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DLX Weapons Fix - [V1.0] - Aligned Sights, Aiming directly from the SCOPE and MORE!


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14 hours ago, DanyEr12LX said:


Don't worry! Maybe the next update might contain some... customization 🔥🔥


This is a brilliant mod and it looks awesome, but because of an eye issue I have I'm straining to see through the red tint and ending up with migraines so I came to ask the same question about lightening or removing the red tint. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

this is my first comment, but you're too good, I missed it so much, a good weapon in a 1-person shooter, why are you doing so well, and the game developers are terrible, the worst shooting of all games, but with your mod it's very nice to shoot.

there are no words, only emotions
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Hey Guys! 

I just released a New Update 🔥🔥

In this Update I focused on the Scope Customization and Zoom feature, the Lever Action Rifle and a generic Texture Improvement.


Here is a summary.


This version includes three updates in one, that's why there isn't a version 1.4 ... we jump directly to 1.5
So... it's like the never seen Windows 9.... have you ever seen it? No? Well, here is the same thing. 


➡️ UPDATE 1 : The Scope Update
Here is a summary.

Since I've got so many requests, I decided to remove the tint of the scope, so now it's completely CLEAR!

But there's more!

  • You can now Customize the TINT of the Scope, the RETICLE COLOR and also the RETICLE SHAPE, by editing the XML file "item_modifiers.xml".

  • I'll post a Tutorial and a Video on how to customize your Scope.

  • You can now Customize the 2x, the 4x and the 8x Scope Separately, regarding the Scope Tint and the Scope Reticle.

  • There are now a total of different RETICLE SHAPES.

  • So there are 4 Properties of the Scope you can modify

    • The SCOPE TINT

      • It's based on two other Properties

      •  Scope BASE COLOR

        • It's the base color of the Scope Glass.

        • There is also a Clear-No Tint version.

        • There are 10 Colors.

      •  Scope LIGHTING

        • There is a light that illuminates the Scope Glass.

        • There are 9 Colors.

      • That means there is a total of 90 possible SCOPE TINTS


      • It's based on two other Properties

      • Scope RETICLE COLOR

        • There are 10 Colors.

      • Scope RETICLE SHAPE

        • I designed a total of 9 Reticle Shapes.

      • That means there is a total of 90 possible SCOPE RETICLES

  • In total there are 8100 Possible Combinations for the Scope!

Here is a list of all the COLORS you can use in order to customize your

  • NOTINT    (ONLY for ScopeLight and ScopeDirt, NOT for Reticle)
  • BLACK       (ONLY for Reticle, NOT for ScopeLight and ScopeDirt)
  • BLUE
  • PINK
  • RED
  • WHITE     (NOT for ScopeLight, use NOTINT instead for a clear tint scope)

Here is a list of all the RETICLE SHAPES you can use in order to customize your Scope        

  • On my Forum Topic you can see all the scope shapes and their IDs.    
  • 01   Triangle
  • 02   Simple Cross
  • 03   Cross and Circle
  • 04   Open Cross
  • 05   German Reticle
  • 06   Open Circle
  • 07   RangeFinding
  • 08   Three Marks
  • 09   Three Marks and Circle



➡️ UPDATE 2 : The Lever Action Rifle
Here is a summary.

  • Improved the simmetry of the entire Weapon.
  • Iron sight is perfectly aligned.    
  • Added a brand new Front Sight.
  • Improved Lever Action Rifle Textures on the back of the gun.
  • Improved Lever Action Rifle Iron Sight Textures.
  • Added Roughness and Metallic Texture on the Iron Sight and on the back of the gun.   
  • Improved Scope Textures.
  • Improved Scope Mesh.
  • Added an extra Animation when reloading for each shot.
  • Added a Spent Bullet Shell that dynamically interacts with the external environment.
  • Added a Loading Port that interacts with the inserting bullet.
  • Animated the Loading Port when reloading.
  • Animations have been made smoother.
  • Completely changed the Fire Animation after each shot.
  • Changed the Reload Animation by rotating the Rifle so you can see the bullet inserting inside the gun.
  • Completely changed the Back side of the gun.
  • Added a Bolt on the back side of the gun.
  • Animated the Bolt after each shot.
  • Changed the shape of the Hammer.
  • Animated the Hammer after each shot.
  • Added a Firing Pin.    
  • Added an Ejection Port.
  • Improved Scope Textures.
  • Improved and Rounded Scope Mesh.  
  • Improved the Texture of the Reflex.
  • Changed the Position of the Reflex.    
  • Improved Mesh and Texture of the spent Bullet Shell.
  • Added Muzzle Smoke, Muzzle Fire and Muzzle Light.
  • Added Smoke Cloud after each shot.        
  • Added new models for mods currently not visible on the weapon.        
    • RetractingStock
    • ForeGrip
    • MuzzleBrake
    • BarrelExtender
    • Bipod



