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My Prefab Builder Software. Release it or Not?


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I think this question was asked, but never answered. What does your Software do? What is Prefab builder Software?


Prefabs are the buildings that 'The Fun Pimps' placed around the map, for us to search.


They are added into the map at STARTing a new Game. Then the chunk/region system takes over as, it is a sandbox game , and it needs to keep the changes us players make to the worldmap.


Anything you make in game, using creative mode or just crafting, , could be called a prefab, but you just can't add it to any other maps, or games.


My software allows the player to build a prefab for the game, independent of the 7DTD executable. It uses a layer system, and a grid, to place the blocks in the layout desired. Like a floor plan for every layer, using the blocks from the game. They are depicted as green box's and have no graphics.


It even can add damage to a block, so it say, starts out almost broken in the prefab.


When ready , you just build the prefab, and save as a *.tts file in the 7DTDfolder/data/prefabs folder. Add a reference in the 7DTDfolder/data/worlds/navezgane/prefabs.xml file, to have the prefab spawn, @ the coordinates supplied, when you START a NEW Game.


It just adds prefabs, and diversity to the maps.


I just hope Rick let's me release it, some more prefabs out there is a good thing... I would think.

Aussie Wombat


[edit] The game saves the coordinates of the player when you quit. These coordinates could be read to add the prefab at that location, start a new game and you will spawn @ one of the spawn points, and your prefab @ the coordinates desired( ready to be fine tuned)..


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Don't know if they are using standard format. Just looked at the insides of the prefab files, saw a pattern, investigated, and built my first prefab, using a H#X editor. All 10,000 blocks.....damage was found by accident. Built the software for me, added to my subway tunnel prefab, with subway station, then a tunnel bend, an incline/decline, and a subway car, to put on the tracks so to speak. Working on a Hotel, with just 3 prefabs can make any # of floors . Hotel_base, the reception and dining areas, then the hotel_floor, add this 5 times for a 7 story building, then add the hotel_roof, which holds the elevator machinery...


Working on adding a bowling centre, a skyscraper, maybe..



Saw some great pictures of a mall someone was building, using creative mode. Looked awesome. Pity they can't put it into other maps, as a prefab.


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Hi all,


I wish you all a Merry Christmas.


Pity Santa couldn't bring ricks response, but it has been two weeks. Must be riveted by the program.


Would have been nice to release the Alpha 5 version.


- Added a 3D Isometric view of the prefab. Select number of layers to show..


- Added Above and below ground buttons


- Added a combo box for the 15 levels of Damage a block can have.



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I'd expect that of you 'CROW'. I mean you did put up the link before I was going to....


He could have asked for the source code, I would have given it to him, I don't comment my code, so good luck there. It written in JBasic.


He would have to convert to Another language..good luck.


He is just a very busy man, working on the true goal, MORE ALPHA's....


Maybe this is the one, where the create menu item, get's it's time in the spotlight..



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So far , it is taking Rick longer to evaluate the software, than it took for me to write it. Let's hope that I get a reply before the New Year.


If not I will again have to consider whether to release the software or not. It would be nice to have The Fun Pimps permission to release, but if they are gonna take forever then maybe I will release it anyway.


Thanks to Kinyajuu, for ALL the help (NOT) in trying to push this agenda along. Seems you are just like Rick and don't reply either. Both of you have my private email address, and yet you have not even replied if you received my email or not..



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From what I keep reading you worked real hard on that program and T.F.P's should let others enjoy it as well. after all once a prefab is placed there is no difference in functionality between program built and in game ones built. Accept the help and enjoyment of a gamer to make the game better, at least till the real creative mode/create world works.:encouragement:

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Ok, It's New Year, and here it is.. 7DTD Prefab Builder Alpha 5


The Prefab Builder, is my own work, and is given away for free. All correspondence about the program should be directed to me, AussieWombat @ [email protected]


The Fun Pimps don't need to have their time wasted , answering questions, about something they didn't write.


The program has a shortcut, included in the archive, that can have up to three command-line parameters in the following order:


path width height


path=Games:\7DaysToDie-Alpha\Data\Prefabs\ or "path=Games:\7DaysToDie-Alpha\Data\Prefabs\"


This is the path to your prefab folder and would not normally have spaces. If the path does have spaces then enclose the path in Quotes.


width and height are just numbers. My native resolution is 1920 x 1080 so I set the width to 1900, and the height to 1000.


If the numbers are omitted then the program defaults to 1280 x 880


The window does not re-size very well so change it to the size you need..


In the folder , there is a "7DTD_Prefab_Builder.txt" . It is in your best interest to read this file.


I will endeavour to update the program to the latest Alpha, and fix any bugs found.


Any suggestions on added material, May or MAY NOT be included in later releases!


This Alpha 5 version, has 2 tools added.


3D Isometric View, draws the prefab blocks in an isometric view. Can be confusing


Player Coordinates, fetchs the players coordinates from the playername.ttp file in the player folder of the game selected. These are the coordinates of the player when they quit the game last. So you can add into the prefab.xml file..


Things to ADD:

I might add a prefabs.xml entry, so that the prefab can be added into the prefabs.xml file from in the program.

An entity_spawner.xml entry, to add an entity spawner box around the prefab, so zombies will spawn in the structure.


Things to fix:

If an underground prefab is read in, modified, then built again, and below ground has not been set, then it will be saved as an above ground prefab.





PS. For those that have been using creative mode. I am working on a Prefab Ripper program, to rip the prefab from the chunk/region files. It will work on ALL Alpha's... Seen some great pictures of malls and such...

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