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Is it normal for the game to crash upon creating a new RWG world?


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https://pastebin.com/G1MhwMUL Game log

https://pastebin.com/8aX5NX0w Map Info




Game Version: A20 (B238)

Platform: PC

OS/Version: Windows 10

CPU Model: i9-10850k

System Memory: 32GB

GPU Model and VRAM: Radeon RX 6700XT, 12-16GB

Screen Resolution: 2560x1440

Video Settings: See attached screenshot.

Game mode: SP


Did you wipe old saves? Yes

Did you start a new game? Yes

Did you validate your files? Yes

Are you using any mods? No

EAC on or off? Off


Status: NEW


Bug Description: Game crashes when generating an RWG world.


Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:


1) Generate a world

2) See if it crashes


Actual result: I assume the Random Gen Previewer which lets you explore the map through the box is causing the issue. After a full reinstall of the game (deleting everything and verifying files), I noticed that the moment the previewer becomes active the game has a hard stall of not responding. It either fixes itself, or it crashes and I need to reinstall to prevent further file corruption.


Expected result: The Random Gen Previewer to be a toggle feature, or for RWG worlds to not have potential to crash upon world creation in the generator.







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There are no errors in the log. Many times issues during or just after map generation are due to memory. You might check Event Viewer and see if it recorded the crash and maybe it will give up some clues. If nothing else, you might run Memtest since you have plenty of ram so maybe a faulty stick.

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12 hours ago, Star69 said:

There are no errors in the log. Many times issues during or just after map generation are due to memory. You might check Event Viewer and see if it recorded the crash and maybe it will give up some clues. If nothing else, you might run Memtest since you have plenty of ram so maybe a faulty stick.

It's too late for event viewer, and memtest came back with full coverage. If it had been a faulty stick then my computer wouldn't be able to boot, and the chances are my BIOS light may indicate the processor is faulty when it isn't.


I've had faulty sticks before on older rigs, not sure why memtest is needed in this case since the game is extremely buggy as it is.. no other developer or customer support group would even recommend memtest.



Edit: I made a new world and everything worked after a 2nd time. It seems to freeze exactly when the world's done generating


Edited by Darklegend222 (see edit history)
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First off, I’m not a developer nor am I on the support team….I’m just a player like you volunteering my time trying to help fellow players with problems running a game we all love to play. Everyone else who has had your issue of locking up when generating a map it turned out to be a memory issue. Currently players have reported up to 24gigs of ram are used in map generation and there is a bug where that ram is not released when generation is done. So it’s natural to ask about your ram, also others had the issue with swap files not being managed by windows. I’m also not an IT person and memtest is what I’ve used for the past 25 years to explore my own ram issues. If there are better ram tests out there, I’m not aware, but would be eager to learn new stuff.

Your log records everything the game does/attempts to do and if a bug appears, and there are many, it records it. As I said before, there are no errors in your log, the game is reporting no issues. In a piece of software that is cpu-intensive and ram-intensive, it is going to put strain on hardware. Could your issue be a bug?? Sure, but with no errors how do we figure it out? By checking everything we can including hardware, waiting for others with your same issue and trying to find a common theme. The more info that we get, the more likely someone will figure out a solution. Maybe someone else will have some ideas for you.

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10 hours ago, Darklegend222 said:

...If it had been a faulty stick then my computer wouldn't be able to boot, ...


This is not correct. A faulty stick could have just one single bit stuck. Or one single byte duplicated at another address.


But you are seeing the same effect of the game crashing, no random errors. IF it were faulty memory it would have to be a bigger chunk and I would expect more randomness in the result. Memtest is an easy and fast way to eliminate a less likely explanation.


Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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10 hours ago, meganoth said:


This is not correct. A faulty stick could have just one single bit stuck. Or one single byte duplicated at another address.


But you are seeing the same effect of the game crashing, no random errors. IF it were faulty memory it would have to be a bigger chunk and I would expect more randomness in the result. Memtest is an easy and fast way to eliminate a less likely explanation.


Interesting, didn't know that. I must have my own definition of faulty then.


Anyway, ran 13 of them at the same time with 2000mb each, none had faults or popped any errors at 120ish percent.

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