➡️ UPDATE 3 : For All the Weapons

  • Updated all the Textures of all the weapons and the bullets.
    • I've found out that Unity was compressing and reducing the quality of all my textures. This, together with some other texture setting tweaks made me improve this aspect.
  • Added a Smoke cloud after each shot that lasts longer
    • After each shot a cloud of smoke is created.
  • Adjusted FOVs and ScopeCameraOffset
    •  This one still need other few improvements, but I've adjusted the zoom on the scope of all the weapons.
  • Added a new Zoom When Crouch feature
    • When you crouch the Scope zooms, reaching the full 2x, 4x or 8x.


➡️ Stay Tuned for more additions! ✔️


Edited by DanyEr12LX (see edit history)
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After any game with more or less weapon animations like COD or APEX, let alone EFT shooting, 7 days to death is like a 2003 Minecraft mod. I really want you to redo this pathetic shootout. I don’t really understand how it all works, but I hope you can make a gunplay like in TARKOV or somehow pull up your current weapon, which you are very good at, your mod has become 1 in the top, I hope you will redo all the weapons in this miserable game , at the moment weapon aiming animations and recoil are in need of a huge overhaul, can you fix this... the AK-47 has very unpleasant effects of approaching and distancing when aiming, have you changed that? I really don't remember how it was in vanilla, but in all your weapons, except Ak-47, this disease has been fixed, mp5 has the same small effect, but it looks much better than AK

Edited by yuuarai (see edit history)
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On 7/22/2022 at 5:37 AM, yuuarai said:

After any game with more or less weapon animations like COD or APEX, let alone EFT shooting, 7 days to death is like a 2003 Minecraft mod. I really want you to redo this pathetic shootout. I don’t really understand how it all works, but I hope you can make a gunplay like in TARKOV or somehow pull up your current weapon, which you are very good at, your mod has become 1 in the top, I hope you will redo all the weapons in this miserable game , at the moment weapon aiming animations and recoil are in need of a huge overhaul, can you fix this... the AK-47 has very unpleasant effects of approaching and distancing when aiming, have you changed that? I really don't remember how it was in vanilla, but in all your weapons, except Ak-47, this disease has been fixed, mp5 has the same small effect, but it looks much better than AK


I do not believe these things are feasable at the moment due to a lack of mod support in the area. This mods scope is gun models and animations. As far as I am concerned no one has yet to be able to overhaul player animations (E.g. The arms in 1st person and body in 3rd person) or how shooting mechanics fundamentally work like recoil, sway, spread etc...

I would personally love to add new hold types to the game but it's just not possible atm.

A21 will bring updated player models and hopefully open up more modding opportunities.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey so im running into an Issue, all of the new models load but when sighting in with a scope 2x 4x etc i just get the gross vanilla reticle with the black square, do you have a fix for this? cause im lost 

Edit: i extracted it from the zip into my mod folder properly just for some reason the only issue i encounter is the vanilla reticle coming up


Edit 2: idk if this what this is supposed to look like or not but i feel like in those empty quotations is supposed to be something, ive tried 0 and false but nothing has changed. 

<!-- SCOPE SMALL -->    
    <append xpath="/item_modifiers/item_modifier[@name='modGunScopeSmall']">
        <item_property_overrides name="gunHandgunT1Pistol">
            <property name="CrosshairOnAim" value="false"/>
            <property name="Zoom_max_out" value="55"/>
            <property name="Zoom_max_in" value="55"/>
            <property name="Zoom_overlay" value=""/>
            <property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="-0.0006,-.0160,-0.11"/>

Edited by Red Ankh (see edit history)
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On 9/27/2022 at 8:29 AM, Red Ankh said:

Hey so im running into an Issue, all of the new models load but when sighting in with a scope 2x 4x etc i just get the gross vanilla reticle with the black square, do you have a fix for this? cause im lost 

Edit: i extracted it from the zip into my mod folder properly just for some reason the only issue i encounter is the vanilla reticle coming up


Edit 2: idk if this what this is supposed to look like or not but i feel like in those empty quotations is supposed to be something, ive tried 0 and false but nothing has changed. 

