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New kind of POI: Other survivors bases


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I don't know if this has ever been brought up, but I think I'd really enjoy a new type of POI: Bases from other "survivors" who didn't make it.

With somewhat of a defensive perimeter that has been breached by zombies and the survivor was killed.

I think we could easily imagine multiple tiers of POI (starter 5x5, bases with some spikes and like a forge, bases with a broken electrical setup...).

These could be remnants or filled with zombies.

Also, added bonus, on servers, you'd never know if this is a real base or a POI. 😆

Has this ever been discussed?

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16 hours ago, Tete1805 said:

I don't know if this has ever been brought up, but I think I'd really enjoy a new type of POI: Bases from other "survivors" who didn't make it.

With somewhat of a defensive perimeter that has been breached by zombies and the survivor was killed.

I think we could easily imagine multiple tiers of POI (starter 5x5, bases with some spikes and like a forge, bases with a broken electrical setup...).

These could be remnants or filled with zombies.

Also, added bonus, on servers, you'd never know if this is a real base or a POI. 😆

Has this ever been discussed?

I like it.
Additionally, considering that bandits are supposedly going to be added someday, maybe we'd also get bases of other survivors who DID make it.

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16 hours ago, Tete1805 said:

I don't know if this has ever been brought up, but I think I'd really enjoy a new type of POI: Bases from other "survivors" who didn't make it.


They do exist! I think you might be missing them because I think some are in the wilderness.














My Mod:


zztong_Cabin_Fort_01 -- Tier 1

zztong_Survivor_Site_Urban_01 -- Tier 4

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Hey, you have cool POIs in your mod zztong!

I'll have to check them out.


I know the vanilla POIs you're referring to though, but these are not really "player" bases. (Survivors may have been too vague in my original post.)

These are more like camps for survivors, but usually, they're not defended for instance.

They don't look like they've tried and failed to defend a horde night, you see what I mean?

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5 hours ago, Tete1805 said:

Hey, you have cool POIs in your mod zztong!

I'll have to check them out.


I know the vanilla POIs you're referring to though, but these are not really "player" bases. (Survivors may have been too vague in my original post.)

These are more like camps for survivors, but usually, they're not defended for instance.

They don't look like they've tried and failed to defend a horde night, you see what I mean?

I think this is a fun idea. Would be great to see a fallen horde base with dilapidated walls and broken traps like blades and electrical fences. 

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On 5/26/2022 at 9:40 AM, Tete1805 said:

I know the vanilla POIs you're referring to though, but these are not really "player" bases.


Oh, sorry. I didn't understand you meant "players."


I'd be tempted throw 1-2 in for you if I had a way to make them optional. The thing with putting in a ruined horde base is it's pretty easy to fix those up since they're pretty small. It would kind of make things easier. I suppose maybe I could make 1-2 as "Decorations", then they won't take up POI spot and you'll find them in probably undesirable locations out in the wilds. I wonder if that would be satisfactory?


On 5/26/2022 at 9:40 AM, Tete1805 said:

Hey, you have cool POIs in your mod zztong! I'll have to check them out.


I hope you like them.

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Like this? This uses the Decoration approach, so it is not a POI. (It is built in the same way, but is placed by RWG differently.) As a decoration, it will get placed mostly out in the wilderness, but sometimes inside of a settlement if there's enough flat empty space. As you can see, other Decorations, like trees and grass can get placed closely to it, which I think adds to the charm of using a Decoration for this.



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Here's one that wasn't finished (early testing) when I took the picture, but I got a nice laugh out of how RWG decided to put a tree up through the middle of the base. I guess RWG thinks this must have been a base from one of the very early survivors since a tree has had time to take root and mature.


I'm out of horde base ideas. If I make a horde base, I usually just modify some existing building. I guess I could maybe Google some, but if you had something in mind I'd take a look at any pictures you might have.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's probably the last thing I'll make related to this subject.


The design for this POI was inspired by (but is not a copy of) the Community Center that was part of the Not-A-Gamer Gaming (NAGG) ( @Genosis ) Build Server during A19 play, where it saw action against many hordes. Notable differences are this base has several flaws such that I'm not seeding game worlds with pre-build "gift" bases that are ready for heavy hordes. Weaker materials were used, holes were punched in walls, survivors made horrible decisions about placing ladders, damaged blocks are liberally scattered about the place, and more. There's no quest and very little loot. The "prize" is the building itself, and it is full of heavy-weight zombies -- far more than a typical vanilla dose. Finally, this POI is placed in the Wilderness so that it is less likely to get convenient placement near a city.


The size of the structure fits nicely within a 41-block land claim, so you can turn it into a base if you want to fix it up. There are bed rooms for eight players.


This, and the other stuff pictured above, should be in the next release of my modlet. (Likely labelled A20.5-ZZ009.)


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Crap, I missed your previous messages! (Despite coming regularly to the forum, no notification. =/)

These are beautiful!!! Awesome!!

If you can (and don't mind), you can probably include something like the typical JonahBirch 4 blocks 2 high little thingy with a campfire and a secure wood storage. (And a dead body near.)

Vanilla has a few small POIs like this.

Did you include zombies? (Edit: Got to see that you did. Nice!)

I've started a game using your POI pack and have encountered 3 so far. (If memory serves.) They're pretty damn cool!

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The 4*4 thingy:



I need to look into the decorations part of it, I've never messed with it, interesting.

Is this how they spawn mini POIs like fridges with trash and a dead body?

Of course, you also come across these regularly on servers:



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9 minutes ago, Tete1805 said:

I need to look into the decorations part of it, I've never messed with it, interesting.

Is this how they spawn mini POIs like fridges with trash and a dead body?


The decorations and that Wilderness POI will be in the next release. That should be "Soon." I don't have any more plans for content for this release, but there's a large change for a custom Gateway Tile that needs a bunch of testing.


Yes, many things scattered about the terrain are Decorations. That is, things as small as one block, like a landmine, up to some partial buildings, like the corners of buildings in the Wasteland that have a bit of kitchen and a body. You build them like a small POI, but you have to enter them into biomes.xml where you also assign a probability of appearing. I think I have them set to a 0.0001 probability, which makes them kind of rare. I also have them set for only on flat land, so the more mountainous you make the map, the fewer of them there will be.


The latest one is a POI rigged for the Wilderness. I saw around 3 of them get placed in testing on a 10k map.

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On 6/15/2022 at 6:32 PM, Tete1805 said:

If you can (and don't mind), you can probably include something like the typical JonahBirch 4 blocks 2 high little thingy with a campfire and a secure wood storage. (And a dead body near.)


Heh, sure. If I stumble across one In a solo game I might be wondering if somebody else has been playing. :)

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Here you go... this is testing, so I have the probability set really high. It is known as zztong_Tete1805_Deco_01 and I've got it only generating in the Forest since it seems like a structure only a new character would build.20220617094216_1.thumb.jpg.2e8339f63ac0f31a1aa55bed1fb2ccd5.jpg


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