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7 Days to Die daily micro updates?


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I still not find the answer for why the game keep updating itself almost every day when i first start my Steam client? The update sizes are randomly fluctuating between like 70kb - 200kb and i cant find the reason behind this. Is they simple config modifications? Or what are those?

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i can not answer for what Steam does, but I do know we (TFP), have not put out any update(s) (regardless of size) since a20b238 was tagged as stable. but for your game, did you verify the game files thru steam interface, are your folders attributes allowing steam thru.... can be anything but it is not by any daily updates from TFP.

you might want to check steam forums to see if they are updating anything. or check for virus.

Thanks  :)
QA Tester-unholyjoe

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Another possibility is shader cache updates.


I had a small update for 7D2D pushed down yesterday, but when I check both the file dates and the update date, it shows the last update was 12/21/2021 for the main game and 12/27/2021 when I had it download me a new copy of traders.xml after I messed it up accidently.


Try going into Steam -> Settings  and at the bottom is Shader Pre-Caching.  Unclick everything and you should stop seeing those micro-updates happening.  However, it does note at the top that allowing Steam to do this makes Vulcan and OpenGL games load faster and have more stable framerate while playing (that is what it says, I am not validating their statement).


As an experiment, I unclicked it so it cleared everything and then re-clicked it.  Steam then downloaded updates to at least 6 of my games right away.



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