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2 hours ago, drkstardragon said:

<passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" value="100"/>



Aww, unfortunately that line of code does not work within the file entityclasses.xml.

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That line needs to be inside an effect group.  example:


            <effect_group name="Base Effects">
                <passive_effect name="DistractionResistance" operation="base_set" value="0,0"/>
                <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" value="300"/>
                <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="perc_set" value="1"/>


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23 hours ago, xyth said:

Changing it should work if you edited the correct file and saved it.

It does. It won't change an existing in-game character but any I spawn with F6 have the correct name. When I tried it previously, I was only checking the one I hired. Gonna edit entities and give them all specific names. Starting a new game should clear all "King Moneybags" and spawn the new ones. Thanks xyth

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5 hours ago, xyth said:

That line needs to be inside an effect group.  example:


            <effect_group name="Base Effects">
                <passive_effect name="DistractionResistance" operation="base_set" value="0,0"/>
                <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" value="300"/>
                <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="perc_set" value="1"/>


So i just dump that code in-between the entityclasses.xml?
Because, i admittingly have no clue where i am supposed to put that code, all i want is just to increase specific NPC's health.


         <entity_class name="npcSoldierGBDAxe" extends="npcAxeTemplate"> 
            <property name="UserSpawnType" value="Menu"/><property name="Tags"                    value="entity,male,npc,walker,melee,UMA2,DRMid,Axe,Knife,Pistol,TRifle,M60,RocketL"/>
            <property name="Faction" value="military"/>
            <property name="LookAtAngle" value="0"/>
            <property name="Names" value="Lt Dan,Cpt Price,Lt Green,Cpt Easy,Lt Brooks,Cpt Hernandez,Lt Rollins,Cpt Clarke" />                
            <property name="Mesh" value="#@modfolder:Resources/DarksSoldierz.unity3d?SoldierGasBeretDark"/> 
            <property name="LootDropProb" value="0.2"/> 
            <property name="LootDropEntityClass" value="EntityLootContainerStrong"/>    
            <property name="AIPackages" value="NPCModCoreNoChat, NPCModHostileMeleeBasic, NPCModHostileRangedBasic"/>
            <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" value="385"/>
            <effect_group name="Base Effects">
            <passive_effect name="DistractionResistance" operation="base_set" value="0,0"/>
            <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" value="385"/>
            <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="perc_set" value="1"/>


3 minutes ago, Ryan said:

So i just dump that code in-between the entityclasses.xml?
Because, i admittingly have no clue where i am supposed to put that code, all i want is just to increase specific NPC's health.


         <entity_class name="npcSoldierGBDAxe" extends="npcAxeTemplate"> 
            <property name="UserSpawnType" value="Menu"/><property name="Tags"                    value="entity,male,npc,walker,melee,UMA2,DRMid,Axe,Knife,Pistol,TRifle,M60,RocketL"/>
            <property name="Faction" value="military"/>
            <property name="LookAtAngle" value="0"/>
            <property name="Names" value="Lt Dan,Cpt Price,Lt Green,Cpt Easy,Lt Brooks,Cpt Hernandez,Lt Rollins,Cpt Clarke" />                
            <property name="Mesh" value="#@modfolder:Resources/DarksSoldierz.unity3d?SoldierGasBeretDark"/> 
            <property name="LootDropProb" value="0.2"/> 
            <property name="LootDropEntityClass" value="EntityLootContainerStrong"/>    
            <property name="AIPackages" value="NPCModCoreNoChat, NPCModHostileMeleeBasic, NPCModHostileRangedBasic"/>
            <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" value="385"/>
            <effect_group name="Base Effects">
            <passive_effect name="DistractionResistance" operation="base_set" value="0,0"/>
            <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" value="385"/>
            <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="perc_set" value="1"/>


Also, i don't know where i am supposed to see this biome spawner tab*

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12 minutes ago, Ryan said:

So i just dump that code in-between the entityclasses.xml?
Because, i admittingly have no clue where i am supposed to put that code, all i want is just to increase specific NPC's health.


