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1 hour ago, Babydoll said:
Hello, can I also play the mod in my save game or do I have to start a new game
because when I try to spawn one in my save game they attack me and I can't hire them


You have to start a new game. What you're seeing is probably due to the addition of new factions. There are other things that also may cause game saves to break.

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Quick question: 

Is there an easy way to tell which CORE Zombie packs are working now in A21, not everyone uses a nice url like khzmusik, and the first page doesn't blatantly give an indication, or not blatantly enough for me.

Or are the all ready again, -- again Core Zombie packs not UMAs



Edited by Ozzland (see edit history)
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Hi, ;)
I had the french language to the localisation.txt files.
These is for "0-SCore\Config\Localisation.txt"



takeandreplace,"Rip off ","Changer"
musicbox_turnOn,"Turn On","Allumer"
musicbox_turnOff,"Turn Off","Eteindre"
BanditFactionSchematic,"Master of disguse","Maitre du dégout"
UndeadFactionSchematic,"Master of disguse","Maitre du dégout"
DukeRiverFactionSchematic,"Master of disguse","Maitre du dégout"
WhiteRiverFactionSchematic,"Master of disguse","Maitre du dégout"
ResetFactionSchematic,"Master of disguse","Maitre du dégout"
ResetFactionSchematicDesc,"Read this to reset your faction!","Lisez ceci pour réinitialiser votre faction !"
BanditFactionSchematicDesc,"Read this to switch over to the bandit faction!","Lisez ceci pour basculer dans la faction des bandits!"
UndeadFactionSchematicDesc,"Read this to switch over to the undead faction!","Lisez ceci pour basculer dans la faction des morts-vivants!"
WhiteRiverFactionSchematicDesc,"Read this to switch over to the White River faction!","Lisez ceci pour basculer dans la faction White River!"
DukeRiverFactionSchematicDesc,"Read this to switch over to the Duke faction!","Lisez ceci pour basculer dans la faction du Duke!"
UndeadPositiveFactionSchematic,"Peace and Love to the Undead","Paix et amour aux morts-vivants"
UndeadPositiveFactionSchematicDesc,"Read this to spread the message of the undead! Increase your standings with the undead!","Lisez ceci pour diffuser le message des morts-vivants ! Augmentez votre statut auprès des morts-vivants !"
UndeadNegativeFactionSchematic,"Undead: Unreliable! Untrustworthy!","Morts-vivants : Peu fiable ! Indigne de confiance !"
UndeadNegativeFactionSchematicDesc,"Read this to spread lies and fake news about the undead! Decrease your standings with the undead!","Lisez ceci pour répandre des mensonges et des fausses nouvelles sur les morts-vivants ! Diminuez votre statut auprès des morts-vivants !"
advancedlockpicking_desc,"Use the arrow keys to change the position of the pick locks. Then space to try to unlock.","Utilisez les touches fléchées pour changer la position des cadenas. Puis espace pour essayer de déverrouiller."
SpawnCube,"Spawn Cube","Cube d'apparition"
SpawnCubeDesc,"Allows Prefab builders to set up specific spawn entities via in-game programmable code:  Sign Text:  ec=npcBaker;task=wander;pc=99. Entity Class zombie Bow, with Task Wander, and PathingCode 99.","Permet aux constructeurs de préfabriqués de mettre en place des entités de spawn spécifiques via un code programmable dans le jeu :  Texte du signe : ec=npcBaker;task=wander;pc=99. Classe d'entité zombie, avec Task Wander et PathingCode 99."
loadingTipScoreSigns_title,"(SCore) Enhanced Signs","(SCore) Signes renforcés"
loadingTipScoreSigns,"Enter a URL for an image or gif, like an imgur link, in a sign's edit box to display the image on the sign! Re-Edit to change it.","Entrez l'URL d'une image ou d'un gif, comme un lien imgur, dans la boîte d'édition d'un panneau pour afficher l'image sur le panneau ! Rééditez pour la modifier."
teleportto,"Teleport To","Téléportation vers"
portal_not_configured,"Not Configured","Non configuré"
portal_configure,"Not Connected",""Non connecté
portalActivate, "Activate Portal","Activer portail"
ObjectiveEntityAliveSDXKill_keyword,Kill {0}:
teleporttoNeedPower,"Needs Power","Besoin de courant"
xuiPinGrab, "Broadcast","Radiodiffusion"
ObjectiveBlockDestroy_keyword,Destroy {0}:,Le Destroy {0}
xuiSCoreGameOptions,"SCore","Le SCore"
goCustomAdvancedPlayerFeaturesAntiNerdPole,"Disable Nerd-Poling","Désactiver le 'Nerd-Poling'"
goCustomAdvancedPlayerFeaturesAntiNerdPoleDesc,"Disables placing blocks when jumping.","Désactive le placement de blocs lors des sauts."
goCustomAdvancedPlayerFeaturesVehicleNoTake,"Disable Vehicle Pickup","Désactiver le ramassage des véhicules"
goCustomAdvancedPlayerFeaturesVehicleNoTakeDesc,"Disables picking up vehicles","Désactive le prélèvement des véhicules"
goCustomFoodSpoilageFoodSpoilage,"Food Spoilage","Détérioration des aliments"
goCustomFoodSpoilageFoodSpoilageDesc,"Food Spoilage requires an additional modlet that would enable food spoilage on items.","La détérioration des aliments nécessite un modlet supplémentaire qui permettrait la détérioration des aliments sur les articles."
goCustomAdvancedPlayerFeaturesOneBlockCrouch,"Allow One Block Crouch","Permettre accrou@%$#ement sur un bloc"
goCustomAdvancedPlayerFeaturesOneBlockCrouchDesc,"Allows the player to crouch in 1 block openings.","Permet au joueur de s'accroupir dans des ouvertures de 1 bloc."
goCustomAdvancedPlayerFeaturesSoftHands,"Soft Hands","Mains libres"
goCustomAdvancedPlayerFeaturesSoftHandsDesc,"If enabled, player will take damage when punching with bare hands","Si cette option est activée, le joueur subit des dégâts lorsqu'il donne des coups de poing à mains nues."
goCustomAdvancedPlayerFeaturesExtendedSigns,"Allow enhanced signs","Autoriser les panneaux de signalisation améliorés"
goCustomAdvancedPlayerFeaturesExtendedSignsDesc,"If enabled, allows players to place imgur links in signs to display pictures.","Si cette option est activée, elle permet aux joueurs de placer des liens imgur dans les panneaux pour afficher des images."
goCustomAdvancedZombieFeaturesHeadshotOnly,"Head Shot only","Photo de face uniquement"
goCustomAdvancedZombieFeaturesHeadshotOnlyDesc,"Allow zombies to only get hurt if hit in the head.","Autoriser les zombies à n'être blessés que s'ils sont frappés à la tête."
goCustomAdvancedZombieFeaturesRandomSize,"Random Size Zombies","Zombies de taille aléatoire"
goCustomAdvancedZombieFeaturesRandomSizeDesc,"Allow zombies to be random size","Permet que la taille des zombies soit aléatoire"
goCustomAdvancedZombieFeaturesRandomWalk,"Random Walk types","Types de marche aléatoire"
goCustomAdvancedZombieFeaturesRandomWalkDesc,"Allow zombies to have random walk types","Permet aux zombies d'avoir des types de marche aléatoires"
goCustomErrorHandlingNoExceptionHijack,"Hide Null Refs","Cacher les références nulles"
goCustomErrorHandlingNoExceptionHijackDesc,"DEBUG ONLY! If enabled, blocks null refs from dropping the console. ","DEBUG UNIQUEMENT ! Si cette option est activée, elle bloque les refs nulles pour qu'elles ne soient pas affichées sur la console."
goCustomSCoreAdvanced,"Debug Only","DEBUG UNIQUEMENT"
xuiSCoreDebugGameOptions,"SCore Debug","DEBUG du Score"
goCustomThemeSpook,"Enable Spook Theme","Activer le thème 'épouvante'"
goCustomThemeSpookDesc,"Enabled perpetual blood moon effects","Activation en permanence des effets de la lune de sang"
goCustomCaveConfigurationCaveEnabled,"Enable Caves","Activer les grottes"
goCustomCaveConfigurationCaveEnabledDesc,"Enable support for caves","Activer les soutiens des grottes"
goCustomCropManagementCropEnable,"Enable Advanced Water","Activer les fonctions avancées de l'eau"
goCustomCropManagementCropEnableDesc,"Enables plants requiring water, allows pipes, etc","Autorise les plantes nécessitant de l'eau, autorise les canalisations, etc."
goCustomFireManagementFireEnable,"Enable Fire Spreading","Autorise la propagation du feu"
goCustomFireManagementFireEnableDesc,"Enable fire to ignore and spread to other blocks","Autoriser le feu à ignorer et à se propager à d'autres blocs"
goCustomFireManagementCheckInterval,"Fire Burn Interval","Intervalle de combustion"
goCustomFireManagementCheckIntervalDesc,"How fast, in seconds, the fire will spread.","Vitesse de propagation du feu (en secondes)."
goCustomFireManagementFireDamage,"Fire Damage","Dommages causés par l'incendie"
goCustomFireManagementFireDamage,"How much damage, per Check Interval, blocks take from damage.","Le volume de dégâts que les blocs subissent, par intervalle de contrôle."
goCustomFireManagementSmokeTime,"Smoke Time","Durée de la fumée"
goCustomFireManagementSmokeTimeDesc,"How long smoke lasts on extinguished block.","Temps que dure la fumée sur un bloc éteint."
goCustomCaveConfigurationCaveType,"Cave Type","Type de grotte"
goCustomCaveConfigurationCaveTypeDesc,"Decide what type of cave system to generate.","Décidez du type de réseau de grottes à créer."

