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i have a problem with NUMBERS of ANIMALS and zombies going around


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normal is 50 on server maximal animals spawned

i want more..so i made 150 for test


NO more walking zombies around (crywoman yes sometimes), but no more zombies on street ...

aaaaand animals a more rarely the before..before in snow spawned a bear, puma and wolf at the same radius + rabbits ans chicken...now only 2 pumas


iv thinked when i changed this higher then mORe animals will be there..a want streets with LOT of chickens rabbits and so on...i forest i want a animal horde XD (perhaps i change to 500?)


what iv made wrong?



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NOTE: That this doesn't cause more animals to spawn arbitrarily: The biome spawning system only spawns a certain number of animals in a given area, but if you have lots of players that are all spread out then you may be hitting the limit and can increase it.


This is part of the comment for MaxSpawnedAnimals. It says that increasing this value will not change the number of animals a single player sees. But if say 25 players are all in different locations they could see more animals instead of just 50/25 = 2 animals.


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I think also the "max" value is just the cap for the whole map. If you want more of them spawning, you need to edit spawning.xml. Each biome has lines like this:


        <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="1" time="Any" entitygroup="WildGameForest" spawnDeadChance="0" />
        <spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="1.1" time="Night" entitygroup="EnemyAnimalsForest" spawnDeadChance="0" />


Change the maxcount to 2 or 3 for 2x or 3x normal spawns, respectively. You can also lower the respawndelay (which is in game days) if you want them to respawn more quickly.



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