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A19's POI - aaa_theatre_plays - for A21


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There's a POI in A19 that I don't think ever made it into worlds and it is really cool. It is called "aaa_theatre_plays" and as the title promises, it is a theater that is meant for live action plays. Please tell me some TFP has plans for this, even though the file didn't get into A20. This thing is awesome.

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4 hours ago, zztong said:

There's a POI in A19 that I don't think ever made it into worlds and it is really cool. It is called "aaa_theatre_plays" and as the title promises, it is a theater that is meant for live action plays. Please tell me some TFP has plans for this, even though the file didn't get into A20. This thing is awesome.

I remember seeing that POI with plans to raid it, but I never took the opportunity. In fact I'd completely forgotten about it until now. Sounds like I missed out.

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If I am remembering the correct POI, I believe we have discussed some implementations of some of the ideas from it.  However, it is a lower priority at the moment.


Don't worry though, there is quite a line up of new POIs in A21 already (and counting) .  Many of which, will blow your minds....😎

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