goCustomAdvancedTroubleshootingFeaturesVerboseXMLParser,"Verbose XML Parser","Analyseur XML détaillé "
goCustomAdvancedTroubleshootingFeaturesVerboseXMLParserDesc,"Enables very verbose XML troubleshooting for some XML files.","Permet un dépannage XML très détaillé pour certains fichiers XML."
goCustomAdvancedTroubleshootingFeaturesPhysicsBody,"Verbose Physics Body","Corps physique détaillé"
goCustomAdvancedTroubleshootingFeaturesPhysicsBodyDesc,"Enables Physics Body troubleshooting for models","Active le dépannage du physique des corps pour les modèles"
goCustomAdvancedTroubleshootingFeaturesAnimatorMapper,"Animator Mapper","Animateur Modélisateur"
goCustomAdvancedTroubleshootingFeaturesAnimatorMapperDesc,"Animator Mapper","Animateur Modélisateur"
goCustomAdvancedTroubleshootingFeaturesComponentMapper,"Component Mapper","Mappage de composants"
goCustomAdvancedTroubleshootingFeaturesComponentMapperDesc,"Shows Component Map of Entities","Affiche la structure des composants des entités"
goCustomAdvancedUIDisableXPIconNotification,"Disable XP Icon Notification","Désactiver la notification de l'icône XP"
goCustomAdvancedUIDisableXPIconNotificationDesc,"Disables the XP pop up from the UI","Désactive la fenêtre contextuelle XP de l'interface utilisateur"
npcHasItems,"NPC has items in their inventory.","Le PNJ a des objets dans son inventaire."

Hope it will be good and incorporate in the mod

These is for "0-XNPCCore\Config\Localisation.txt"



Key,File,Type,UsedInMainMenu,NoTranslate,english,Context / Alternate Text,german,spanish,french,italian,japanese,koreana,polish,brazilian,russian,turkish,schinese,tchinese
MechFactionSchematic,items,Item,,,Master of disguse,,,,"Maitre du Dégout",,変装の名人,,,,,,,
VaultDwellersFactionSchematic,items,Item,,,Master of disguse,,,,"Maitre du Dégout",,変装の名人,,,,,,,
RedteamFactionSchematic,items,Item,,,Master of disguse,,,,"Maitre du Dégout",,変装の名人,,,,,,,
BlueteamFactionSchematic,items,Item,,,Master of disguse,,,,"Maitre du Dégout,,変装の名人,,,,,,,
GreenteamFactionSchematic,items,Item,,,Master of disguse,,,,"Maitre du Dégout,,変装の名人,,,,,,,
MechFactionSchematicDesc,items,Item,,,Read this to switch over to the bandit faction!,,,,"Lisez ceci pour basculer dans la faction des Bandits!",,派閥変更・メカ,,,,,,,
VaultDwellersFactionSchematicDesc,items,Item,,,Read this to switch over to the undead faction!,,,,"Lisez ceci pour basculer dans la faction des Morts-vivants!",,派閥変更・ボルト住人,,,,,,,
RedteamFactionSchematicDesc,items,Item,,,Read this to switch over to the Red team!,,,,"Lisez ceci pour basculer dans la faction Equipe rouge!",,チーム変更・赤,,,,,,,
BlueteamFactionSchematicDesc,items,Item,,,Read this to switch over to the Blue team!,,,,"Lisez ceci pour basculer dans la faction Equipe Bleue!",,チーム変更・青,,,,,,,
GreenteamFactionSchematicDesc,items,Item,,,Read this to switch over to the Green Team!,,,,"Lisez ceci pour basculer dans la faction Equipe Verte!",,チーム変更・緑,,,,,,,
MechPositiveFactionSchematic,items,Item,,,Peace and Love to the Mechs,,,,"Paix et amour aux mécas",,ピース&ラブ・メカ,,,,,,,
MechPositiveFactionSchematicDesc,items,Item,,,Read this to spread the message of the mechs! Increase your standings with the mechs!,,,,"Lisez ceci pour diffuser le message des mecas ! Augmentez votre cote auprès des mecas !",,メカの考えを拡散します。\n\nメカの信頼を得ます。,,,,,,,
MechNegativeFactionSchematic,items,Item,,,Mechs: Unreliable! Untrustworthy!,,,,"Les mécas : peu fiables ! Indigne de confiance !",,メカ: 頼りにならない!信用できない!,,,,,,,
MechNegativeFactionSchematicDesc,items,Item,,,Read this to spread lies and fake news about the mechs! Decrease your standings with the mechs!,,,,"Lisez ceci pour répandre des mensonges et des fausses nouvelles sur les mécas ! Diminuez vos rangs auprès des mécas !",,メカのデマや悪い噂を拡散します。\n\nメカの信頼を失います。,,,,,,,
VaultPositiveFactionSchematic,items,Item,,,Peace and Love to the Vault,,,,"Paix et amour à la Chambre haute",,ピース&ラブ・ボルト,,,,,,,
VaultPositiveFactionSchematicDesc,items,Item,,,Read this to spread the message of the vault! Increase your standings with the vault!,,,,"Lisez ceci pour diffuser le message de la chambre haute ! Augmentez votre classement avec la chambre haute !",,ボルトの考えを拡散します。\n\nボルトの信頼を得ます。,,,,,,,
VaultNegativeFactionSchematic,items,Item,,,The Vault: Unreliable! Untrustworthy!,,,,"La chambre haute, : peu fiables ! Indigne de confiance !",,ボルト: 頼りにならない!信用できない!,,,,,,,
VaultNegativeFactionSchematicDesc,items,Item,,,Read this to spread lies and fake news about the vault! Decrease your standings with the vault!,,,,"Lisez ceci pour répandre des mensonges et des fausses nouvelles sur la chambre haute ! Diminuez votre rang au sein de la chambre haute !",,ボルトのデマや悪い噂を拡散します。\n\nボルトの信頼を失います。,,,,,,,
RedteamPositiveFactionSchematic,items,Item,,,Peace and Love to the Redteam,,,,"Paix et amour à l'équipe rouge",,ピース&ラブ・赤チーム,,,,,,,
RedteamPositiveFactionSchematicDesc,items,Item,,,Read this to spread the message of the Redteam! Increase your standings with the Redteam!,,,,"Lisez ceci pour diffuser le message de l'équipe rouge ! Augmentez votre cote avec l'équipe rouge !",,赤チームの考えを拡散します。\n\n赤チームの信頼を得ます。,,,,,,,
RedteamNegativeFactionSchematic,items,Item,,,The Redteam: Unreliable! Untrustworthy!,,,,"L'équipe rouge : Pas fiable ! Indigne de confiance !",,赤チーム: 頼りにならない!信用できない!,,,,,,,
RedteamNegativeFactionSchematicDesc,items,Item,,,Read this to spread lies and fake news about the Redteam! Decrease your standings with the Redteam!,,,,"Lisez ceci pour répandre des mensonges et des fausses nouvelles sur l'équipe rouge ! Diminuez votre rang avec l'équipe rouge !",,赤チームのデマや悪い噂を拡散します。\n\n赤チームの信頼を失います。,,,,,,,
BlueteamPositiveFactionSchematic,items,Item,,,Peace and Love to the Blueteam,,,,"Paix et amour à l'équipe bleue",,ピース&ラブ・青チーム,,,,,,,
BlueteamPositiveFactionSchematicDesc,items,Item,,,Read this to spread the message of the Blueteam! Increase your standings with the Blueteam!,,,,"Lisez ceci pour répandre des mensonges et des fausses nouvelles sur l'équipe bleue ! Diminuez votre rang avec l'équipe bleue !",,青チームの考えを拡散します。\n\n青チームの信頼を得ます。,,,,,,,
BlueteamNegativeFactionSchematic,items,Item,,,The Blueteam: Unreliable! Untrustworthy!,,,,"L'équipe bleue : Pas fiable ! Indigne de confiance !",,青チーム: 頼りにならない!信用できない!,,,,,,,
BlueteamNegativeFactionSchematicDesc,items,Item,,,Read this to spread lies and fake news about the Blueteam! Decrease your standings with the Blueteam!,,,,"Lisez ceci pour répandre des mensonges et des fausses nouvelles sur l'équipe bleue ! Diminuez votre rang avec l'équipe bleue !",,青チームのデマや悪い噂を拡散します。\n\n青チームの信頼を失います。,,,,,,,
GreenteamPositiveFactionSchematic,items,Item,,,Peace and Love to the Greenteam,,,,"L'équipe verte : Pas fiable ! Indigne de confiance !",,ピース&ラブ・緑チーム,,,,,,,
GreenteamPositiveFactionSchematicDesc,items,Item,,,Read this to spread the message of the Greenteam! Increase your standings with the Greenteam!,,,,"Lisez ceci pour répandre des mensonges et des fausses nouvelles sur l'équipe verte ! Diminuez votre rang avec l'équipe verte !",,緑チームの考えを拡散します。\n\n緑チームの信頼を得ます。,,,,,,,
GreenteamNegativeFactionSchematic,items,Item,,,The Greenteam: Unreliable! Untrustworthy!,,,,,,緑チーム: 頼りにならない!信用できない!,,,,,,,
GreenteamNegativeFactionSchematicDesc,items,Item,,,Read this to spread lies and fake news about the Greenteam! Decrease your standings with the Greenteam!,,,,"Lisez ceci pour répandre des mensonges et des fausses nouvelles sur l'équipe verte ! Diminuez votre rang avec l'équipe verte !",,緑チームのデマや悪い噂を拡散します。\n\n緑チームの信頼を失います。,,,,,,,