         <entity_class name="npcSoldierGBDAxe" extends="npcAxeTemplate"> 
            <property name="UserSpawnType" value="Menu"/><property name="Tags"                    value="entity,male,npc,walker,melee,UMA2,DRMid,Axe,Knife,Pistol,TRifle,M60,RocketL"/>
            <property name="Faction" value="military"/>
            <property name="LookAtAngle" value="0"/>
            <property name="Names" value="Lt Dan,Cpt Price,Lt Green,Cpt Easy,Lt Brooks,Cpt Hernandez,Lt Rollins,Cpt Clarke" />                
            <property name="Mesh" value="#@modfolder:Resources/DarksSoldierz.unity3d?SoldierGasBeretDark"/> 
            <property name="LootDropProb" value="0.2"/> 
            <property name="LootDropEntityClass" value="EntityLootContainerStrong"/>    
            <property name="AIPackages" value="NPCModCoreNoChat, NPCModHostileMeleeBasic, NPCModHostileRangedBasic"/>
            <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" value="385"/>
            <effect_group name="Base Effects">
            <passive_effect name="DistractionResistance" operation="base_set" value="0,0"/>
            <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" value="385"/>
            <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="perc_set" value="1"/>


Also, i don't know where i am supposed to see this biome spawner tab*

Another quote, got the health, it is, matter a fact. That way. Thanks for giving me the full code!

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Hey there! I was hoping to create my own Add On Expansion or even a mod for private/personal use, and was wondering how I can go about that? This would not be for public use. Feel free to skip to the bottom for the specific questions. :)

My goal is to:

  • Rebuild Society
    • NPC Settlement
      • There are two ways to "settle": Players can receive NPC quests to clear residential and workplace POIs that the NPCs will then occupy OR players can place modded NPC claim blocks (Residence Block and Workplace Block). These blocks allow players to assign NPCs to specified POIs or custom buildings.
      • Residences:
        • Location:
          • If utilizing a POI, it must be cleared of sleepers via a questline to be considered a safe living environment.
          • If utilizing a Residential Block (RB), it must have an enclosed space with a door and enough unoccupied beds.
        • Utility:
          • Acts as a safe zone for NPCs to "retire" during night hours.
          • The number of beds in a POI or RB determine the number of NPCs that can live there.
            • Single Beds count +1 towards the overall space limit for both adults and children.
              • Ex: Bedroll, Sleeping Bag, Mattress, Bunk Bed (individual), and Bunk Bed (stacked)
                • A stacked Bunk Bed would still count as two, just the mod would count the Bunk Bed "individuals" separately.
            • Double Beds count as +2 towards the overall space limit for adults only.
              • King Size Bed
          • Must receive quest to clear house in order for NPCs to move in OR can place a RB and assign NPCs to it (won't get "Settled" quest reward).
      • Workplaces:
        • Workplace Block (WB)
          • Assign adult NPCs to POIs based on profession type.
            • Child NPCs can be assigned (automatically for NPC children or manually for player children) to a school as long as it is cleared and at least one Teacher is assigned to it. (currently has no purpose other than giving them something to do)
          • NPCs assigned to a work block travel to the POI at 6am and leave work at 8pm.
          • Certain work places (Ex: Army Camps) also double as suitable housing.
        • Location:
          • If utilizing a POI, it must be cleared of sleepers via a questline to be considered a safe work environment.
            • If the building was already cleared, it will reset it to the previous state upon accepting and starting the quest!
          • If utilizing a Workplace Block (WB), it must have an enclosed space with a door and at least one workstation. (see In-Depth Professions)
          • Must receive quest to clear house in order for NPCs to move in OR can place a RB and assign NPCs to it (won't get "Need a House" quest reward).
        • Utility:
          • Opens up profession-related trading and quests once an NPC has a valid workplace. (adults)
          • Opens up a school system for children and teenagers. (currently no purpose)
          • Makes NPCs look like they actually have something to do.
          • Gives purpose to cleared POI buildings.
        • Work Hours:
          • 6am - 8pm Mon - Saturday with some exceptions. (I plan to make the day of the visible to make this easier)
            • Blood Moon hours cut off at 6pm to allow for travel to a "safe house" (if available) or trader.
            • Most workplaces closed on Sunday with the exception of medical services and churches (if any).
    • NPC Protection
      • Designate a location as the town's "safe house" for blood moon nights.
      • NPCs will go to work on blood moon days like normal, but instead of returning to their own house at night, they will travel to the "safe house" for the duration of the blood moon.
      • At 6am following the blood moon, NPCs will travel to work like normal and return to their own houses again in the evening, continuing on until the following blood moon.
    • NPC Population Expansion
      • All available NPCs (via expansion) can only be found:
        • In Vanilla Trader Outposts - White River Settlers
        • Military Bases (army barracks, army camps, etc) - Neutral Faction
        • xxx - Duke's Faction (location undecided)
        • Note: NPCs do not spawn outside of above locations (no aimless roaming) and will not respawn on death.
          • In the case that NPCs in certain area are entirely eradicated, you can bring in new settlers by:
            • Completing trader quests (rescue trapped NPCs, find wandering NPCs, etc).
      • NPCs (and players if desired) will be able to settle down and raise a family. (see Romantic Interactions)
      • NPC children will generate over time to fill those beds. Generation will stop when all beds are filled, and resume when beds become empty again.
      • Romantic Interactions (Ask Out / Marry / Propagate*):
        • Allow for NPC Population Expansion, as well as have someone to survive the apocalypse with.
          • Available Between:
            • NPC to NPC (happens behind the scenes)
            • NPC to Player (player must instigate)
            • Player to Player
          • Propagate*
            • PG Rating - Hearts or something
            • Requires:
              • Two (2) adults in a relationship - must be healthy and well fed / hydrated
              • At least one (1) unclaimed bed
                • In an occupied Residential POI / Block (NPC)
                • Within range of a player bedroll or land claim block
            • Pregnancy:
              • When requirements are met, the female player or NPC spouse gets a "pregnancy" buff.
              • Pregnancy lasts one (1) in-game week.
            • Birth:
              • At the end of the 7th day, results in a single offspring (75% chance), twins (10% chance), triplets (5%) chance or a miscarriage (10% chance).
                • Major bleed debuffs, infections, and other serious injuries/illness can greatly increase miscarriage chances.
              • Offspring will be spawned into the nearest available crib (mod item) within range.
            • Life Stages:
              • Infant: 3 days
                • Cannot leave crib
                • Requires milk or baby formula (modded items) to be placed in inventory
                  • Will be taken into protective custody if without food for 24 hours.
                  • Drinking spoiled milk or spoiled baby formula will make them sick, increasing food/water drain.
                    • Consistently eating spoiled milk/formula can lead to health loss / death.
              • Child: 7 days
                • Can be commanded like any hired NPC.
                • Can be put to work on simple tasks.
                • Cannot fight or defend themselves.
                • Cannot be assigned to a residence or workplace.
                • Requires food (any) and water to be placed in inventory or NPC Provisions Box.
                  • Will be taken into protective custody if without food and/or water for 24 hours.
                  • Drinking murky water or eating bad food can make them sick, increasing food/water drain and preventing them from completing tasks.
              • Teenager: 7 days
                • Can be commanded like an hired NPC.
                • Can be put to work on simple and more complex tasks.
                • Can fight and defend themselves or any attacked family or party member (NPC human, NPC pet, or Player).
                • Cannot be assigned to a residence or workplace.
                • Cannot loot buildings on their own.
                • Requires food (any) and water to be placed in inventory or NPC Provisions Box.
                  • Will be taken into protective custody if without food and/or water for 24 hours.
                  • Drinking murky water or eating bad food can make them sick, increasing food/water drain and preventing them from completing tasks.
              • Adult: Indefintely
                • Can be commanded like a hired NPC until they move out.
                • Can be put to work on simple or more complex tasks.
                • Can loot buildings on their own.
                • Requires food (any) and water to be placed in inventory or NPC Provisions Box.
                  • Will starve if without food and/or water for 48 hours
                  • Drinking murky water or eating bad food can make them sick, increasing food/water drain and preventing them from completing tasks.
                • Can be assigned to a residence.
                  • Will no longer require food / water if assigned to a residence.
                • Can be assigned to a profession and workplace (requires assignment to a residence first).
                • Can be partnered with another NPC to start a family.
              • As of right now, I have no plans of adding death by old age, although I might add elder as an age option.
            • Child Services:
              • While the actual service went up in smoke in the apocalypse, the community still looks out for each other. Orphaned, abandoned, or starved children are put in the protection of the nearest occupied church (if any) or trader.
              • Adoption:
                • You can adopt children from an occupied church of varying ages, although the older they are, the more expensive they are to adopt.
              • Removing Children from Household:
                • Dismissed
                  • You can manually "dismiss" (put up for adoption) a child from your household.
                  • Once you put a child up for adoption, you cannot get them back!
                • Starved Debuff
                  • You will still get "reported" by the community if you have not fed your kid in more than 24 hours.
                  • Starved children will get taken away and put in the care of a nearby occupied church (if any) or trader.
                  • You can appeal and pay a hefty fine to get your child back.


