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NPCMod and Addons


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Quick question: Is it safe to add this mod to existing save? 

Also I really want to use it on dedicated server (when I use hosting site, they give me dedicated server right?) but since you mention there are too many bugs on it, I will wait for green light...

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11 minutes ago, DDzu said:

Quick question: Is it safe to add this mod to existing save? 

Also I really want to use it on dedicated server (when I use hosting site, they give me dedicated server right?) but since you mention there are too many bugs on it, I will wait for green light...


Its really NOT SAFE to add to an existing save.  


We made a lot of progress on dedi, still some spawning bugs to resolve and a friendly fire issue, but we are getting close.

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9 hours ago, Sepoficus said:

My companions pathfinding is very good btw, but they keep falling under the ground and permanently staying there. 

Is that a npc mod issue or a 7 days to die issue? i have witnessed this with the Age of oblivion turret clones. They just magically disappear. I have also watched a sledge turret get sucked beneath the ground too, and have fallen through the bedrock from time to time. It may be a npc mod issue? How often have you seen it happen and is there a detail: terrain, location, time of day; that sets this off? 

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The falling into the ground is a vanilla issue which was recently acknowledged by TFP, and is being fixed.  In the meantime, in the next build we added the player unstuck code to attempt to unstick NPCs as they fall and place them a bit above ground.  Seems to be working well.  We are almost done with the must fix bugs on dedi servers so a new build should be coming soon.

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On 1/14/2022 at 12:01 PM, xyth said:


Its really NOT SAFE to add to an existing save.  


We made a lot of progress on dedi, still some spawning bugs to resolve and a friendly fire issue, but we are getting close.

Ooooh, that is sad :( I was hoping that it wouldn't be a problem since "Known issues" mensions only updating core files, but oh well... will there be ever possibility to add this mod to existing save or is it technically impossible? Really sorry if i'm annoying, I just love this mod, but I already play on dedi with friends and we are quite far in progress, so starting game again is out of question.

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5 hours ago, DDzu said:

Ooooh, that is sad :( I was hoping that it wouldn't be a problem since "Known issues" mensions only updating core files, but oh well... will there be ever possibility to add this mod to existing save or is it technically impossible? Really sorry if i'm annoying, I just love this mod, but I already play on dedi with friends and we are quite far in progress, so starting game again is out of question.


You can backup your save game and try it.  But since this mode, specifically the SCore, has so much code, its almost like adding new a game into 7 Days to Die.    That's likely to break any savegame since so much of the game is being changed.

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14 hours ago, xyth said:


You can backup your save game and try it.  But since this mode, specifically the SCore, has so much code, its almost like adding new a game into 7 Days to Die.    That's likely to break any savegame since so much of the game is being changed.

Thank you for explanation. I will probably wait for more stable dedi version and then try it and provide feedback. No matter what I love your work. Take care :)

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On 1/12/2022 at 6:25 AM, xyth said:

Thats unexpected.  Are you sure you had 1000 coins on you so you actually completed the hiring? 

That is a setting in xml that can be adjusted but rapid despawning is needed right now as a work around for another issue. 

1 damage is the minimum the game code enforces.  There is no xml way to reduce that to zero yet.

Yes i hired them ..they follow me without any problem..but when i ask them to stay..everytime i get into my motorcycle and go to other place..they are with me lol

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Excellent job and my appreciation to everyone involved in this project, love the features and especially the modularity of adding more NPC's!


couple things in the picture i want to change but don't know how:


how do i change the name in the enemy health bar to something other than npcNursePistol?


how do i remove the wall of text displayed above her head?


and you can't see in this picture, but the compass indicator is off by a noticeable amount, which is probably due to my HUD changes...but where do i change the position of the compass indicator to match my HUD changes?




also as a test i killed her and looted her real fast before the corpse disappeared and got 500 First Aid Bandages!, is that supposed to happen?

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500?  no, just 5 should drop in a separate drop bundle.  Our testers never saw this issue, and you cant loot npc corpses, so some mod you might have added is bugging it.


That info only shows if your in DM, debug mode.  Its debugging info


We added localization in the next release, so that should sort the name issue.


SMX provided the additional UI stuff, so look in the mods UI folder.

Edited by xyth (see edit history)
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Thanks for the info!


I will remove everything else and see if i can reproduce the 500 bandages...and if i was in DM which i don't believe i was for that screenshot


One more question and i swear that is all...how do i disable spawning the tutorialzombie?