npcBakerEmptyHand,entityclasses,Entity,,,Baker,,,,Le boulanger,,ベーカー,,,,,,,
npcBakerClub,entityclasses,Entity,,,Baker,,,,Le boulanger,,ベーカー,,,,,,,
npcBakerKnife,entityclasses,Entity,,,Baker,,,,Le boulanger,,ベーカー,,,,,,,
npcBakerAxe,entityclasses,Entity,,,Baker,,,,Le boulanger,,ベーカー,,,,,,,
npcBakerSpear,entityclasses,Entity,,,Baker,,,,Le boulanger,,ベーカー,,,,,,,
npcBakerBat,entityclasses,Entity,,,Baker,,,,Le boulanger,,ベーカー,,,,,,,
npcBakerMachete,entityclasses,Entity,,,Baker,,,,Le boulanger,,ベーカー,,,,,,,
npcBakerSMG,entityclasses,Entity,,,Baker,,,,Le boulanger,,ベーカー,,,,,,,
npcBakerM60,entityclasses,Entity,,,Baker,,,,Le boulanger,,ベーカー,,,,,,,
npcBakerPipePistol,entityclasses,Entity,,,Baker,,,,Le boulanger,,ベーカー,,,,,,,
npcBakerPistol,entityclasses,Entity,,,Baker,,,,Le boulanger,,ベーカー,,,,,,,
npcBakerDPistol,entityclasses,Entity,,,Baker,,,,Le boulanger,,ベーカー,,,,,,,
npcBakerPipeMG,entityclasses,Entity,,,Baker,,,,Le boulanger,,ベーカー,,,,,,,
npcBakerAK47,entityclasses,Entity,,,Baker,,,,Le boulanger,,ベーカー,,,,,,,
npcBakerTRifle,entityclasses,Entity,,,Baker,,,,Le boulanger,,ベーカー,,,,,,,
npcBakerPipeRifle,entityclasses,Entity,,,Baker,,,,Le boulanger,,ベーカー,,,,,,,
npcBakerHRifle,entityclasses,Entity,,,Baker,,,,Le boulanger,,ベーカー,,,,,,,
npcBakerSRifle,entityclasses,Entity,,,Baker,,,,Le boulanger,,ベーカー,,,,,,,
npcBakerPipeShotgun,entityclasses,Entity,,,Baker,,,,Le boulanger,,ベーカー,,,,,,,
npcBakerPShotgun,entityclasses,Entity,,,Baker,,,,Le boulanger,,ベーカー,,,,,,,
npcBakerAShotgun,entityclasses,Entity,,,Baker,,,,Le boulanger,,ベーカー,,,,,,,
npcBakerXBow,entityclasses,Entity,,,Baker,,,,Le boulanger,,ベーカー,,,,,,,
npcBakerLBow,entityclasses,Entity,,,Baker,,,,Le boulanger,,ベーカー,,,,,,,
npcBakerRocketL,entityclasses,Entity,,,Baker,,,,Le boulanger,,ベーカー,,,,,,,
zombieFemaleTutorial,entityclasses,Entity,,,DeadGirl,,,,Fille morte,,死んだ女の子,,,,,,,
zombieFemaleTutorialFeral,entityclasses,Entity,,,DeadGirl,,,,Fille morte,,死んだ女の子,,,,,,,

start,Quest,Dialogs,,,Are you the undead?,,,,"Êtes-vous un mort-vivant ?",,あなたはアンデッドですか?,,,,,,,
statement_-1684104497,Quest,Dialogs,,,Maybe not but a bar of soap wouldn't kill ya none either.,,,,"Peut-être pas, mais une lame de fer ne vous tuerait pas non plus.",,,,,,,,,
responseID_1595140464,Quest,Dialogs,,,No I'm not dead yet.,,,,"Non, je ne suis pas encore mort.",,いいえ、まだ死んではいません。,,,,,,,
response_-24413466,Quest,Dialogs,,,Gee thanks.,,,,"Merci beaucoup.",,ありがとうございます。,,,,,,,
responseID_-307220871,Quest,Dialogs,,,Be safe friend.,,,,"Soyez prudent, mon ami.",,お気をつけて。,,,,,,,

start,Quest,Dialogs,,,Hello there,,,,"Bonjour à tous",,こんにちは,,,,,,,
statement_-1333722013,Quest,Dialogs,,,Im just a farmer type guy,,,,"Je suis juste un fermier",,私は農夫です。,,,,,,,
statement_1334552027,Quest,Dialogs,,,"Naz, funny name eh?",,,,"Naz, drôle de nom, hein ?",,ナズ、変な名前でしょ?,,,,,,,
responseID_-1128936168,Quest,Dialogs,,,Tell me about yourself,,,,"Parlez-moi de vous",,あなたの事をおしえてください。,,,,,,,
responseID_-1290029400,Quest,Dialogs,,,Whats this place called?,,,,"Comment s'appelle cet endroit ?",,この場所の名前は何ですか?,,,,,,,
responseID_1101680756,Quest,Dialogs,,,OK Bye,,,,OK Bye,,分かりました、さようなら,,,,"",,,

itemNPCModHelp,items,Item,,,NPC Action: Help,,,,Action PNJ: Aide,,NPCアクション: 手助け,,,,,,,
itemNPCModStop,items,Item,,,NPC Action: Stop,,,,Action PNJ: Arrêt,,NPCアクション: 停止,,,,,,,
itemNPCModMode,items,Item,,,NPC Action: Mode,,,,Action PNJ: Mode,,NPCアクション: モード,,,,,,,

buffNPCModHaltDisplayDesc,items,Item,,,"While in either Threat or Full Control Mode, your hired NPCs will not engage until you tell them to Resume",,,,"Tant que vos PNJs seront en mode de contrôle complet ou de menaces, ils n'initieront pas le combat tant que vous le leur disiez de Reprendre",,,,,,,,,
buffNPCModResumeDisplayDesc,items,Item,,,"While in either Threat or Full Control Mode, your hired NPCs will engage until you tell them to Halt",,,,"Tant que vos PNJs seront en mode de contrôle complet ou de menaces, ils initieront le combat tant que vous ne leur direz pasd'Arrêter",,,,,,,,,
buffNPCModHuntingModeDisplayName,items,Item,,,Hunting Mode,,,,Mode Chasse,,,,,,,,,
buffNPCModHuntingModeDisplayDesc,items,Item,,,"While in this mode, your hired NPCs will engage with everything considered as hostile",,,,"Dans ce mode, vos PNJs embauchés initieront le combat avec tout ce qu'ils considèrent être hostile",,,,,,,,,
buffNPCModThreatControlModeDisplayName,items,Item,,,Threat Control Mode,,,,Mode de contrôle des menaces,,,,,,,,,
buffNPCModThreatControlModeDisplayDesc,items,Item,,,"While in this mode, your hired NPCs will not engage with hostile animals (including zombies animals), unless:\n • You attack\n • You get attacked and took damage",,,,"Dans ce mode, vos your PNJs embauchés n'initieront pas le combat avec des animaux hostiles (incluant les animaux zombies), à moins que:\n • Vous n'attaquiez\n • Vous vous fassiez attaquer et preniez des dommages",,,,,,,,,
buffNPCModFullControlModeDisplayName,items,Item,,,Full Control Mode,,,,Mode de contrôle complet,,,,,,,,,
buffNPCModFullControlModeDisplayDesc,items,Item,,,"While in this mode, your hired NPCs will not engage, unless:\n • You attack\n • You get attacked and took damage",,,,"Dans ce mode, vos PNJs embauchés n'initieront pas le combat, à moins que:\n • Vous n'attaquiez\n • ou que vous ne vous fassiez attaquer et preniez des dommages",,,,,,,,,