  • Create In-Depth Professions:
    • The Workplace
      • NPCs will be split based on profession type. The following is a WIP and not set in stone.
        • Medical:
          • Doctor - trader / quest giver
          • Nurse - hired hand / fighter (healer?)
        • Business Person:
          • General Merchant - trader / quest giver
          • Hunter - trader / quest giver (Savage Country)
        • Military (no faction):
          • Captain - trader / quest giver
          • Mechanic (Army) - trader / quest giver
          • Medic - trader / quest giver
          • Pilot - trader / quest giver
          • Soldier - hired fighter
        • Specialized Jobs:
          • Assassin - hired fighter
          • Barkeeper - trader / quest giver
          • Chef - trader / quest giver
          • Chemist - trader / quest giver (Shamway)
          • Engineer - trader / quest giver
          • Farmer - trader / quest giver
          • Firefighter - trader / quest giver
          • Gunsmith - trader / quest giver (Shotgun Messiah)
          • Janitor - hired fighter
          • Mechanic (general) - trader / quest giver
          • Ranger - hired fighter
          • Security Guard - hired fighter
          • Veterinarian - trader / quest giver
      • Profession Requirements:
        • Each profession type has specific POIs that qualify as a workplace, although using Blocks can also work provided the NPCs have access to profession-related workstations.
          • Ex: Doctor might need a cleared Hospital, Clinic, or Pop-N-Pills POI, but can also be assigned to a Workplace Block that has accessible medical stations (like a gurney or medical cabinet).
        • Each profession has at least one "main" workstation that they need in order to start working, but having multiple workstations allow for NPCs to route between them, making it appear as if they are working.
          • Ex: Doctor - needs gurney, but can route between gurney, IV stand, and medical cabinet.
      • Unhirable NPCs:
        • Certain NPCs will have trading menus (Farmers, Doctors, etc) and cannot be hired, but will instead only show trade options after completing their "Need a Workplace" and "Need a House" quests.
      • Hireable NPCs:
        • Other NPCs can be hired outright (Farmhand, Nurse, etc) without completing any quests as long as you can find them. They also are "filler" professions to make workplaces more lively, but do not have any trade menus.



I know it's a huge project to undertake, but is it possible between what's available in the game and the NPC mod?




  • Am I allowed to create a personal use expansion utilizing this mod? If so, is there a template or setup I can use?
  • Is it possible to create children (legit kids) NPCs?
  • Is it possible to create relationship values that change based on interaction and dialogue responses?
  • Is it possible to adjust NPC autopathing to restrict NPCs to certain POIs (cannot leave) during the day, then autopath them back to a separate POI for the night?
  • Can NPCs be adjusted to recognize certain objects as "workstations", requiring them to be accessible in order to open trade options?
  • Can you equip NPCs with armor and specific clothes?
  • Can you require NPCs to use ammo?


Not sure if this is actually doable, but I'm hoping to create(with a lot of help from the NPC Mod core) a more in-depth game play experience utilizing NPCs.

I am a bit of a perfectionist, so I might edit later on if I see a typo or want to reword an idea.