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21 hours ago, ktrain said:

...I will remove everything else and see if i can reproduce the 500 bandages...and if i was in DM which i don't believe i was for that screenshot...

i was unable to reproduce looting 500 bandages, in fact i am unable to loot the corpse at all now, i presume that is the desired outcome...


also, i must have been in dm when i hired her to see the wall of text, but it didn't go away even after i was not in dm, is that normal?


overall, working VERY well, even in my dedicated servers, only real bug so far that ive seen is falling thru the world and i think thats a game bug and not from the mod


the follow pathing does seem a bit wonky tho, if im running they will teleport in front of me and then behind me repeatedly


also, just like the vanilla drone, they sometimes get in the way, can't we make it so we noclip thru them like other players?


is there going to be a limit on the number of hires or is it just based on having the coin to do it?


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There are many fixes in this next build, which should be available later today.  No limit on hiring at this point although there probably is an upper limit to the number of NPCs active at once if your rig isn't strong enough.  We need more testing at this point to see how this engine runs under load.

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Version uploaded.    Lots of fixes and new features!


Fixes (Yea, its a complicated mod)


NPCMOD-SP-0001 Ranged NPCs do not have the normal get up animation like melee ones do
NPCMOD-SP-0002 Melee anims not synching with damage / damage being dealt without anims
(Note: more apparent when unarmed)
NPCMOD-SP-0003 Baker's head goes from left to right with biome spawn
NPCMOD-SP-0004 NPCs don't drop down holes right away when following (Boe does)
NPCMOD-SP-0006 NPCs do not jump over an empty block when following (Boe does)
NPCMOD-SP-0008 Hired NPC damage too low (identified as bandits when they aren't)
NPCMOD-SP-0009 NPCs being knocked down too easily
NPCMOD-SP-0011 Enhanced healing not working
NPCMOD-SP-0012 Ranged and melee weapon damage unbalanced, melee needs a boost. MaxRange should be adjusted per weapon type
NPCMOD-SP-0013 NPCs engaged in combat when player enters vehicle will disappear but zeds continue to attack the invisible NPC
NPCMOD-SP-0014 Junk Turrets do not target bandits
NPCMOD-SP-0015 NPCs of the same faction can unintentionally damage each other when in groups (more obvious with club NPCs)
NPCMOD-SP-0016 NPCs of the same faction will target each other as enemies if they accidentally damage each other
NPCMOD-SP-0017 NPCs in active sleeper volumes do not activate/move
NPCMOD-SP-0019 Hostile NPCs sometimes turn to face the player and "chat" - seems to score higher than the "move to enemy" task?
NPCMOD-SP-0020 Ranged NPCs don't "see" through blocks that they can shoot through (bars, etc.)
NPCMOD-SP-0022 NPCs get clipped at the hips (half underground) when fighting
NPCMOD-SP-0023 NPCs walk backwards fairly far when hit with a melee weapon
NPCMOD-SP-0024 NPCs will not heal themselves unless they are hired
NPCMOD-SP-0025 Bandits no longer consider the player to be an enemy
NPCMOD-SP-0026 Cannot interact with NPCs right after they have been fighting. At least 5 seconds
NPCMOD-SP-0027 Ranged NPCs cannot damage a Steve Crawler
NPCMOD-SP-0028 Ranged NPCs often crouch when targeting a crawler
NPCMOD-SP-0029 Ranged NPCs turn their heads to the left and back when crouched and attacking
NPCMOD-SP-0030 NPCs will not stay when you enter a vehicle and immediately exit when in sight (See notes)
NPCMOD-SP-0031 There is a significant delay between the time you damage a neutral faction standing melee NPC and the time they start attacking you (at least 3 seconds, sometimes more if action_delay is increased)
NPCMOD-SP-0033 NPCs spawned-in with the Quest Action SpawnEnemy, the Quest Action GameEvent and the GameEvent Trigger Action will be seen as a threat to the player by their hired NPC even if the spawned in NPC is of neutral (or non-hostile) faction standing
NPCMOD-SP-0035 Ranged NPCs can damage crawlers when they far but as they come closer they can no longer damage them (until they come in melee range)
NPCMOD-SP-0036 If you hire an NPC, crouch and then spawn in a crawler, they stay in the crouched position, shooting in the direction they were crouched in, up in the air, never hitting the crawler, no matter how far or close they are
NPCMOD-SP-0038 Friendly NPCs spawned in "attack" sleeper volumes, by the SpawnEnemy Quest Action, the Quest GameEvent Quest Action or GameEvent Trigger Action cannot be interacted with until they no longer consider you an enemy
NPCMOD-SP-0040 NPCs become very indecisive when there are many targets surrounding them
NPCMOD-SP-0041 Hired NPCs take a very long time to detect hostiles
NPCMOD-SP-0042 The Bow weapon had accuracy issues, would not damage entities when up close
NPCMOD-SP-0043 Bandit melee NPCs push WhiteRiver NPCs rather than attacking them
NPCMOD-SP-0045 Ranged NPCs keep firing while applying healing
NPCMOD-SP-0046 Hired NPC bodies do not despawn when they die and their map markers remain until you exit the current game session. The bodies only despawn if you die.
NPCMOD-SP-0047 After you hire an NPC that follows you and enter a vehicle you get the following warning once or multiple times:
Cannot play a disabled audio source