GenericNPC_start,Quest,Dialogs,,,"Hello friend, how can I help you?",,,,"Bonjour ami, comment puis-je vous aider?",,こんにちは友達、どのようにあなたを助けることができますか?,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_Command Menu,Quest,Dialogs,,,Command Menu,,,,Menu des commandes,,コマンドメニュー,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_Weapon Classes,Quest,Dialogs,,,Weapon Classes,,,,"Classes d'armes",,武器クラス,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_Melee Menu,Quest,Dialogs,,,Melee Weapons,,,,"Armes de mêlée",,近接武器,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_Pistol Menu,Quest,Dialogs,,,Pistols,,,,Pistolets,,ピストル,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_Rifle Menu,Quest,Dialogs,,,Rifles,,,,Fusils,,ライフル,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_ShotGun Menu,Quest,Dialogs,,,Shotguns,,,,Fusils à pompe,,ショットガン,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_Other Menu,Quest,Dialogs,,,Other Weapons,,,,Autres armes,,その他の武器,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_Hire,Quest,Dialogs,,,I am interested in hiring you.,,,,"Je suis intéressé pour vous embaucher.",,あなたを雇うことに興味があります。,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_FollowMe,Quest,Dialogs,,,Follow me,,,,"Suivez-moi",,私に従ってください,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_Dump2Log,Quest,Dialogs,,,Dump Values to Log,,,,"Décharger les valeurs dans le journal",,ログに値をダンプする,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_ShowMe,Quest,Dialogs,,,Show Me your inventory,,,,"Montrez-moi votre inventaire",,あなたの在庫を見せてください,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_StayHere,Quest,Dialogs,,,Stay where you are standing,,,,"Restez où vous êtes",,立っている場所にとどまってください,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_Wander,Quest,Dialogs,,,Patrol around here,,,,"Patrouillez autour dans les environs",,ここを巡回してください,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_Patrol,Quest,Dialogs,,,Patrol your coded route,,,,"Patrouillez sur votre itinéraire codifié",,コード化されたルートを巡回してください,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_GuardHere,Quest,Dialogs,,,Stay where I am standing,,,,"Restez où je me trouve",,私が立っている場所にとどまってください,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_GuardReturnHere,Quest,Dialogs,,,Guard and return to where I am standing,,,,"Gardez et revenez où je me trouve",,私が立っている場所に戻って警備してください,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_SetCode,Quest,Dialogs,,,Here is your Patrol Code,,,,"Voici votre code de patrouille",,こちらがあなたの巡回コードです,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_Loot,Quest,Dialogs,,,Loot around here,,,,"Pillez autour d'ici",,ここで略奪してください,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_Pickup,Quest,Dialogs,,,Pick Me up!,,,,"Ramassez-moi!",,私を拾ってください!,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_Weapon Menu,Quest,Dialogs,,,Weapon Menu,,,,Menu des armes,,武器メニュー,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_Melee,Quest,Dialogs,,,Melee Menu,,,,"Menu de mêlée",,近接メニュー,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_Pistols,Quest,Dialogs,,,Pistol Menu,,,,Menu des pistolets,,ピストルメニュー,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_Rifles,Quest,Dialogs,,,Rifle Menu,,,,Menu des fusils,,ライフルメニュー,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_ShotGuns,Quest,Dialogs,,,ShotGun Menu,,,,"Menu des fusils à pompe",,ショットガンメニュー,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_Others,Quest,Dialogs,,,Other Menu,,,,Autre menus,,その他のメニュー,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_BareHands,Quest,Dialogs,,,Use BareHands,,,,Utilisez vos mains nues,,素手を使う,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_Club,Quest,Dialogs,,,Use Club,,,,Utilisez un gourdin,,クラブを使う,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_Knife,Quest,Dialogs,,,Use Knife,,,,Utilisez un couteau,,ナイフを使う,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_Bat,Quest,Dialogs,,,Use Bat,,,,Utilisez une batte,,バットを使う,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_Spear,Quest,Dialogs,,,Use Spear,,,,Utilisez une lance,,スピアを使う,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_Machete,Quest,Dialogs,,,Use Machete,,,,Utilisez une machette,,マチェットを使う,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_Axe,Quest,Dialogs,,,Use Axe,,,,Utilisez une hache,,斧を使う,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_SMG,Quest,Dialogs,,,Use SMG,,,,Utilisez un pistolet-mitrailleur,,SMGを使う,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_PipePistol,Quest,Dialogs,,,Use PipePistol,,,,Utilisez un pistolet à tuyau,,パイプピストルを使う,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_PipeShotgun,Quest,Dialogs,,,Use PipeShotgun,,,,Utilisez un fusil à pompe à tuyau,,パイプショットガンを使う,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_PipeRifle,Quest,Dialogs,,,Use PipeRifle,,,,Utilisez un fusil à tuyau,,パイプライフルを使う,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_PipeMG,Quest,Dialogs,,,Use PipeMachinegun,,,,Utilisez une mitrailleuse à tuyau,,パイプマシンガンを使う,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_M60,Quest,Dialogs,,,Use M60,,,,Utilisez un M60,,M60を使う,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_Pistol,Quest,Dialogs,,,Use Pistol,,,,Utilisez un pistolet,,ピストルを使う,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_DPistol,Quest,Dialogs,,,Use DesertEagle,,,,Utilisez un Desert Eagle,,デザートイーグルを使う,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_AK47,Quest,Dialogs,,,Use AK47,,,,Utilisez une AK47,,AK47を使う,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_TRifle,Quest,Dialogs,,,Use AssaultRifle,,,,Utilisez un fusil d'assaut,,アサルトライフルを使う,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_HRifle,Quest,Dialogs,,,Use HuntingR,,,,Utilisez un fusil de chasse,,ハンティングライフルを使う,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_SRifle,Quest,Dialogs,,,Use SniperRifle,,,,Utilisez un fusil de sniper,,スナイパーライフルを使う,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_LBow,Quest,Dialogs,,,Use Longbow,,,,Utilisez un arc,,ロングボウを使う,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_XBow,Quest,Dialogs,,,Use Crossbow,,,,Utilisez une arbalète,,クロスボウを使う,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_PShotgun,Quest,Dialogs,,,Use Shotgun,,,,"Utilisez un fusil à pompe",,ショットガンを使う,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_AShotgun,Quest,Dialogs,,,Use AutoShotgun,,,,"Utilisez un fusil à pompe automatique",,オートショットガンを使う,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_RLauncher,Quest,Dialogs,,,Use RLauncher,,,,"Utilisez un lance-roquettes",,ロケットランチャーを使う,,,,,,,
GenericNPC_done,Quest,Dialogs,,,Nevermind.,,,,Peu importe.,,気にしないでください。,,,,,,,