Edited by LittleBoBleat (see edit history)
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19 hours ago, LittleBoBleat said:

Hey there! I was hoping to create my own Add On Expansion or even a mod for private/personal use, and was wondering how I can go about that? This would not be for public use. Feel free to skip to the bottom for the specific questions. :)

  • Am I allowed to create a personal use expansion utilizing this mod? If so, is there a template or setup I can use?  Yes, you may use the mod as part of new mod.  We ask that you use the "Powered by NPCCore" logo somewhere on your new starting page.
  • Is it possible to create children (legit kids) NPCs?  Yes
  • Is it possible to create relationship values that change based on interaction and dialogue responses?  Yes
  • Is it possible to adjust NPC autopathing to restrict NPCs to certain POIs (cannot leave) during the day, then autopath them back to a separate POI for the night?  Not to POIs, but they can path to other things like workstations.  There are also pathing cube to set routine paths.
  • Can NPCs be adjusted to recognize certain objects as "workstations", requiring them to be accessible in order to open trade options?  Yes to the first part, not sure about the later part.
  • Can you equip NPCs with armor and specific clothes?  Not implemented yet but possible if you set those up in Unity.
  • Can you require NPCs to use ammo?   Maybe.  Right now ammo damage doesn't seem supported by vanilla, so damage is on the weapon used.  A system likely could be developed.

Please be aware that the core group isn't working on this mod beyond maintenance, at least until A22 and/or TFP bandits.  New features are appearing in many overhauls, but as of this time those are not yet available for inclusion to this core.  If you do develop some of the features your considering, please consider adding those to this core so others can benefit.




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On 2/23/2024 at 8:50 PM, LittleBoBleat said:

bit of a perfectionist

Mods, don't mean to take this off topic but I feel I must respond.

@LittleBoBleatMe too. And here's the rub. The more your AOI mod relies on other mods, the more frustrated you'll become. Since A18, I've had an idea for a mod such as yours. (not so similar and nowhere near as complex) I wanted to incorporate appropriate mods so as to not have to create/plagiarize them. Joel had speculated, once, A18 would be close to Beta, so I began working on it. A19 came. Mods had to be rewritten. A20 came. Same thing. Each time I had to wait to see if the mod author was going to update their mod before I could proceed. At A21 I decided to wait until Beta. I saw a little of this in xyth's reply to you.

What I envisioned was a mod. What you've envisioned is a game.

I love 7DTD and wouldn't say anything against TFP. But, the reality is you could learn Unity or go with software like GameGuru and create this game, using free models, before you'll be able to finish it as a mod. It's an absolutely fantastic idea (as was mine) but for "a bit of a perfectionist" it's gonna be as fun as drinking vinegar to create as a mod.

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On a separate note, the Birds Pack is working superbly, with the new numbers. Is more variety possible? And, if so, what can I do to help add a few more for the next version? Do we just need more models?  Are they individually animated? Can those currently in the pack be recolored? (IE the current eagle in snow biome and recolored eagle in forest)

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9 hours ago, scm1893 said:

Mods, don't mean to take this off topic but I feel I must respond.

@LittleBoBleatMe too. And here's the rub. The more your AOI mod relies on other mods, the more frustrated you'll become. Since A18, I've had an idea for a mod such as yours. (not so similar and nowhere near as complex) I wanted to incorporate appropriate mods so as to not have to create/plagiarize them. Joel had speculated, once, A18 would be close to Beta, so I began working on it. A19 came. Mods had to be rewritten. A20 came. Same thing. Each time I had to wait to see if the mod author was going to update their mod before I could proceed. At A21 I decided to wait until Beta. I saw a little of this in xyth's reply to you.

What I envisioned was a mod. What you've envisioned is a game.

I love 7DTD and wouldn't say anything against TFP. But, the reality is you could learn Unity or go with software like GameGuru and create this game, using free models, before you'll be able to finish it as a mod. It's an absolutely fantastic idea (as was mine) but for "a bit of a perfectionist" it's gonna be as fun as drinking vinegar to create as a mod.

I totally understand. The more I expanded on the drawing board, the more I realized just how many features were required to pull off one of my ideas. Not that I wouldn't want to still try and create the mod (more so an overhaul I'm sure at that point). However, if A22 is going to be another rewrite yet again, I think I 'd be crushed taking the time to code out the entire thing --  just to have it be outdated by the time I'd probably finish it to a releasable point.

