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can i delete a player from current game ? (online server)


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I actually haven’t done it in A20, but in A19 it was indeed 3 files and you didn’t even need to shut the server down to do this. I think in A20 it should be similar although it is a little tougher. In A19 and before, the players were identified by their Steam id. In A20, they are identified by their EOS id. You need to go look at the server output log and find where that player joined the server and that’s where they are assigned their EOS number. Then go to the current Saves folder and in the Players folder and delete the 3 or so EOS files associated with him. He will start over at level one, however a couple of things remain: any doors/boxes that had passwords are saved as well as how much of the map that he previously uncovered.

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On 8/1/2022 at 12:25 AM, Beelzybub said:

Feelings are an unreliable path to diagnosing computer technology.

Yep, nothing but the facts ma'am. Gut-feel is always there though, and it may lead to the source. Or not. Investment of time, knowledge and the process of elimination of the 'possibilities' via logic based on how it all works together . We all want an instant solution to an issue. Reality check : that may not happen. Now, to know what/where/how to affect a change, one has to at least browse threads like this one. This game is very complex once one peeks 'under the hood'. So not all of the bases are covered, its not perfect? I can see why. Investing my maybe $20 in this game some years ago has taught me a lot, not just how to eliminate zeds. Thanks to all who offer their helpful suggestions!

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