EntityLootContainerNPC,entityclasses,Entity Info,,,Dropped Loot,,Fallengelassene Beute,Botín abandonado,Butin abandonné,Bottino caduto,落ちている略奪品,떨어진 약탈품,Upuszczony łup,Espólio caído,Выпавшие вещи,Düşürülmüş Ganimet,掉落的战利品,掉落戰利品
EntityNPCLootContainer,entityclasses,Entity Info,,,Dropped Loot,,Fallengelassene Beute,Botín abandonado,Butin abandonné,Bottino caduto,落ちている略奪品,떨어진 약탈품,Upuszczony łup,Espólio caído,Выпавшие вещи,Düşürülmüş Ganimet,掉落的战利品,掉落戰利品
EntityNPCLootContainerClub,entityclasses,Entity Info,,,Dropped Loot,,Fallengelassene Beute,Botín abandonado,Butin abandonné,Bottino caduto,落ちている略奪品,떨어진 약탈품,Upuszczony łup,Espólio caído,Выпавшие вещи,Düşürülmüş Ganimet,掉落的战利品,掉落戰利品
EntityNPCLootContainerKnife,entityclasses,Entity Info,,,Dropped Loot,,Fallengelassene Beute,Botín abandonado,Butin abandonné,Bottino caduto,落ちている略奪品,떨어진 약탈품,Upuszczony łup,Espólio caído,Выпавшие вещи,Düşürülmüş Ganimet,掉落的战利品,掉落戰利品
EntityNPCLootContainerBat,entityclasses,Entity Info,,,Dropped Loot,,Fallengelassene Beute,Botín abandonado,Butin abandonné,Bottino caduto,落ちている略奪品,떨어진 약탈품,Upuszczony łup,Espólio caído,Выпавшие вещи,Düşürülmüş Ganimet,掉落的战利品,掉落戰利品
EntityNPCLootContainerAxe,entityclasses,Entity Info,,,Dropped Loot,,Fallengelassene Beute,Botín abandonado,Butin abandonné,Bottino caduto,落ちている略奪品,떨어진 약탈품,Upuszczony łup,Espólio caído,Выпавшие вещи,Düşürülmüş Ganimet,掉落的战利品,掉落戰利品
EntityNPCLootContainerSpear,entityclasses,Entity Info,,,Dropped Loot,,Fallengelassene Beute,Botín abandonado,Butin abandonné,Bottino caduto,落ちている略奪品,떨어진 약탈품,Upuszczony łup,Espólio caído,Выпавшие вещи,Düşürülmüş Ganimet,掉落的战利品,掉落戰利品
EntityNPCLootContainerMachete,entityclasses,Entity Info,,,Dropped Loot,,Fallengelassene Beute,Botín abandonado,Butin abandonné,Bottino caduto,落ちている略奪品,떨어진 약탈품,Upuszczony łup,Espólio caído,Выпавшие вещи,Düşürülmüş Ganimet,掉落的战利品,掉落戰利品
EntityNPCLootContainerPipePistol,entityclasses,Entity Info,,,Dropped Loot,,Fallengelassene Beute,Botín abandonado,Butin abandonné,Bottino caduto,落ちている略奪品,떨어진 약탈품,Upuszczony łup,Espólio caído,Выпавшие вещи,Düşürülmüş Ganimet,掉落的战利品,掉落戰利品
EntityNPCLootContainerPistol,entityclasses,Entity Info,,,Dropped Loot,,Fallengelassene Beute,Botín abandonado,Butin abandonné,Bottino caduto,落ちている略奪品,떨어진 약탈품,Upuszczony łup,Espólio caído,Выпавшие вещи,Düşürülmüş Ganimet,掉落的战利品,掉落戰利品
EntityNPCLootContainerDPistol,entityclasses,Entity Info,,,Dropped Loot,,Fallengelassene Beute,Botín abandonado,Butin abandonné,Bottino caduto,落ちている略奪品,떨어진 약탈품,Upuszczony łup,Espólio caído,Выпавшие вещи,Düşürülmüş Ganimet,掉落的战利品,掉落戰利品
EntityNPCLootContainerSMG,entityclasses,Entity Info,,,Dropped Loot,,Fallengelassene Beute,Botín abandonado,Butin abandonné,Bottino caduto,落ちている略奪品,떨어진 약탈품,Upuszczony łup,Espólio caído,Выпавшие вещи,Düşürülmüş Ganimet,掉落的战利品,掉落戰利品
EntityNPCLootContainerM60,entityclasses,Entity Info,,,Dropped Loot,,Fallengelassene Beute,Botín abandonado,Butin abandonné,Bottino caduto,落ちている略奪品,떨어진 약탈품,Upuszczony łup,Espólio caído,Выпавшие вещи,Düşürülmüş Ganimet,掉落的战利品,掉落戰利品
EntityNPCLootContainerAK47,entityclasses,Entity Info,,,Dropped Loot,,Fallengelassene Beute,Botín abandonado,Butin abandonné,Bottino caduto,落ちている略奪品,떨어진 약탈품,Upuszczony łup,Espólio caído,Выпавшие вещи,Düşürülmüş Ganimet,掉落的战利品,掉落戰利品
EntityNPCLootContainerPipeMG,entityclasses,Entity Info,,,Dropped Loot,,Fallengelassene Beute,Botín abandonado,Butin abandonné,Bottino caduto,落ちている略奪品,떨어진 약탈품,Upuszczony łup,Espólio caído,Выпавшие вещи,Düşürülmüş Ganimet,掉落的战利品,掉落戰利品
EntityNPCLootContainerTRifle,entityclasses,Entity Info,,,Dropped Loot,,Fallengelassene Beute,Botín abandonado,Butin abandonné,Bottino caduto,落ちている略奪品,떨어진 약탈품,Upuszczony łup,Espólio caído,Выпавшие вещи,Düşürülmüş Ganimet,掉落的战利品,掉落戰利品
EntityNPCLootContainerPipeRifle,entityclasses,Entity Info,,,Dropped Loot,,Fallengelassene Beute,Botín abandonado,Butin abandonné,Bottino caduto,落ちている略奪品,떨어진 약탈품,Upuszczony łup,Espólio caído,Выпавшие вещи,Düşürülmüş Ganimet,掉落的战利品,掉落戰利品
EntityNPCLootContainerHRifle,entityclasses,Entity Info,,,Dropped Loot,,Fallengelassene Beute,Botín abandonado,Butin abandonné,Bottino caduto,落ちている略奪品,떨어진 약탈품,Upuszczony łup,Espólio caído,Выпавшие вещи,Düşürülmüş Ganimet,掉落的战利品,掉落戰利品
EntityNPCLootContainerSRifle,entityclasses,Entity Info,,,Dropped Loot,,Fallengelassene Beute,Botín abandonado,Butin abandonné,Bottino caduto,落ちている略奪品,떨어진 약탈품,Upuszczony łup,Espólio caído,Выпавшие вещи,Düşürülmüş Ganimet,掉落的战利品,掉落戰利品
EntityNPCLootContainerPipeShotgun,entityclasses,Entity Info,,,Dropped Loot,,Fallengelassene Beute,Botín abandonado,Butin abandonné,Bottino caduto,落ちている略奪品,떨어진 약탈품,Upuszczony łup,Espólio caído,Выпавшие вещи,Düşürülmüş Ganimet,掉落的战利品,掉落戰利品
EntityNPCLootContainerPShotgun,entityclasses,Entity Info,,,Dropped Loot,,Fallengelassene Beute,Botín abandonado,Butin abandonné,Bottino caduto,落ちている略奪品,떨어진 약탈품,Upuszczony łup,Espólio caído,Выпавшие вещи,Düşürülmüş Ganimet,掉落的战利品,掉落戰利品
EntityNPCLootContainerAShotgun,entityclasses,Entity Info,,,Dropped Loot,,Fallengelassene Beute,Botín abandonado,Butin abandonné,Bottino caduto,落ちている略奪品,떨어진 약탈품,Upuszczony łup,Espólio caído,Выпавшие вещи,Düşürülmüş Ganimet,掉落的战利品,掉落戰利品
EntityNPCLootContainerLBow,entityclasses,Entity Info,,,Dropped Loot,,Fallengelassene Beute,Botín abandonado,Butin abandonné,Bottino caduto,落ちている略奪品,떨어진 약탈품,Upuszczony łup,Espólio caído,Выпавшие вещи,Düşürülmüş Ganimet,掉落的战利品,掉落戰利品
EntityNPCLootContainerXBow,entityclasses,Entity Info,,,Dropped Loot,,Fallengelassene Beute,Botín abandonado,Butin abandonné,Bottino caduto,落ちている略奪品,떨어진 약탈품,Upuszczony łup,Espólio caído,Выпавшие вещи,Düşürülmüş Ganimet,掉落的战利品,掉落戰利品
EntityNPCLootContainerRocketL,entityclasses,Entity Info,,,Dropped Loot,,Fallengelassene Beute,Botín abandonado,Butin abandonné,Bottino caduto,落ちている略奪品,떨어진 약탈품,Upuszczony łup,Espólio caído,Выпавшие вещи,Düşürülmüş Ganimet,掉落的战利品,掉落戰利品
EntityNPCLootContainerMech,entityclasses,Entity Info,,,Dropped Loot,,Fallengelassene Beute,Botín abandonado,Butin abandonné,Bottino caduto,落ちている略奪品,떨어진 약탈품,Upuszczony łup,Espólio caído,Выпавшие вещи,Düşürülmüş Ganimet,掉落的战利品,掉落戰利品
EntityNPCLootContainerPistolHidden,entityclasses,Entity Info,,,Dropped Loot,,Fallengelassene Beute,Botín abandonado,Butin abandonné,Bottino caduto,落ちている略奪品,떨어진 약탈품,Upuszczony łup,Espólio caído,Выпавшие вещи,Düşürülmüş Ganimet,掉落的战利品,掉落戰利品

I had or correct some things too

These is for "1-DarksCleanerz\Config\Localisation.txt"



Key,File,Type,UsedInMainMenu,NoTranslate,english,Context / Alternate Text,german,latam,french,italian,japanese,koreana,polish,brazilian,russian,turkish,schinese,tchinese,spanish

RaiderGBDAxe,entityclasses,Entity,,,Black Ops Officer,,,,"Officier du Black Ops",,,,,,,,,
RaiderGBDKnife,entityclasses,Entity,,,Black Ops Officer,,,,"Officier du Black Ops",,,,,,,,,
RaiderGBDPistol,entityclasses,Entity,,,Black Ops Officer,,,,"Officier du Black Ops",,,,,,,,,
RaiderGBDTRifle,entityclasses,Entity,,,Black Ops Officer,,,,"Officier du Black Ops",,,,,,,,,
RaiderGBDM60,entityclasses,Entity,,,Black Ops Officer,,,,"Officier du Black Ops",,,,,,,,,

