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Shared Restore Power Quest Bug


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When sharing a restore power quest with other player, other player lost ability to hit blocks and zombies (but could still shoot) after I started the generator. MP local, him hosting. This has happened twice, different tiered quests(3 and 4 I believe). First time he regained the ability to hit blocks and zombies some time after quest ended. Second time, we backed out and went back in and he could hit blocks and zombies again. The first POI this happened at was one of the new farm houses, where the generator and the loot are in the barn. The second POI this happened at was the new houses construction.


Alpha 20 stable

NO mods


My log



His log (he hosted)

too big to paste. will try to attach log file to thread.

I don't know how to attach the file.?? But am willing to if told how.

Edited by pokaber (see edit history)
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I read ST's sticky on reporting issues, that's why I am trying to do this as right as possible. pastebin.com told me it is too large to share and justpaste.it becomes unresponsive when I try to post it in there. Hence, I would need to attach file. I am new to posting on this forum, but I do not see any buttons allowing me to attach a file to my posts. That is what I need to know how to do. Where do I attach a file?

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Ok, thinking outside the box here, I could not paste entire text file, but I tried copying and pasting all of it up until where I disconnected and he disconnected. The bug happened shortly before this and should hopefully be in this paste. This is the other players log, the one who was hosting, and the one who could not hit blocks or zombies.



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Not all of the data is being transmitted. I’ve seen this error when someone is using an odd port for the server but your friend is using 26900 so it’s not that. Has your friend excluded the 7 Days folder from his antivirus? Are they using a wireless connection? I’d suggest always running servers on a wired connection.

EDIT: what's his internet upload speed?

Edited by Star69 (see edit history)
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Yes he has excluded the 7 Days folder from his antivirus (ESET Nod32). Neither of us are using wireless connections, we are both hardwired, however we are using the same internet connection (my husband and I same house). We have the best speed we can get where we live (unfortunately) which is 25M download and I can't remember what the upload is exactly but doing a speed test shows around 2M upload :(. That being said, yes we have some lag of course, but the only thing that could truly break the game for us is the "bug" that happens only during my shared restore power quest.

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I’m not positive on this, my fear is that a 2mg upload speed may not be adequate for acting as a server. That being said, it sounds like you are running a Lan game so your internet upload speed shouldn’t matter. Hopefully someone else will chime in with some additional. 

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I can confirm that I have the same issue playing MP. After the generator is activated, I lost the ability to hit zombies or damage any objects. Shooting worked fine and I could use E to interact and loot with objects, just not anything melee.

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I have the same issue.  I am the host and my shared power restore quest causes me to lose the ability to melee once the generator is activated by the other player.  I can replicate this unfailingly, 5 attempts so far.  


Guns and power tools still work, and I can still interact with objects, but I cannot hit anything directly in front of me with any melee weapon.


I have tried switching weapons, re-equipping, mounting a vehicle, entering the menu, alt-tabbing away from the game, and no fix.  Exiting to main menu and starting the game again fixes the issue.

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Go to the bug report section and post a complete bug report there. Bug Report section can be accessed by clicking on the red banner above, click on the word HERE at the bottom. This may actually be a bug rather than a settings issue.

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Thank you, I reported it where I think I'm supposed to now. This was my first attempt at reporting a bug. Been playing it for many versions now, but usually the bugs we get have already been reported. Just hoping to help the developers. This game is awesome!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just had this issue as well.  Was doing a Restore Power quest with my wife and as soon as I restored power to the first of the two generators I couldn't melee anymore.  I'm the host and she still had full use of everything.  I think I'll stay away from these quests until this issue gets fixed.

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