Still, I keep hoping there will be a mod / overhaul or even a similar game that will fill the void I'm hoping to fill with NPC rather than being required to be social with others. XD

On 2/24/2024 at 2:23 PM, xyth said:



Thank you for taking the time to answer all my questions! I've started my attempt on personalizing existing mods, but if I manage to pull it all off, it won't be before it's long outdated I'm sure. I'm not an experienced modder by any means, but I've got coding experience so I wanted to give it a try. Hence the "personal project", so I'm not getting hopes up. :)

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On 2/26/2024 at 2:34 PM, scm1893 said:

On a separate note, the Birds Pack is working superbly, with the new numbers. Is more variety possible? And, if so, what can I do to help add a few more for the next version? Do we just need more models?  Are they individually animated? Can those currently in the pack be recolored? (IE the current eagle in snow biome and recolored eagle in forest)

Glad to hear it.   The birds in that pack are pretty low rez versions I used as prototypes.  I figured someone would replace that pack by now, but.    I will see what other models I have with sound files to match.  I did want to add a Boat-tailed Grackle at one point.  🙂  If the textures were edited, then making a new bird with that texture could be done in Unity and XML.   New bird models will need to rigged and have prebuilt animations for at least the flying animation.  If you dont care about closeup details, then its not hard to learn to make a simple fly animation in Unity.     

Edited by xyth (see edit history)
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4 hours ago, xyth said:

I figured someone would replace that pack by now, but. 

A voice in my head said, "Hey! I can do that. I'll find some models and animate them." And then a picture of me holding a Tasmanian Devil in a shoe box came to mind. I had both hands clamped on the box to keep it closed. I was looking at you guys, asking "What do I do now?"😁

Nonetheless, I'll poke around.

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Went to Unity Asset store. There's a lot of bird sets out there. There's a free animated small bird set with good reviews.

If I take the project on, I'll go to a modding forum after this. But allow me a couple of questions I'm sure y'all know the answer. Which is preferred, low or high resolution? What should use/license permit? Are Mechanim (sp?) animations compatible?

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IMO, since the birds typically cannot be seen up close, id use the lowest resolution that looks decent.  We do not support using copy protected models unless you purchased them.  Mechanim is what the game uses for entities. 

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Good evening yall! I'm still combing through this forum and many other sources, so my up-front apologies if these Q's were all ready answered. Any links or "fish" to those pages/topics greatly appreciated!

1. Is there a way to change the cost and item(s) to hire NPC's? I'd like to use food and other beneficial resources. Possibly have multiple hire options per NPC too?

2. Is there a way to swap around the models for 'goodies' and 'baddies'? I'd like to have some bad NG'ies, and good 'Cleaners', as well as good 'rogues' as a chance to spawn in.

3. Somewhat related to #2 above as a follow-up, how can I make 'cleaners' and 'rogues'  hirable? Not ALL of them, mind you - just the good/friendly ones.

Thanks in advance yall! Loving this and all the add-ons peeps are making!


Edited by ThisIsClappTrap
hit the wrong key and posted by mistake before I was done typing (see edit history)
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1. Yes  <property name="HireCurrency" value="STARSOrders" />
            <property name="HireCost" value="1" />


2/3. Yes   <entity_class name="HunkKnife" extends="npcAdvancedKnifeTemplate"> 
               <property name="UserSpawnType" value="Menu"/> 
               <property name="Tags" value="entity,male,npc,walker,ranged,DRMid,Knife,Pistol,DPistol,SMG,PShotgun"/>
               <property name="Faction" value="whiteriver"/> 




               <entity_class name="npcHarleyPipePistol" extends="npcPipePistolTemplate">
            <property name="UserSpawnType" value="Menu"/> 
             <property name="Tags"                 value="entity,female,npc,walker,ranged,voiceharley,bandit,DRMid,Knife,Machete,ClubWood,BatWood,Axe,Spear,SMG,PipePistol,PipeShotgun,PipeRifle,PipeMG,M60,Pistol,             DPistol,Ak47,TRifle,HRifle,SRifle,LBow,XBow,PShotgun,AShotgun,RocketL"/>
            <property name="Faction" value="bandits"/>


            the differences being either an advanced template for hireables or a basic template for bandits, if bandit then tags include bandit, and faction is either whiteriver for  hireables or bandit for well, bandits

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On 3/7/2024 at 1:48 AM, ThisIsClappTrap said:

2. Is there a way to swap around the models for 'goodies' and 'baddies'? I'd like to have some bad NG'ies, and good 'Cleaners', as well as good 'rogues' as a chance to spawn in.


