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GeForce Experience and stutters


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Hello all im getting frame stutters alot, often drops from 60fps down to 13-17FPS and its abit jarring to play. 
I wanted to try Geforce Experience to try and have it optimise for me but it cant find the game even if i get it to scan the folder it is in, i found a reddit thread that mentioned the same thing happening for people but 7D2D is on their supported games list.


Other than that here are my system specs and the Video settings i play on, any help appreciated thanks


GTX 960 4GB Vram

32GB Ram @ 3000 (all matching)

i7-6700k @ 4GHz  

Driver Version 473.04


Gefore Experience all updated




7d set.png

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Now upon restarting my PC and loading the game im getting this.

I just float up and then game crashes, ive changed no settings since me playing earlier. apart from updating Geforce Eperience.. 


I mean i know its alpha and i expect some quirks and im ok with that but with the stuttering in the first post and now this the game is literally unplayable for me atm...

7d crash.png

Edited by Ttocs (see edit history)
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7 Days used to be listed in Geforce Experience until A20 was released. I'm not sure what the process is for it to be added back but I'm guessing some testing by Nvidia and I have no idea how long it takes.


As far as your current issue, it looks like your player profile is corrupted. You didn't say at what point that your game crashed, whether it was just starting the program or when you tried to enter a world or when. It's possible that we could see the issue if you post your latest log file. Instructions on how to do that is in the pinned topic above about how to post a bug.


Finally, your settings. Your videocard just isn't going to cut it for the game much longer. I used to have a 980m and had to play using very very low settings. From your screenshot, recommendations that I have would be: turn off everything dealing with shadows and water, disable bloom, turn off sun shafts, ss reflections and motion blur. I'd need to see the other pages of your settings for more options for you.


So post your log so we can get you back up and running.

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Hello here is pastebin link to log

Note i had to delete a chunk of the re occurring error because it went over the 512kb limit free pastebin users get

It happened as soon as the game i was trying to continue finished loading.


EDIT: It was a pregen rwg

EDIT2: It was a new game started this friday, old saves were wiped and files validated, EAC was on.

EDIT3: After looking around the forums i see im also victim of position error bug and need to delete player profile or start again, thanks for your help bu im not doing that im gonna play something else i dont feel like starting again or wasting any more of my limited free time on this, not the first time my file just randomly get corrupted in 7D's and ive had to start again, this is the straw that broke the camels back for me.


Here are the other ages of my settings but i will try what you said if i can get the game to load






set 3.png

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9 hours ago, Ttocs said:

i see im also victim of position error bug and need to delete player profile or start again

Some players have fixed this by entering debug mode (press F1 the type "dm") and then opening the map and teleporting back to their base using ctrl/right click on the map. No need to delete your player profile.

Also, turn off AA.

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Hello all thanks for replies, sorry about my saltiness in the previous post but it really @%$#ed me off.


Your idea worked Beezl, i did try DM previously to this, but the game is frantically trying to position you so it was a no go BUT im already an admin so didn't think to try ctrl click on map and it worked!

Sadly i only had about 15 seconds per attempt before crash and it took me 3 tries so it put me into radiation zone, but i went back there with god mode and hex edited the death out so im back to happy and will now be trying your ideas to help with the stuttering. Very much appreciated 

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GeForce Experience is just bloatware, and using it to adjust settings is extremely bad for a game actively in development like this one.

Short answer, don't use it.


Disable V-sync. It's crap. Limit the frame rate in Nvidia's settings if you need to. (I would strongly advise this with your hardware anyway.)

Disable reflections completely. Your CPU is a bit low to handle it, and that feature still hasn't had a proper optimization pass. Every option with the word reflection should be turned off.

Same for motion blur. It's just adding extra processing to your GPU that isn't necessary.

SSAO is also pretty heavy on the GPU. If you're still having a bit of an issue, disabling this should help a lot.



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Hello thanks for all replies, ive played around with the settings using the advice given and am now running at 70-80FPS with no stuttering. Ive never even had the game run above 60FPS before now but it was the stutters that were the main issue for me and they are now gone.


Given up on GeForce experience, I've never attempted to use it before now and since it cant even find 7D2D anyway Ive pretty much binned it 😃


Ill post the settings im using now since I notice stuttering isn't an uncommon topic around here and maybe they will help out someone in the future searching this with a medium ish spec PC 😃






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