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Light/Heavy Armor

Arthur Fuxache

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If both have a rating of 10 they do protect you the same.


Usually heavy armor does offer better protection but if you have a military west T6 and a Steel chest armor T2, the military still might be better.


Also with every item in the game there is some RNG involved. The value of damage or armor rating is +/- 15% of the base value. So an item with a base armor rating of 10 could have a rating going from 8.5 up to 11.5


Heavy armor also does have a higher movement and stamina penalty.


@BFT2020 I have yet to see a military vest giving me 15.5 armor rating. They are different. Not by much on a single item, but it adds up with all pieces in consideration. Afaik you can reach 90 armor with steel. Can´t have that with military.


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1 hour ago, pApA^LeGBa said:


@BFT2020 I have yet to see a military vest giving me 15.5 armor rating. They are different. Not by much on a single item, but it adds up with all pieces in consideration. Afaik you can reach 90 armor with steel. Can´t have that with military.


True, but the use of either is typically dependent on playstyle.  If your intent is to stand toe to toe with the zombies and just wail on them with a melee weapon, then the steel armor is the route you want to go.  If you prefer to be more stealthy and quick, the military vest is the route you go as your intent is to limit the number of times being hit by the zombies.


I tend to play lighter, faster, quieter playstyles so it is automatically into the light armor category.  I don't care that the military set doesn't give me 90 armor rating.  If I am letting the zombies hit me enough that I need the 90 armor rating, I have already failed.

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@BFT2020 Yeah, i am not a fan of heavy armor either. It´s nice to have if you play a brawler build though. Other than that i just had a few POI´s in compopack where i switched to heavy armor due to close quarters and a crap ton of Z´s, but that´s about it. Propably played 98% in light armor.


Playing NMM mod right now and having archers as enemies i also use heavy armor in my current playtrough. Will be interesting with bandits in vanilla also when they shoot at you with guns. We will see. I would prefer that don´t need heavy armor though.

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The difference is between STR and AGI.


If both were exactly the same, then there would be no point to even having the identifiers on them.

Most hybrid builds tend to veer into STR or AGI, and often both.


Light armour is for people that armour but don't want to sacrifice too much movement.  Also, its easier on the blue bar.

Heavy armour is for people that want armour and don't care about stealth.  This choice is harder on the blue bar.


These are minute differences but still noteworthy.


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