RaiderGDAxe,entityclasses,Entity,,,Black Ops,,,,"Black Ops",,,,,,,,,
RaiderGDKnife,entityclasses,Entity,,,Black Ops,,,,"Black Ops",,,,,,,,,
RaiderGDPistol,entityclasses,Entity,,,Black Ops,,,,"Black Ops",,,,,,,,,
RaiderGDTRifle,entityclasses,Entity,,,Black Ops,,,,"Black Ops",,,,,,,,,
RaiderGDM60,entityclasses,Entity,,,Black Ops,,,,"Black Ops",,,,,,,,,

RaiderGHDAxe,entityclasses,Entity,,,Black Ops,,,,"Black Ops",,,,,,,,,
RaiderGHDKnife,entityclasses,Entity,,,Black Ops,,,,"Black Ops",,,,,,,,,
RaiderGHDPistol,entityclasses,Entity,,,Black Ops,,,,"Black Ops",,,,,,,,,
RaiderGHDTRifle,entityclasses,Entity,,,Black Ops,,,,"Black Ops",,,,,,,,,
RaiderGHDM60,entityclasses,Entity,,,Black Ops,,,,"Black Ops",,,,,,,,,

Ok for these :)

These is for "1-DarksSoldierz\Config\Localisation.txt"



Key,File,Type,UsedInMainMenu,NoTranslate,english,Context / Alternate Text,german,latam,french,italian,japanese,koreana,polish,brazilian,russian,turkish,schinese,tchinese,spanish

npcSoldierGBDAxe,entityclasses,Entity,,,National Guard Officer,,,,Officier de la Garde nationale,,,,,,,,,
npcSoldierGBDKnife,entityclasses,Entity,,,National Guard Officer,,,,Officier de la Garde nationale,,,,,,,,,
npcSoldierGBDPistol,entityclasses,Entity,,,National Guard Officer,,,,Officier de la Garde nationale,,,,,,,,,
npcSoldierGBDTRifle,entityclasses,Entity,,,National Guard Officer,,,,Officier de la Garde nationale,,,,,,,,,
npcSoldierGBDM60,entityclasses,Entity,,,National Guard Officer,,,,Officier de la Garde nationale,,,,,,,,,
npcSoldierGBDRocketL,entityclasses,Entity,,,National Guard Officer,,,,Officier de la Garde nationale,,,,,,,,,
npcSoldierGDAxe,entityclasses,Entity,,,National Guardsman,,,,Officier de la Garde nationale,,,,,,,,,
npcSoldierGDKnife,entityclasses,Entity,,,National Guardsman,,,,Officier de la Garde nationale,,,,,,,,,
npcSoldierGDPistol,entityclasses,Entity,,,National Guardsman,,,,Officier de la Garde nationale,,,,,,,,,
npcSoldierGDTRifle,entityclasses,Entity,,,National Guardsman,,,,Officier de la Garde nationale,,,,,,,,,
npcSoldierGDM60,entityclasses,Entity,,,National Guardsman,,,,Officier de la Garde nationale,,,,,,,,,
npcSoldierGDRocketL,entityclasses,Entity,,,National Guardsman,,,,Officier de la Garde nationale,,,,,,,,,
npcSoldierGHDAxe,entityclasses,Entity,,,National Guardsman,,,,Officier de la Garde nationale,,,,,,,,,
npcSoldierGHDKnife,entityclasses,Entity,,,National Guardsman,,,,Officier de la Garde nationale,,,,,,,,,
npcSoldierGHDPistol,entityclasses,Entity,,,National Guardsman,,,,Officier de la Garde nationale,,,,,,,,,
npcSoldierGHDTRifle,entityclasses,Entity,,,National Guardsman,,,,Officier de la Garde nationale,,,,,,,,,
npcSoldierGHDM60,entityclasses,Entity,,,National Guardsman,,,,Officier de la Garde nationale,,,,,,,,,
npcSoldierGHDRocketL,entityclasses,Entity,,,National Guardsman,,,,Officier de la Garde nationale,,,,,,,,,
npcSoldierHD1Axe,entityclasses,Entity,,,National Guardsman,,,,Officier de la Garde nationale,,,,,,,,,
npcSoldierHD1Knife,entityclasses,Entity,,,National Guardsman,,,,Officier de la Garde nationale,,,,,,,,,
npcSoldierHD1Pistol,entityclasses,Entity,,,National Guardsman,,,,Officier de la Garde nationale,,,,,,,,,
npcSoldierHD1TRifle,entityclasses,Entity,,,National Guardsman,,,,Officier de la Garde nationale,,,,,,,,,
npcSoldierHD1M60,entityclasses,Entity,,,National Guardsman,,,,Officier de la Garde nationale,,,,,,,,,
npcSoldierHD1RocketL,entityclasses,Entity,,,National Guardsman,,,,Officier de la Garde nationale,,,,,,,,,
npcSoldierHD2Axe,entityclasses,Entity,,,National Guardsman,,,,Officier de la Garde nationale,,,,,,,,,
npcSoldierHD2Knife,entityclasses,Entity,,,National Guardsman,,,,Officier de la Garde nationale,,,,,,,,,
npcSoldierHD2Pistol,entityclasses,Entity,,,National Guardsman,,,,Officier de la Garde nationale,,,,,,,,,
npcSoldierHD2TRifle,entityclasses,Entity,,,National Guardsman,,,,Officier de la Garde nationale,,,,,,,,,
npcSoldierHD2M60,entityclasses,Entity,,,National Guardsman,,,,Officier de la Garde nationale,,,,,,,,,
npcSoldierHD2RocketL,entityclasses,Entity,,,National Guardsman,,,,Officier de la Garde nationale,,,,,,,,,

These will be OK

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So, these is for "1-DarksZombiez\Config\Localisation.txt"



Key,File,Type,UsedInMainMenu,NoTranslate,english,Context / Alternate Text,german,latam,french,italian,japanese,koreana,polish,brazilian,russian,turkish,schinese,tchinese,spanish

zombieParasite,entityclasses,Entity,,,Parasite Z,,,,Parasite Z,,,,,,,,,
zombieParasiteFeral,entityclasses,Entity,,,Feral Parasite Z,,,,Parasite Sauvage Z,,,,,,,,,
zombieFatParasite,entityclasses,Entity,,,Swollen Parasite Z,,,,Parasite Tuberculeux Z,,,,,,,,,
zombieFatParasiteFeral,entityclasses,Entity,,,Swollen Feral Parasite Z,,,,Parasite Tuberculeux Sauvage Z,,,,,,,,,
zombieExperimentZ,entityclasses,Entity,,,Experiment Z,,,,Expérimentation Z,,,,,,,,,
zombieExperimentZFeral,entityclasses,Entity,,,Feral Experiment Z,,,,Expérimentation Sauvage Z,,,,,,,,,
zombieArmy1,entityclasses,Entity,,,Soldier Z,,,,Soldat Z,,,,,,,,,
zombieArmy1Feral,entityclasses,Entity,,,Feral Soldier Z,,,,Soldat Sauvage Z,,,,,,,,,
zombieFreshFemale1,entityclasses,Entity,,,Fresh Female Z,,,,Femelle Z Fraiche,,,,,,,,,
zombieFreshFemale1Feral,entityclasses,Entity,,,Feral Fresh Female Z,,,,Femelle Sauvage Z Fraiche,,,,,,,,,
zombieFreshFemale2,entityclasses,Entity,,,Fresh Female Z,,,,Femelle Z Fraiche,,,,,,,,,
zombieFreshFemale2Feral,entityclasses,Entity,,,Feral Fresh Female Z,,,,Femelle Sauvage Z Fraiche,,,,,,,,,
zombieFreshFemale3,entityclasses,Entity,,,Fresh Female Z,,,,Femelle Z Fraiche,,,,,,,,,
zombieFreshFemale3Feral,entityclasses,Entity,,,Feral Fresh Female Z,,,,Femelle Sauvage Z Fraiche,,,,,,,,,
zombieFreshFemale4,entityclasses,Entity,,,Fresh Female Z,,,,Femelle Z Fraiche,,,,,,,,,
zombieFreshFemale4Feral,entityclasses,Entity,,,Feral Fresh Female Z,,,,Femelle Sauvage Z Fraiche,,,,,,,,,
zombieFreshFemale5,entityclasses,Entity,,,Fresh Female Z,,,,Femelle Z Fraiche,,,,,,,,,
zombieFreshFemale5Feral,entityclasses,Entity,,,Feral Fresh Female Z,,,,Femelle Sauvage Z Fraiche,,,,,,,,,
zombieFreshMale1,entityclasses,Entity,,,Fresh Male Z,,,,Male Z Frais,,,,,,,,,
zombieFreshMale1Feral,entityclasses,Entity,,,Feral Fresh Male Z,,,,Male Sauvage Z Frais,,,,,,,,,
zombieFreshMale2,entityclasses,Entity,,,Fresh Male Z,,,,Male Z Frais,,,,,,,,,
zombieFreshMale2Feral,entityclasses,Entity,,,Feral Fresh Male Z,,,,Male Sauvage Z Frais,,,,,,,,,

