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ImposterBlock Problem...friend cant join server GAME STOPS at the error "starting game" hes DEAD for the game


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hey..i have no more ideas...> what can i try now?

my friend will get on the server...the game gets inialize worls, creating player THEn i get the error Imposterblock


i tried other server to connect, i can join game, open 2 boxes then im "dead" for the game i cant open anything , when i try to log on second time, the same error and it woud not load the game..stopped at creating player


what iv tried...full win11 new install (we played over 1 year with win 11)

reset routerm, tried other router/internet connection at the friend

tried network settings, killed 7days from firewall, firewall windows off











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Where is the server located…meaning is it at your house or friends house or rented? Also, if you could post a copy of the server log and a copy of your output log. Copy the contents of the log, go to pastebin.com, paste the log there and post the link generated here.

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In that log, player connected but left after 2.4 minutes. Did you lock up then? The only error message that I saw had to do with EOS, no imposter block error. Many EOS errors are caused by antivirus/antimalware software. Be sure to create an exclusion for the game folder and saves folder. It usually doesn’t help by disabling the software such as Windows Defender, you need to create exclusions. Instructions for most of the common antivirus programs are in the pinned topic at the top.

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8 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

Oh, it's not even the whole log. That isn't very useful.


As Star69 noted, it does need to be excluded from MSE/Defender as that will cause a problem. This is covered in the Support FAQ thread that is Pinned here.

the defender exclusions i cant make because iv made cloud checking antivirus off and directory checking is off 2 (i cant make exclusions because checking is off)

what is missing in the log? iv copied it when he joins and when hes ending to program (he willl connected to server but he doesnt appear), and after 2.4minutes "create player" i end the 7days program

what i dont understand is...when i made the computer new with fresh install

WHY is this error again?

my only2 ideas are...reinstall windows 7 (not 11 this time)

or buy a new computer....


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6 hours ago, 7daysOfFun said:


what is missing in the log? iv copied it when he joins and when hes ending to program (he willl connected to server but he doesnt appear), and after 2.4minutes "create player" i end the 7days program



Sometimes there are hints to the problems very early in the log so partial logs aren’t helpful, same as screenshots of the error on the monitor. The devil is in the details.


Something is blocking the connection to EOS. It almost has to be security software/firewall rules, nothing else that I can think of blocks connections to outside services. A possible one could be some network optimizing software that purports to give your gaming pc optimal network coverage at the expense of other peripherals. An example would be Asus Game First. If you have such software, uninstalling it could solve your issue.

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Your logs show that the game cannot get rules from the tcp of the server. If I'm not mistaken, this means that not all of the necessary ports are not forwarded in your router software. Your server port is 26900 so you need 26900, 26901, 26902 and 26903 forwarded.

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This error:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at GameManager.PlayerId (System.Int32 _playerId, System.Int32 _teamNumber, PlayerDataFile _playerDataFile, System.Int32 _chunkViewDim) [0x0005d] in <ffc99a688d2b435db53bb46aed82ca49>:0

From your last log, is a corrupted player profile. The fix is to delete the profile from the server. This sets the player back to level 1,

but you can replace their inventory from the creative menu and replace their level with the givexp command.

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On 8/26/2022 at 3:34 AM, Beelzybub said:

This error:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at GameManager.PlayerId (System.Int32 _playerId, System.Int32 _teamNumber, PlayerDataFile _playerDataFile, System.Int32 _chunkViewDim) [0x0005d] in <ffc99a688d2b435db53bb46aed82ca49>:0

From your last log, is a corrupted player profile. The fix is to delete the profile from the server. This sets the player back to level 1,

but you can replace their inventory from the creative menu and replace their level with the givexp command.

yesterday i tested it..AND it works..i logged in opened all chestest, get quests, logged out logged in 2nd test all ok

THEN i reinstalled win11 (because win11 hes made 2 startmenu at the beginnin of computer)

get the computer back to the friend, he installed 7days... PROBLEM NOW (he can log in NOW, but he cant open boxes and the world isnt loading when he walks)

he logged in with his 2nd account...same problem

i am at the end with my brainnerves...i woud get the 5liter petrol out of my car and burn his computer or go in a psychich hospital

i dont get the error...

i must calm down and rethink

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4 hours ago, Star69 said:

Did you check whether all of the ports are forwarded in the router that the server is on? Use an online port checker to verify tcp 26900 and udp 26900-26903 are open.

the fun fact is

his girlfriend laptop plays on THE SAME ROUTER and it works fine^^ her game runs 100% (tested with wlan and lan cable)

its a freaky error hahahahahaaaaaaaaaa *dramatic screaming*


-yes we changes the lan cable from router to his computer too

but i will try tomorrow what u said (he has the same router as me and the same software and we made a reset days ago at the router)


i tried to log in with 2nd accound..he placed his motorbike..when he placed it it was gone

BUT myself as a player that was online i see the motorbike that he placed

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On 8/27/2022 at 5:26 PM, Star69 said:

Did you check whether all of the ports are forwarded in the router that the server is on? Use an online port checker to verify tcp 26900 and udp 26900-26903 are open.


the router was broken

he was unable to configure automtic the ports

manual it wasn possible


so we get a new used = it works

10000x thanxs for all that helped me  (problem was broken router and corrupt user file on server)


BUT a mini problem we have...he dont get the start mission the the trader..(build stone axe and so on)

i searched give command basis somethign BUT how i give it to other user ? (the user isnt admin, only i am)

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39 minutes ago, Beelzybub said:

From the creative menu, search for Basic Survival Quest Note and take one. Give the note to the player and when he reads it,

he will get the opening quests.

i tried with givexp Freddy 50000 it works

now how i write it?


"quest_BasicSurvival1 Freddy" ? (freddy is the name of the player)


---10mins later....ahhhhhhh i know what u means..this yellow letter..ok i will look

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