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how u make a user admin on server? and how u make it NOT ADMIN?


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From what I remember there is an xml file called serveradmin.xml file you can edit.

They may have added themselves there. Can just delete his line if he did or comment it out.




I also think you can do it from the console if you are admin but not 100% sure of the command.

If someone knows of the commands to add/change/remove I wouldn't mind knowing myself.


eg: I think to add as admin you type       admin add "ID" "Level"       for instance admin add gamida 90


I think I have seen streamers use that when they want to add someone so they can use Twitch Integration.

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admin add <playerID> <permission level>    Used to add a player to the admin list
with the desired permission level.

You can use the players entityid, playername, or steam ID.
admin remove <playerID>    Used to remove a player from the admin list.

admin update <playerID> <permission level>    Used to update a players admin permission level.

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Also serveradmin.xml is located in the Saves folder on the server. This is indeed where he put his name. Make sure that your name is in it as admin. I’m pretty sure permission level 1000 is full admin powers. You could leave him in that file but change his permission level to 0 which is what all players are or you can give him partial admin with limited powers. All is explained in that xml.

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2 hours ago, Star69 said:

Also serveradmin.xml is located in the Saves folder on the server. This is indeed where he put his name. Make sure that your name is in it as admin. I’m pretty sure permission level 1000 is full admin powers. You could leave him in that file but change his permission level to 0 which is what all players are or you can give him partial admin with limited powers. All is explained in that xml.

vica versa 0=admin :) trust me.... ima doctor


    <!-- <permission cmd="dm" permission_level="0" /> -->
    <!-- <permission cmd="kick" permission_level="1" /> -->
    <!-- <permission cmd="say" permission_level="1000" /> -->


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Guess I should’ve checked before typing lol. It is well-explained in that file. Once you edit the file to set your admins, be sure to download a copy so if something happens to the server, a simple uploading of that copy maintains your control on that server. Every major update, I completely wipe all of the files on the server (mine is rented as well) and being able to quickly upload all of my edited files after an update minimizes the time that the server is down.

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