Ok for this

Aand these for "1-GansSpecialZombies\Config\Localisation.txt"




zombieWarZombie,zombies,ZombieName,Colonel Klink,クリンク大佐,Colonel Klink
zombieWarZombieV1,zombies,ZombieName,Colonel Lynch,リンチ大佐,Colonel Lynch
zombieWhiteClown,zombies,ZombieName,White Clown,白ピエロ,Clown Blanc

TwitchVoteWhiteClown,twitch,Votes,,,Clowning Around,,Faire le clown
TwitchVoteWarZombies,twitch,Votes,,,Br@%$#s,,Trous de Cuivres

these would be short

These for "1-GansStandardZombies\Config\Localisation.txt"




zombieHugh,zombies,ZombieName,Papa Hugh,パパ・ヒュー,Papa Hugh
zombieHughFeral,zombies,ZombieName,Papa Hugh Feral,残忍パパ・ヒュー,Papa Hugh Sauvage
zombieHughRadiated,zombies,ZombieName,Papa Hugh Radiated,被爆パパ・ヒュー,"Papa Hugh Irradié"
zombieRektFeral,zombies,ZombieName,Rekt Feral,残忍レクト,Rekt Sauvage
zombieRektRadiated,zombies,ZombieName,Rekt Radiated,被爆レクト,"Rekt Irradié"

These was short too


These is for "2-NPCXSpiderPack-ColonyExpansion\Config\Localisation.txt"



Key,File,Type,UsedInMainMenu,NoTranslate,english,Context / Alternate Text,german,latam,french,italian,japanese,koreana,polish,brazilian,russian,turkish,schinese,tchinese,spanish

animalSpider01,entityclasses,Entity,,,Spider Sam,,,,Araignée Sam,,,,,,,,,
animalSpider01Feral,entityclasses,Entity,,,Feral Spider Sam,,,,Araignée Sauvage Sam,,,,,,,,,
animalSpider01Radiated,entityclasses,Entity,,,Radiated Spider Sam,,,,Araignée Sam Irradiée,,,,,,,,,
animalSpider01Mini,entityclasses,Entity,,,Mini Spider Sam,,,,Mini Araignée Sam,,,,,,,,,
animalSpider01Queen,entityclasses,Entity,,,Queen Spider Sam,,,,Reine Araignée Sam,,,,,,,,,
animalSpider02,entityclasses,Entity,,,Spider Sally,,,,Araignée Sally,,,,,,,,,
animalSpider02Feral,entityclasses,Entity,,,Feral Spider Sally,,,,Araignée Sauvage Sally,,,,,,,,,
animalSpider02Radiated,entityclasses,Entity,,,Radiated Spider Sally,,,,Araignée Sally Irradiée,,,,,,,,,
animalSpider02Mini,entityclasses,Entity,,,Mini Spider Sally,,,,Mini Araignée Sally,,,,,,,,,
animalSpider02Queen,entityclasses,Entity,,,Queen Spider Sally,,,,Reine Araignée Sally,,,,,,,,,
animalSpider03,entityclasses,Entity,,,Spider Sidney,,,,Araignée Sidney,,,,,,,,,
animalSpider03Feral,entityclasses,Entity,,,Feral Spider Sidney,,,,Araignée Sauvage Sidney,,,,,,,,,
animalSpider03Radiated,entityclasses,Entity,,,Radiated Spider Sidney,,,,Araignée Sidney Irradiée,,,,,,,,,
animalSpider03Mini,entityclasses,Entity,,,Mini Spider Sidney,,,,Mini Araignée Sidney,,,,,,,,,
animalSpider03Queen,entityclasses,Entity,,,Queen Spider Sidney,,,,Reine Araignée Sidney,,,,,,,,,

spider_barn_01,POI,POIName,,x,Spider Barn,,,,Araignées de Grange,,,,,,,,,
spider_cave_04,POI,POIName,,x,Spider Cave,,,,Araignées de Caverne,,,,,,,,,
spider_nest_01,POI,POIName,,x,Spider Nest,,,,Nid d'araignée,,,,,,,,,
spider_remnant_downtown_filler_02,POI,POIName,,x,Spider 666,,,,Araignées 666,,,,,,,,,
spider_remnant_house_04,POI,POIName,,x,Old Spider House,,,,Vieille maison de l'araignée,,,,,,,,,

Done for this

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And the last...For "2-SummonFoxFriend\Config\Localisation.txt"



Key,File,Type,UsedInMainMenu,NoTranslate,english,Context / Alternate Text,german,latam,french,italian,japanese,koreana,polish,brazilian,russian,turkish,schinese,tchinese,spanish

noteqc_2-SummonFoxFriend,items,item,,,Summon - Fox Friend,,,,Summon - Ami Renard,,,,,,,,,
noteqc_2-SummonFoxFriendDesc,items,item,,,"This quest allows a player to summon a Fox Friend, and also receive 20 meat to hire the new companion. This can only be found at Trader Jen's or in safes.",,,,"Cette quête permet au joueur de faire venir un Ami Renard, et de donner 20 pièces de viande pour engager ce nouveau compagnon. Cette viande ne peut être trouvée que chez le marchand Jen ou dans les coffres ou autre animal.",,,,,,,,,

These is the last !!
Hope all is good :)

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On 10/29/2023 at 5:12 PM, Ozzland said:

Quick question: 

Is there an easy way to tell which CORE Zombie packs are working now in A21, not everyone uses a nice url like khzmusik, and the first page doesn't blatantly give an indication, or not blatantly enough for me.

Or are the all ready again, -- again Core Zombie packs not UMAs



Any packs liked on the first page should work on A21

On 10/30/2023 at 5:14 AM, Rygastan said:

And the last...For "2-SummonFoxFriend\Config\Localisation.txt"


These is the last !!
Hope all is good :)


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23 hours ago, Ru Melin said:

Hy, Great Mod! Good Work and support too.


May I ask when we get the Mech and the Vault NPC Faction? Do you plan to bring them to A21?


Best regards

I may release the mech, but there are still a few bugs to work out on the ranged ones.  Not sure if Darkstar is releasing the vault folks.

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Ah thanks. Do you have a good connection to him and can ask him?


Furthermore I ask me often why we don't get the nice model from Harlequin on the good side as a raider gurls friendly? Is there a plan for future?


And what about this nice girls Mod i don't remember the name at the moment.


Thanks a lot for your great work, you all make this game so much better!

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2 hours ago, Ru Melin said:

Ah thanks. Do you have a good connection to him and can ask him?


Furthermore I ask me often why we don't get the nice model from Harlequin on the good side as a raider gurls friendly? Is there a plan for future?


And what about this nice girls Mod i don't remember the name at the moment.


Thanks a lot for your great work, you all make this game so much better!


The "nice girls" mod is probably this:


1-DarksRaiderGurlzFriendly: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1n1Xf5dZU2v_-0mQqJzbgSED37NSW8lui/view?usp=drive_link

DarkStar's RaiderGurls, Friendly NPCs Gurlz, Only load one version, not these and the bad Gurlz below.


Harley Quinn is part of NPC Core. I don't think there has ever been a friendly version of her. It you want friendly versions, you would probably have to make them yourself. (It's not hard to do, just re-use the "Nurse" entity classes and swap out the relevant information for Harley.)

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On 8/29/2023 at 1:11 PM, drkstardragon said:

You can adjust the damage on their weapon items in items xml.

Hi there. I know this is a late response, but I would like to change NPC Raiders Gurlz Pack gun range and damage too. Do you think you could send me a step by step instruction on where to change it please? Items.xml, you said, but where in? I don't have the updated version; still running old version pack on Alpha 20. Hopefully it's possible to explain even though my outdated pack version.

Edited by ghostsniper (see edit history)
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5 hours ago, ghostsniper said:

Hi there. I know this is a late response, but I would like to change NPC Raiders Gurlz Pack gun range and damage too. Do you think you could send me a step by step instruction on where to change it please? Items.xml, you said, but where in? I don't have the updated version; still running old version pack on Alpha 20. Hopefully it's possible to explain even though my outdated pack version.

If I understand the mechanics correctly, (and I'm sure xyth, khzmuzik, or others will correct this if I am wrong), to change the range, for each weapon you want to change there will be a line entry like this one:
                 <passive_effect name="MaxRange" operation="base_set" value="15" tags="perkBoomstick"/> 
In the above line, the perkBoomstick is there because the weapon I pulled that example for is a shotgun.  The tags="perkThatGovernsThatWeapon"  So pistols would have tags="perkGunslinger", etc.
Change the value="xx" where xx is the maximum range you want that weapon to have.