Just FYI - I don't know if by "rogues" you were talking about my "Rogues and Psychos" pack. But if so, there are already "advanced" versions of the Rogues, and there is XML at the end of entityclasses.xml that will have them use the "whiteriver" faction (and thus be friendly). You just have to un-comment the code at the end of that file.


There is also commented-out code in entitygroups.xml that will add the "advanced" versions to the biome spawn groups. You can un-comment that code and the "friendly" versions will spawn in the game. (There is also commented-out code that will remove the "basic," non-friendly versions, if you don't want both in the game.)

Edited by khzmusik (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, I had hired an NPC and she was happily gunning alongside me. When I logged out and then logged back in the next day, my NPC is gone (which is fine, it's a dangerous world) but I still have the (status effects? Buffs? - not sure what the correct word is) for the NPC actions.


Is there a way to remove these? 



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On 3/22/2024 at 9:43 AM, RippedWarrior said:

Hello, I had hired an NPC and she was happily gunning alongside me. When I logged out and then logged back in the next day, my NPC is gone (which is fine, it's a dangerous world) but I still have the (status effects? Buffs? - not sure what the correct word is) for the NPC actions.


Is there a way to remove these? 



did you try to enter a vehicle or a bike then exit to see if you could restore it?  Did you look on the game menu to see if that character still is listed?


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Is there a specific place to find animals and NPCs? I don't want to spawn them in, I would like to find them more naturally, just wanted to know if there is a specific place I might look.


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There any guide about how to get this mod and/or expansions working correctly?


And perhaps a more in-depth explanation regarding how, when, and where the various NPCs will spawn?


I haven't read all 54 pages, but it seems once upon a time it required expansions to spawn any NPCs, but perhaps core NPCs will now spawn without that?


I set the beta to alpha21.1 assuming that was why I kept crashing (since the front page states it needs to be version Is there any way to verify that my game version on alpha21.1 is And if it's not, how do I set it to that version?

I'm getting a NullException where "object reference not set to an instance of an object". And that's happening for a TON of references, which isn't allowing the world (default: Navazgene, I'm not RNG'ing a world yet) to properly create so I can't even tell whether or not the mod is working. However, I know it was working on the "current" build (21.2 I believe) earlier prior to installing the mod. Needless to say, I'd rather play with the mod, but I'm somewhat at my wit's end as I can't make heads or tails. Especially as I'm loading just the core mods.

EAC is disabled, and I cleaned my game using the launcher. Please help!

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The NPC Mod requires A21.2. It contains the Baker, Nurse, Fox (friendly helpers), and Harley (Bandit). They will appear at a reduced rate out in the biomes.


As for the accompanying Add On Packs or Overhauls which use the NPC Mod to power their own creations, it is very much up to the creators to detail how their packs will work.


One thing you can do though is look at the entitygroups.xml file within the Config folder for any pack you opt to download. The places they are added to, plus their names, will be in the lists. It will use their xml code names but is pretty self explanatory.


As for the NPC Mod specifically,


The Baker, Nurse, Fox, Harley, and a few NPC Mod zombies appear in a group called ZombiesAll. That is practically everywhere in the biomes.

The Baker, Nurse, Fox, and Harley appear in a group called ZombiesNight. This is the night version of ZombiesAll from that '22:00' time slot until morning.


There are others for SnowZombies, ZombiesWasteland, and ZombiesWastelandNight.


These default NPCs and zombies have been set to appear at a pretty low rate. This is so they don't overly compete with those added in the Add On Packs. They will still appear readily enough though as is being seen in the Outback Roadies Mod. Just having the Baker and Nurse as NPC human type helpers is in context with the theme and working out well.


As a guide:

1. Get 7D2D fully up to date on A21.2 (b37)
2. Add the NPC Mod of 0-Score and 0-XNPCCore as the primary dependencies to power the NPC Mod.

3. Look at just the first post on the front page for a list of all the Add On Packs available. Since each Add On Pack does thing differently, it requires individual guides on each one to how they are doing things. The NPC Mod offers guidance inside it specifically for the Add On Pack creators. It sets a suggested location and spawning rate. This helps them keep parity so they share the biomes, instead of having one Add On Pack overwhelm it. However, it is optional and testing them really is the only way to see how they perform.

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