<!-- SCOPE SMALL -->    
    <append xpath="/item_modifiers/item_modifier[@name='modGunScopeSmall']">
        <item_property_overrides name="gunHandgunT1Pistol">
            <property name="CrosshairOnAim" value="false"/>
            <property name="Zoom_max_out" value="55"/>
            <property name="Zoom_max_in" value="55"/>
            <property name="Zoom_overlay" value=""/>
            <property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="-0.0006,-.0160,-0.11"/>

Nvm it was a mod conflict, i fixed via some XML changes XP


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/1/2022 at 10:48 PM, Pantstain said:

apparently this mod is dead




Hey guys!
It's been a while since the last update.


I am sorry for not having released any news in this period . . .
Many of you have thought that I have abandoned the development of the Mod, but I can tell you that this is not the case!

Although in this period I have been very busy between study and work, in my free time I costantly dedicate myself to the development of my Mod.


In recent months, instead of developing one weapon at a time, I've been focusing on scripting a library that makes Movement and Shooting Mechanisms much more interesting, taking inspiration from the main First Person Shooters (BF and COD mainly).
I have also made customizable all the parameters used by my library (e.g. the intensity of the recoil).

To do this, you only need to edit an XML file.
Once developed, I will release a video in which I will present and further explain this new addition, including a guide on how to change these individual parameters.


I also opened a donation section, for the Bois who like what I'm developing and want to personally help me in this adventure!

(I recommend to read the section before doing anything)


In these weeks I could upload a preview video of this addition.
In the future I intend to contact and cooperate with the developers of the most famous mods, such as Undead Legancy and Darkness fall, in order to develop a Patch that will make my Mod 100% compatible with these (which already should be to a large extent)


BUT, for the time being, I leave you an update where I have focused on the Magnum, making the iron sight not a disgrace and giving it my 2X Scope, along with other changes made.


So in summary ... NO: I have not stopped developing my Mod but on the contrary I work on it every time I have some free time!

And what I'm trying to do is make the Movement and Shooting Mechanisms much more interesting.

Here is a summary for the Magnum (as far as I remember 😆 It's been a while and I don't remember all the things I've improved).

Fortunately the original Magnum wasn't a complete mess like the previous ones.

  • Iron sight is perfectly aligned.
  • Did the same things with textures, Scope, etc.. as the previous guns
  • Improved Magnum Texture on the back of the gun.
  • Improved Magnum Iron Sight Texture.
  • Animated the Extractor (the component that allows you to extract shells from the cylinder).
  • Added a model for the Barrel Extender (which is literally the whole barrel elongated!).
  • Added a model for the Muzzle Brake.


➡️ Stay Tuned for more additions! ✔️


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4 hours ago, DanyEr12LX said:




Hey guys!
It's been a while since the last update.


I am sorry for not having released any news in this period . . .
Many of you have thought that I have abandoned the development of the Mod, but I can tell you that this is not the case!

Although in this period I have been very busy between study and work, in my free time I costantly dedicate myself to the development of my Mod.


In recent months, instead of developing one weapon at a time, I've been focusing on scripting a library that makes Movement and Shooting Mechanisms much more interesting, taking inspiration from the main First Person Shooters (BF and COD mainly).
I have also made customizable all the parameters used by my library (e.g. the intensity of the recoil).

To do this, you only need to edit an XML file.
Once developed, I will release a video in which I will present and further explain this new addition, including a guide on how to change these individual parameters.


I also opened a donation section, for the Bois who like what I'm developing and want to personally help me in this adventure!

(I recommend to read the section before doing anything)


In these weeks I could upload a preview video of this addition.
In the future I intend to contact and cooperate with the developers of the most famous mods, such as Undead Legancy and Darkness fall, in order to develop a Patch that will make my Mod 100% compatible with these (which already should be to a large extent)


BUT, for the time being, I leave you an update where I have focused on the Magnum, making the iron sight not a disgrace and giving it my 2X Scope, along with other changes made.


So in summary ... NO: I have not stopped developing my Mod but on the contrary I work on it every time I have some free time!

And what I'm trying to do is make the Movement and Shooting Mechanisms much more interesting.

Here is a summary for the Magnum (as far as I remember 😆 It's been a while and I don't remember all the things I've improved).

Fortunately the original Magnum wasn't a complete mess like the previous ones.

  • Iron sight is perfectly aligned.
  • Did the same things with textures, Scope, etc.. as the previous guns
  • Improved Magnum Texture on the back of the gun.
  • Improved Magnum Iron Sight Texture.
  • Animated the Extractor (the component that allows you to extract shells from the cylinder).
  • Added a model for the Barrel Extender (which is literally the whole barrel elongated!).
  • Added a model for the Muzzle Brake.


➡️ Stay Tuned for more additions! ✔️


Really happy to see this is in development. Can't wait to try this out!

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