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Bleeding in Alpha 21


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Curious if there has been a significant increase in the chance to get the bleed (and other negative) buffs on player characters in A-21?


So far have found that around 4 out of 5 zombie hits are coming with negative buffs (concussion, abrasion, sprains, broken limbs etc). The biggest impact is zombies causing instant bleed on fully healthy players 2 hits out of 3.

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Observations are speculation.


The code though, doesn't show a change of buff chance from A20 to A21.


The odds of getting a critical debuff is based on the players buff resistance.  First hit reduces the resistance by 0.12.  Successful hits after that reduce resistance by 0.19 with a cap (based on what I see) of 1.1 in total


And from what I see, buff resistance from armor hasn't changed.


Maybe some code was updated where it wasn't being applied correctly in the past, but it doesn't look like TFP changed debuffs being applied more often.  And I really haven't seen it in my gaming so far.

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