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So... If I log out say like 3:45AM - and then log back in...


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It's been this way for a long time.  If you bail (or the game crashes) while the blood moon music is still playing the blood moon starts over again when you go back into the game.  It is the same for POI quests if you leave the game before you complete the objectives.


No clue if there are any plans to fix this, but I suspect it would be difficult at best.  It would probably involve a state machine of sorts, but that would be very memory intensive considering everything that can change in a voxel game.  It would be impossible, to my mind, to fix for multiplayer but there is some hope for single player games, I'd guess.

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8 minutes ago, Maharin said:

memory intensive

For a really simple but functional version, you'll save night-number, steamID (or ID-of-player-record which can then get away with being a byte) and number_of_spawned ... so that's three bytes per player.

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You'd have to also save the position and other information about each zombie, who they're chasing, their current state, and a bunch of other information.  If they're beating on blocks then you'll need to save information on that, too.  Any and all loot bags dropped... you get the idea.  There's a lot of quickly changing information to save as a snapshot to do this even close to accurate.

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9 hours ago, Maharin said:

You'd have to also save the <snip>

To return to the exact situation, sure. But just to avoid restarting the whole thing, you could just re-spawn the latest wave based on how far you were in when you logged out, that could be done on just the number of spawns. You wouldn't really know the difference because the zeds will start moving while you're still loading in. The bags are saved already, you don't lose them on logout.

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