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(A20) Oakraven Forest Collection


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45 minutes ago, Jay7 said:

It's ridiculous how easy that fix was - it worked, thanks a lot!


Has there been something obvious I've been missing, because I tried so hard to fix it, it's kinda embarassing that it got fixed by adding one "Z" 


Best regards,


The Dangerous Cities Mod, with the folder beginning with 'K' loads after the Oakraven Collection Mods with 'B' and 'H' since they load in alphabetical order. The Dangerous Cities Mod rewrites everything that loads before it and wipes out their spawning settings due to the way it was coded ('set' command). It is possible to allow the Dangerous Cities Mod to be compatible with other mods that use custom spawning so that it can do its thing and not overwrite them, but that is the creator's choice. It would be easier to simply rename A21, and beyond builds of the Oakraven Mod Collection, as ZombieOak-BeeHives or ZombieOak-HydroponicUndergroundFarming to give them a higher chance of loading last. Since Oakraven's mods add to the default game rather than replace or overwrite things, it wouldn't cause issues for other mods.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Interesting, just a note for this pack of mods where it stats EAC off I can confirm we have most these mods running on one of our servers with EAC on, the only problem I've seen so far is the largest solar panel doesn't connect its wiring to batteries for some reason but the smaller one does, the fishing one was weird also where the baskets would gobble up water blocks and things like this but a bunch of the other ones are working fine for us.  Great work honestly!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

It was not possible in this A20 version and isn't in the A21 version. However, both the Coops and Hives are being used in Preppocalypse and Wild West Mod and they allow them to be broken at laying stage and they drop back into the player inventory to be placed again. This is similar to how the Dew Collector used to drop back into the player inventory, but now only drops a Water Filter with a 50% chance.


I shall discuss this with Oakraven for A21. The A20 version is kind of in the archives now and not being touched. This is how it will potentially work for A21 and is how Preppocalypse and Wild West Mod do it.

1. Place a coop or hive. In that empty stage it can be picked up and moved.

2. Add Queen Bee or Chicks.

3. At this stage, once added, the player can break the hive and it drops back to player inventory but the Queen Bee is lost. For the Coop, it has to go one more step to laying stage. As with the hive, the coop can be broken and drops back into the player inventory.


This shouldn't be an issue to add this feature since the player will lose their Bee or Chicks and it can't be exploited in any way. Server Admin can accept that.

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6 hours ago, arramus said:

It was not possible in this A20 version and isn't in the A21 version. However, both the Coops and Hives are being used in Preppocalypse and Wild West Mod and they allow them to be broken at laying stage and they drop back into the player inventory to be placed again. This is similar to how the Dew Collector used to drop back into the player inventory, but now only drops a Water Filter with a 50% chance.


I shall discuss this with Oakraven for A21. The A20 version is kind of in the archives now and not being touched. This is how it will potentially work for A21 and is how Preppocalypse and Wild West Mod do it.

1. Place a coop or hive. In that empty stage it can be picked up and moved.

2. Add Queen Bee or Chicks.

3. At this stage, once added, the player can break the hive and it drops back to player inventory but the Queen Bee is lost. For the Coop, it has to go one more step to laying stage. As with the hive, the coop can be broken and drops back into the player inventory.


This shouldn't be an issue to add this feature since the player will lose their Bee or Chicks and it can't be exploited in any way. Server Admin can accept that.

That’s awesome. Being able to

move them would be really great. Thanks 😊 

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