' mod typically changes background settings for content already existing in the game.


Oakraven Collection Mods contain custom content. They work on a server but are not 'server side only' due to the custom content.

The custom content is the Chicken Coops, baby Chick models, and Bird's Nests.


7 Days servers do not feature a download function beyond the World file. The others/clients joining the server need to install the same mod(s) in their Mods folder or they will not be matching the server custom content. They will either see these blue boxes which show missing content (a new A21 feature), a red console warning repeatedly scrolling on the page, or some other warnining/joining issue.

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Here is an update to the Oakraven Collection


(A21) Oakraven Cooking Stations



Oakraven Cooking Stations allow players to craft and use 4 types of Stove/Cooker. They have an increased output area to 'store' food, show animated cooking features when they are active, and do not require unlocking. Craft on the Workbench as a Variant Helper and use the 'E' key to choose between the 4 versions.


A few images.







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A full nest sitting on the ground will remain on the ground once looted, and continually move from full to empty based on a timer after it is looted.
There are occasions for half blocks in POIs we can see the nest 'floating' since it doesn't recognise that half air gap and drop to the surface. I shall report that as it was a new feature from TFP where loot can lock in place on such blocks and terrain. It shouldn't be occuring on the ground though and is not something I've seen in play throughs or heard reported over the past couple of years.

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Hello there Arramus, nice mod collection, I am trying  the chicken coop one , on an old save "sorry" but it seems to be working fine, so to be clear, the new nests stay in the world, and refill, right? is there an option to let it behave like the a21 vanilla type?
One more thing, someone made a modlet to lower down the sound of the nest breaking so it doesnt sound like a breaking door, but I guess it wont work with ur mod, would you think of changing nest sounds, coz they do sound offputting, appreciate the work though, great job

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There are 2 things at play with the nests for sound; looting or breaking.

Here are two things you can do for the customisations you would like to have:


1. Sound Looting

- Go to Zed-A21-OakravenChickenCoops\Config\loot.xml in the mods folder.

Change the entries for:

sound_open="UseActions/open_pill_case" sound_close="UseActions/close_pill_case" to something more to your liking. The sounds.xml or other open/close sounds in the loot.xml shows some alternatives.


Actually A21 uses UseActions/open_garbage to open and UseActions/close_garbage to close with the 'garbage' sound as the sound choice. Oakraven already changed the loot sound for the pill case option instead, but find something you like.


2. Sound Breaking

As for physically destroying them without looting, it appears to be based on their block type and Gazz changed the blocks.xml for the birds nest to <property name="Material" value="Mcorn"/> as it was using another sound of weak wood. That mod is still very acceptable to use, but change its name from Gazz-A21BirdNestSound to ZGazz-A21BirdNestSound so it loads after Zed-A21-OakravenChickenCoops

Oakraven chose open_pill_case and close_pill_case as an alternative for the looting part of things. However, the weak wood sound didn't change...

Instead of installing the Birds' Nest break sound mod, consider going to the Zed-A21-OakravenChickenCoops\Config\blocks.xml and where it says:

<property name="Material" value="Mwood_weak"/> change it to <property name="Material" value="Mcorn"/>

Make a space underneath and add for good courtesy if you are sharing this update with community members, etc. Gazz has already given permission to do things like this with his mods.
<!-- Courtesy of Gazz Birds Nest Mod -->


3. Destroying Nest Once Looted and Updating to A21 Values

In blocks.xml for the Coops, find the cntBirdnest


Remove the line <property name="DowngradeBlock" value="birdnestEmpty"/> and it won't down grade back to an empty nest once looted.

It should just break and disappear forever or until chunkreset is performed where another may appear in that area if that is being used.

However, manually breaking it will not give any feathers and goodies.


This is the A21 version

    <!-- *** BIRDNESTS -->
<block name="cntBirdnest">
    <property name="Class" value="Loot"/>
    <property name="LootList" value="birdNest"/>
    <property name="IndexName" value="quest_feather"/>
    <property name="Material" value="Mwood_weak"/>
    <property name="Shape" value="ModelEntity"/>
    <property name="Model" value="@:Entities/LootContainers/birdnestPrefab.prefab"/>
    <property name="ModelOffset" value="0,0,0"/>
    <property name="GndAlign" value="1"/>
    <property name="WaterFlow" value="permitted"/>
    <property name="OnlySimpleRotations" value="true"/>
    <property name="Collide" value="melee,bullet,arrow,rocket"/>
    <property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true"/>
    <property name="StabilitySupport" value="false"/>
    <drop event="Harvest" name="resourceCloth" count="1" prob="0.3" tag="allHarvest"/>
    <drop event="Harvest" name="resourceFeather" count="3" prob="0.35" tag="allHarvest"/>
    <drop event="Harvest" name="resourceFeather" count="2" prob="0.6" tag="allHarvest"/>
    <drop event="Destroy" name="resourceYuccaFibers" count="2,8"/>
    <property name="SortOrder1" value="B267"/>
    <property name="SortOrder2" value="0000"/>
    <property name="FilterTags" value="MC_building,SC_loot"/>


And the Oakraven replacement

    <block name="cntBirdnest">
        <property name="Extends" value="cntAmmoPileSmall"/>
        <property name="CreativeMode" value="Player"/>
        <property name="Material" value="Mwood_weak"/>
        <property name="Collide" value="movement,melee,bullet,arrow,rocket"/>
        <property name="Shape" value="ModelEntity"/>
        <property name="Model" value="#@modfolder:Resources/birdnest.unity3d?birdnestEggs" />
        <property name="LootList" value="birdNest"/>
        <property name="ModelOffset" value="0,0.5,0"/>
        <property name="GndAlign" value="0"/>
        <property name="CreativeMode" value="Player"/>
        <property name="DowngradeBlock" value="birdnestEmpty"/>
        <property name="IndexName" value="quest_feather"/>        


You should simply be able to replace it with the A21 version BUT use the "Model" from Oakraven's to keep showing the eggies in the nest.