NPCMOD-DEDI-0001 NPCs sometime will keep standing up when dead until their body despawns
NPCMOD-DEDI-0002 NPCs still have health when they die
NPCMOD-DEDI-0003 On rare occasions, dead NPCs regenerate life and their remains cannot be hit
NPCMOD-DEDI-0005 NPCs have no hit reaction to ranged damage
NPCMOD-DEDI-0007 NPCs hired by different players will shoot or aggro on each other all the time
NPCMOD-DEDI-0009 If the leader crouches but another player comes close they stand up as if they need to talk (must be that they are waiting to be hired although they already are - likely related to issue NPCMOD-DEDI-0008)
NPCMOD-DEDI-0010 NPCs will sometimes stop fighting each other
NPCMOD-DEDI-0011 Synchronizing on NPCs battling each other seems off. They can hit each other from really far and then they come back to each other. Sometimes they will have their backs to a target and somehow are still able to hit them
NPCMOD-DEDI-0012 Dead NPCs can still be interacted with (ex: Hiring them)
NPCMOD-DEDI-0013 NPCs cannot be despawned after you hire them
NPCMOD-DEDI-0014 NPCs are frozen after you spawn them in, disconnect and reconnect.
Entities spawned in using the following methods do not despawn when you disconnect:
- Dynamic spawner
- Quest SpawnEnemy action
- Quest GameEvent action
- GameEvent Trigger
NPCMOD-DEDI-0017 Cannot dismiss an NPC. They still follow you and then appear as hired again
NPCMOD-DEDI-0018 Hired NPCs cannot damage Allied Player NPCs but can damage the allied player
NPCMOD-DEDI-0019 Hired NPCs will not attack a player if that player hurt their leader
NPCMOD-DEDI-0020 Hired NPCs will not friendly fire non-allied players if Kill Strangers is on (possibly Kill All as well)


New Features

These are the new features in this build:
NPCMOD-FT-0004    "Configure damage prevention from other players' hired NPCs as per server's settings"

The NPCs now follow the server setting related to killing other, allies, etc.  By default, kill strangers only is active, but this can be changed in the game settings.

NPCMOD-FT-0006    Have hired NPCs automatically follow me on dedicated servers

The NPCs will default to following you once hired

NPCMOD-FT-0017    Have my hired NPCs teleport next to me when I die

There is a new setting which needs more testing, to control what happens to the hired NPCs when the hiring player dies.

<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfFirstSpawn" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="respawn" operation="set" value="1"/>  

Adding (or uncommenting it in the default NPCMelee template) will enable hired NPCs to respawn with player on the players bedroll , highly experimental 

NPCMOD-FT-0021    Prevent NPCs from damaging vehicles

Yea, that was happening, NPCs were damaging their owners vehicles


And the best for last!


New command interface that gives you more control over your hired NPCs.  This feature is in testing now, so let us know what you think.  Here is an older (to be updated) demonstration of the features and how to enable the commands.




More in the works, stay tuned!

Edited by xyth (see edit history)
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First time using your mod and I'm running into a strange issue; I feel like it's probably me but I downloaded all of the mod files, put them in the Mods folder, and when I load a new game I get a bunch of errors that flood by fast than I can read them then repeating errors saying "EXC NullRefernceExceptoin: Object not set to an instance of an object."


Game never loads. Sits on "Creating Player"


Any idea what I'm doing wrong? It's a new map and a new save.


Also tried to load this onto a server with a fresh map and save and the server itself loads but I get stuck connecting with an error pulling configs.


Thanks for the help

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