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OK what do I do now?


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SO.... let me paint a picture I am playing with two other people coop..   on day 85, WE will call him Player C, was in our home base and all of sudden a large portion collapsed an we lost a lot of stuff. I had read about the settime feature and gave it it a try.  Well I ended up resetting us to day 1 instead of a few hours before the incident. SO now I am at a loss


So her3e are my questions..

1.  Does resetting the time, Reset the horde counter.. If I reset us on day 86 ( i have horde nights every 14 days, don't judge)  will we get our next horde on day 14 or day 12 since we ha already had two days pass?


2.  SAme as above for traders.. if the trader says he get new stock on day 88 do I have to weight till actrual day 88 or will it be a few days.. to what would have been day 88..


3. how broken will my game save actually be.


Thanks everybody

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Setting the day back to day 86 won't cause any issues.  My question is what are you trying to fix with changing the time?  Just trying to put off the horde night until you have your base set back up again?  If so you can set the time back to day 86 and use the command to set the next horde night to be whatever day you want it to be on.  So if you want the next horde day to be on day 100 it is easily accomplished and won't cause you any problems.  The traders are on their own schedule so if they are supposed to restock on day 88 they still will.  

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