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Hello, I´ve been playing coop lately and there´s a consistent bug where the game would crash every 30 mins after opening the server, the log file mentions a timeout event exactly when this happens. Investigating in forums I´ve realised you can fix this problem by forcing directx 10, but this is not possible here due to a problem with game pass, which rejects the directx10, and there´s no in-game option whatsoever. We have tried everything, disabling anti-cheat, toggling in-game settings, and nothing works out. The game is completely unplayable in this state.

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------------------[2022-05-14 21:29:16] Log session started
[2022-05-14 21:29:16] [0,0] SetSteamID( [A:1:0:0] )
[2022-05-14 21:29:16] [0,0] Server says 0% of connections should be websockets, we rolled 95 - using UDP as default.
[2022-05-14 21:29:16] CCMInterface::YieldingConnect -- no CMs cached locally, calling ISteamDirectory/GetCMList web api for launcher type 'gameserver'. . .
[2022-05-14 21:29:16] IPv6 HTTP connectivity test (ipv6check-http.steamcontent.com / ( - TIMEOUT
[2022-05-14 21:29:16] IPv6 UDP connectivity test (ipv6check-udp.steamcontent.com) - FAILED, no addresses resolved
[2022-05-14 21:29:17] CCMInterface::YieldingConnect -- got 100 CMs and 100 WebSocket CMS from ISteamDirectory/GetCMList.
[2022-05-14 21:29:17] [1,2] Connect() starting connection (eNetQOSLevelMedium, 155.18933.246.6679:27017, UDP)
[2022-05-14 21:29:18] [1,2] ConnectionCompleted() (, UDP) local address (0.0.0900.0:58351)
[2022-05-14 21:29:18] [1,2] RecvMsgClientLogOnResponse() : [A:1:1590553610900:20283] 'OK'
[2022-05-14 21:58:13] [3,2] LogOff()
[2022-05-14 21:58:13] [2,2] AsyncDisconnect( bDontWaitOnTCPShutdown: false )
---------------[2022-05-14 21:58:13] [2,2] Log session ended

//30min and then crash//

[2022-05-14 21:29:16] Inilializing System Manager
[2022-05-14 21:29:16] Suspend inhibited
[2022-05-14 21:58:13] Suspend inhibit released

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The output log you posted on pastebin was from May 17 and the one above is from May 14. I'm not sure if you experienced the same problem from both. The May 17th log shows you hosting a person to person game and the game ends shortly after someone joins your game. Hosting on the same machine you are playing on is pretty demanding and might be part of the problem. Do you experience the 30 crash when playing solo? Have you tried joining a dedicated server that is not someone hosting the game on the same machine they are playing on to see if you get the 30 minute crash on that?


@Jugginator any clue about about the Directx10 issue with gamepass?

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let's start point by point.
The crash happens while offline also, I do not think it is a problem of my pc because like my friend who has the same thing happens has a pc let's say a little good ryzen 5 5600x 16GB ram 6600xt, I have the same only I have a 3050. the crash starts exactly every 30min happens each and every one of the times we played, it is as if it were programmed to happen. is it a problem of the game or gamepass ?. Only thing i know is that it feels as if i rented the game on a cybercafe for 30 mins every time i want to play


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There have been several posts in General Support of people playing on GamePass that were disconnecting every 30 minutes. General troubleshooting did not help and I think one of them posted an official bug report.

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On 5/22/2022 at 1:06 PM, Roland said:

Okay, I tagged one the QA guys in my post. Once he notices, he'll check it out with the team.


Thanks for the ping.


Unsure what's going on, I've got 3 different systems that none have had this happen to as well as other members of the team not reporting it. Been looking into it

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On 5/22/2022 at 11:54 AM, Roland said:

any clue about about the Directx10 issue with gamepass?


Log shows user running DX11 not sure about DX10, don't think you can actually run dx10 anymore.

11 hours ago, CodeShiinomiya_ said:

can you @ pls 



Been playing on 20.5b2 on a random PVP server for an hour and a half now no issues on the gamepass version, also did it on the Steam version too. Not sure what's going on here, perhaps check eventviewer to see why Windows closed the game down.

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The program 7DaysToDie.exe version 2020.3.14.53691 stopped interacting with Windows and was closed. To see if more information about the problem is available, check the problem history in the Security and Maintenance control panel.
 Process ID: 2b20
 Start Time: 01d869243d41012d
 Termination Time: 3
 Application Path: C:\XboxGames\7 Days To Die\Content\7DaysToDie.exe
 Report Id: ae4a9938-b750-4a17-bc9a-9096f3ceae1c
 Faulting package full name: TheFunPimps.7DaystoDiePC_0.2004.42.0_x64__yapmrbwff4apt
 Faulting package-relative application ID: Game
 Hang type: Unknown



this is the most recent error recorded in the event viewer. Today I was playing and the same thing happened, it closed after 30min but there is no record of this day.

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If it helps, both people that posted on the support forums were husband and wife where the husband hosted the wife. In one of the cases I had the 2 people join my vanilla server and the 30 minute crash still occurred. Server logs showed nothing out of the ordinary, just disconnections. I do not have EAC enabled on the server in order to rule out that as an issue. Fortunately/unfortunately both people bought the game because they wanted to continue playing but we don’t have them for further testing.

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