The ModelOffset is also different and needs to use the Oakraven version value, although that is going to be changed in the near future to support that 'snap to ground' feature just like other loot that can be attached to strange places and angles.


These are all experimental suggestions and needs to be tried and tested to verify if it's working out. ^^

Best to test privately first before making any changes to a server or something like that, at which point a backup save is also appropriate just in case a roll back is needed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A small update for the (A21) Oakraven Cooking Stations.


Categories are now visible in the top left area just as with the Campfire categories icons. Apologies to those who prefer the long list instead of toggling, but it has been requested repeatedly for a couple of years and it's easier to remove than add. This adds a new file in the Config folder called ui_display. For anyone who likes the single list, simply delete that.



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Was there any extra recipes added to the cooking stations over the campfire? I was going to switch ours to use the campfire recipe list so it would play nice with extra recipes added to campfire that need unlocked. Just wasn't sure if any extra recipes were added, looked mainly like the campfire recipes from first glance.

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There shouldn't be any extra recipes, but there is a chance that Oakraven made something more economical to give extra benefit to using the Cooking Stations. At least this was the case in A20.


Yes, after glancing over the recipes:
Blueberry pie only requires 3 blueberries once it is unlocked and remains that way. Low Skill players start at 5 and then reduce down to 3 as their Skill increases.
Crafting time is also greatly reduced. A21 increased crafting time by quite a lot in some cases and these Cooking Stations are very efficient in that regard.
But yes, switching over their crafting area from OaksCooker to campfire will restore their values and open up modded recipes... unless of course you want to add those modded recipes into the Cooking Stations recipe list and just switch that craft area to OaksCooker with a possible extra benefit. ^^


It really just depends on what your community both prefers and accepts.

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Thanks for the detailed reply much appreciated.

Oh one other quick note, it's not on you but I did run into an unlock display issue when installing the monobikes on same server as ocb's lawn tractor. The lawn tractor adds in an unlock display entry before the minibike one so this then throws off your entry to be in the minibike unlock display. Which then causes it to display in game as unlocking at level 20 however passive effect still ends up in the right spot so it still doesn't unlock till 45 though.

I fixed this by changing the append to the unlock display to go by icon instead of third unlock display down. Like so.

<append xpath="/progression/crafting_skills/crafting_skill[@name='craftingVehicles']/display_entry[@icon='vehicleMotorcyclePlaceable']/unlock_entry/@item">,vehicleMonoChassis,vehicleMonoHandlebars,vehicleMonoWheel</append>

I also switched the second line as well just in case but it wasn't needed.

<append xpath="/progression/crafting_skills/crafting_skill[@name='craftingVehicles']/effect_group/passive_effect[contains(@tags, 'vehicleMotorcycleChassis')]/@tags">,vehicleMonoChassis,vehicleMonoHandlebars,vehicleMonoWheel</append>

Anywho I know none of this is on you as it had to do with working with another mod but thought I'd add this note in case you might wanna change it for compatibility.

And big thanks for these mods btw, a friend of mine has just been loving having them on her server. 

Edited by RevenantWit (see edit history)
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Yep. Good spot. Too much toying with overhauls. This will allow them to play nicely together with a specific vanilla node for the icon display and its unique entry for unlock.


    <append xpath="//crafting_skill[@name='craftingVehicles']/display_entry[@icon='vehicleMotorcyclePlaceable']/unlock_entry/@item">,vehicleMonoChassis,vehicleMonoHandlebars,vehicleMonoWheel</append>
    <append xpath="//crafting_skill[@name='craftingVehicles']/effect_group">
        <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="45,100" value="1" tags=",vehicleMonoChassis,vehicleMonoHandlebars,vehicleMonoWheel"/>



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  • 2 weeks later...

Testing the Cooking Stoves for A21.1 (b15)


This test is performed in Navezgane on a fresh World with no other Mods which may cause a potential conflict.


Selecting the Oakraven Stoves on the Workbench.



Initiating a craft for 4 instances.



Placing 4 completed Oakraven Stoves.



Performing a recipe crafting on the Oakraven Stone Stove.



Under those test parameters, the Oakraven Stoves are working as intended.

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Testing the Oakraven Cooking Stoves in the most updated version of the Wild West Mod on A21.1 (b15).

This mod makes a few custom changes to the output area and recipe area.

However, it remains viable to cook from the recipe list without causing the inability to interact.




Consider the following:


1. The Oakraven Cooking Stations are made for a Vanilla environment where they are added directly to the base game files.

2. The Oakraven Cooking Stations can be added to mods that conform to the base game environment such as the Wild West Mod.

3. If the Oakraven Cooking Stations are being used with a mod that changes base game files for Workstation area, they will conflict since they also need to be changed to match that environment. That is not within the scope of how they are released and it is necessary to contact such creators directly.

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I'm sorry to say that the information about

On 6/16/2023 at 4:16 AM, arramus said:

Adding mods to an existing World is not recommend. It can cause unforeseen issues since certain features are 'baked' into a World and changing that environment with new mods (or removing others) can be detrimental to maintaining server/World stability. Adding mods to an existing World is at your own risk. We are willing to assist with general mod related issues, but this is outside of the scope where assistance can be provided.

that, should placed on the download page https://7daystodiemods.com/oakraven-collection/

If that, i would not have used it.

Now my server is runnig with blue blocks with a ? on it instaed of birdnests.


When i remove the mod, the server will not work. Everybody who tries to join, will be kicked because of an error.

Need logfile?


So how can i solve this problem?

Please help.



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