To change the damage for a weapon, look for these lines:
                <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value="-.02,.02" tags="perkBoomstick"/>
                <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value=".05,.25" tier="2,6" tags="perkBoomstick"/>
                <passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="perc_add" value="-.1,.1" tags="perkBoomstick"/>
                <passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="perc_add" value=".1,.5" tier="2,6" tags="perkBoomstick"/>

changing those values will increase or decrease the percentage adjustment applied by the weapon.

More important though, is changing the damage by ammunition type.  Since I'm using the shotgun as an example, in the ammoShotgunShell item there are lines for:
        <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="base_set" value="10.1" tags="perkBoomstick"/>
        <passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="base_set" value="5.4" tags="perkBoomstick"/>
        <passive_effect name="RoundRayCount" operation="base_set" value="10" tags="perkBoomstick"/>
        <passive_effect name="MaxRange" operation="base_set" value="10" tags="perkBoomstick"/>
        <passive_effect name="DamageFalloffRange" operation="base_set" value="4" tags="perkBoomstick"/>

Your changes in these values greatly effect what the rounds do.

Keep that DamageFalloffRange in mind if you increase the max range of the weapon or ammo.  In the above example, every 4 blocks the round travels, the damage drops.  So if you change the MaxRange to 20, for example, you might want to increase the DamageFalloffRange value to 6 or even 8.


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4 hours ago, Evil_Geoff said:

If I understand the mechanics correctly, (and I'm sure xyth, khzmuzik, or others will correct this if I am wrong), to change the range, for each weapon you want to change there will be a line entry like this one:
                 <passive_effect name="MaxRange" operation="base_set" value="15" tags="perkBoomstick"/> 
In the above line, the perkBoomstick is there because the weapon I pulled that example for is a shotgun.  The tags="perkThatGovernsThatWeapon"  So pistols would have tags="perkGunslinger", etc.
Change the value="xx" where xx is the maximum range you want that weapon to have.

To change the damage for a weapon, look for these lines:
                <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value="-.02,.02" tags="perkBoomstick"/>
                <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value=".05,.25" tier="2,6" tags="perkBoomstick"/>
                <passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="perc_add" value="-.1,.1" tags="perkBoomstick"/>
                <passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="perc_add" value=".1,.5" tier="2,6" tags="perkBoomstick"/>

changing those values will increase or decrease the percentage adjustment applied by the weapon.

More important though, is changing the damage by ammunition type.  Since I'm using the shotgun as an example, in the ammoShotgunShell item there are lines for:
        <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="base_set" value="10.1" tags="perkBoomstick"/>
        <passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="base_set" value="5.4" tags="perkBoomstick"/>
        <passive_effect name="RoundRayCount" operation="base_set" value="10" tags="perkBoomstick"/>
        <passive_effect name="MaxRange" operation="base_set" value="10" tags="perkBoomstick"/>
        <passive_effect name="DamageFalloffRange" operation="base_set" value="4" tags="perkBoomstick"/>

Your changes in these values greatly effect what the rounds do.

Keep that DamageFalloffRange in mind if you increase the max range of the weapon or ammo.  In the above example, every 4 blocks the round travels, the damage drops.  So if you change the MaxRange to 20, for example, you might want to increase the DamageFalloffRange value to 6 or even 8.


Oh, wow. Didn't believe it was that complex. Thanks though! So, also in my previous quote, step by step (since I'm not so good with codes), what folders to start in to the file to edit? (For the RaiderGurlz npc). I looked in the xml in the folder of "Raider Gurlz", but nothing like what you mentioned was in there. 

Waiting on your reply.

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I don't know how the individual mods are set up, but I imagine that the weapons, range and damage they use are all based on the vanilla ones.

So you would either need to create your own modlet to make those adjustments, or modify the values in the vanilla game files.  If you modify the vanilla files, MAKE A BACKUP FIRST!

Default location for the vanilla files is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Data\Config\items.xml

Keep in mind, if you alter the values of vanilla NPC weapons, ALL NPCs that use them will have the adjusted values.

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On 11/12/2023 at 9:18 AM, ghostsniper said:

Oh, wow. Didn't believe it was that complex. Thanks though! So, also in my previous quote, step by step (since I'm not so good with codes), what folders to start in to the file to edit? (For the RaiderGurlz npc). I looked in the xml in the folder of "Raider Gurlz", but nothing like what you mentioned was in there. 

Waiting on your reply.


@Evil_Geoff doesn't quite have it right. The weapons and ammo used by NPCs are not vanilla, they are weapons and ammo specific to NPC Core.


Both the weapons and ammo are in the items.xml file in NPC Core's Config folder. Ranged weapons start with "gunNPC" and ammo starts with "ammoNPC".


Unlike vanilla, with NPCs, the ammo damage has no effect; the damage is determined by the weapon. (I'm not sure why, Xyth might know.) There is XML on each ammo type to modify the damage against certain block types (usually earth or wood), but I don't know if it has any effect.


The weapons are modeled after vanilla, so they have the same properties. The base damage is in the "Action0" and "Action1" properties - 0 is for melee (including the melee attack that ranged NPCs do when enemies get too close), and 1 is for ranged attacks. There are more properties in each effect group for the weapon, such as the damage falloff range and spread ("accuracy"), which you can mess with if you choose.

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1 hour ago, khzmusik said:


@Evil_Geoff doesn't quite have it right. The weapons and ammo used by NPCs are not vanilla, they are weapons and ammo specific to NPC Core.


Both the weapons and ammo are in the items.xml file in NPC Core's Config folder. Ranged weapons start with "gunNPC" and ammo starts with "ammoNPC".


Unlike vanilla, with NPCs, the ammo damage has no effect; the damage is determined by the weapon. (I'm not sure why, Xyth might know.) There is XML on each ammo type to modify the damage against certain block types (usually earth or wood), but I don't know if it has any effect.


The weapons are modeled after vanilla, so they have the same properties. The base damage is in the "Action0" and "Action1" properties - 0 is for melee (including the melee attack that ranged NPCs do when enemies get too close), and 1 is for ranged attacks. There are more properties in each effect group for the weapon, such as the damage falloff range and spread ("accuracy"), which you can mess with if you choose.

Ah, thanks. I'll check it out when I get a chance. Thanks! 👍That seemed to make sense compared to what @Evil_Geoff mentioned. (Was a little confused there.)😖😀

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8 minutes ago, ghostsniper said:

Ah, thanks. I'll check it out when I get a chance. Thanks! 👍That seemed to make sense compared to what @Evil_Geoff mentioned. (Was a little confused there.)😖😀


Well, he would have been right a couple alphas ago. And, he was mostly right about what properties to change. So I don't want to say his info is "wrong," just not completely correct.


Speaking of not entirely correct, there is another place to look that I forgot about. If you look in NPC Core's entityclasses.xml, you'll find an entity class called "npcMeleeTemplate". That is the template used by most non-hirable NPCs.


In that template, there is code to adjust the damage modifier according to number of kills, day/night cycle, and biome. (In my copy it starts on line 391.) You might want to also mess around with those values.


If you want a general reduction in damage for every non-hirable NPC (ranged or melee), there's also an effect group in that template called "ReduceDamageToPlayers". You could make the "DamageModifier" value be a larger negative number, so they will do less damage to players (and players only).

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10 hours ago, khzmusik said:


Well, he would have been right a couple alphas ago. And, he was mostly right about what properties to change. So I don't want to say his info is "wrong," just not completely correct.


Speaking of not entirely correct, there is another place to look that I forgot about. If you look in NPC Core's entityclasses.xml, you'll find an entity class called "npcMeleeTemplate". That is the template used by most non-hirable NPCs.


In that template, there is code to adjust the damage modifier according to number of kills, day/night cycle, and biome. (In my copy it starts on line 391.) You might want to also mess around with those values.


If you want a general reduction in damage for every non-hirable NPC (ranged or melee), there's also an effect group in that template called "ReduceDamageToPlayers". You could make the "DamageModifier" value be a larger negative number, so they will do less damage to players (and players only).

Ah, no harm done to anyone. Didn't know, thats all. I'll look into it! Thanks! I feel like with the old version I have of Raider Gurlz, the weapon damage is a little high to me. (My characters health from: Ex: 120- down to like 90-80 from like 5 shots even with pretty good armor). Lol.

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Hello Everyone.
I have been here before but the site seems to have forgotten me so had to create a new profile.
Whilst I have modded (just XML) for 7DTD in the past, Im not a coder, Im a hardware guy mostly.

I came across your project and just had to give it a try.
Following tutorials and an awful lot of reading, I have today published my first ever mod containing 3D modelling and Unity, and what a steep learning curve it has been, Im mentally exhausted after just 2 weeks. Its published on nexusmods.com/7daystodie

I wanted to come and say "Thank You" to this community for all your previous posts which allowed me to follow along and complete this mod.
This is a great project and idea and it really opens up the game.

I look forward to getting more involved.

Edited by PitMonk
spelling error (see edit history)
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