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Alpha 20 is awesome. My story!


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Background story:


I've been playing with WalkerSim mod to boost the amount of zombies, I'm playing solo and I was on a quest, clearing and grabbing package from that big "HIGASHI PHARMACEUTICAL" building on the right side of the screen below. The quest involved killing 100 zombies inside of the building, all kinds of nasty stuff including lots of ferals and radiated zombies were there. When I finally made it to the top and thought that everything is going to be ok and all silent now, then another horde of ferals, radiated zombies, dogs and vultures showed up on the roof, all trying to kill me, I was running like crazy all around the roof with a steel axe in my hands, trying to evade every attack on the small, but complexly designed space with lots of stairs, railings, etc. but I made it and I killed all of them! I quickly realized it's very late and that I'm not gonna make it back to trader in time. What was even worse though, after clearing the building, being low on ammo, with half broken weapons, I realized it's the horde night and it starts in just couple of in-game minutes... I was standing at the helipad on the roof, thinking what should I do. But the game didn't really let me breathe peacefully for too long and the horror-like horde night action music started playing, and so I made that decision very quickly. I went back down through lots of complex interior passages and I fought the first hordes that made it to the top! I was thinking: "This game actually starts to feel right now! This is what it was supposed to feel like from the beginning!". As I was getting to lower levels of the building, more and more zombies showed up, I fought my way all the way to the ground floor and quickly tried to find exit lol I think I axed a zombie business man that was passing by as I was running towards the exit. Once I was outside, I quickly ran back to my motorcycle and all those freaking ferals running after me. I drove couple of meters away and I was like: "Nah, trader's closed anyway, let's try my luck again... :D" I stepped down from the motorcycle and fought through the whole horde night! Zombies stopped comming around 3AM and I was like: "Well, was that it? I'm a bit disappointed now. Let's check out that building over there", I went to a random building nearby and started axing all the sleepers, didn't even let them stand up and then I found a cop zombie there, yay! I chopped him to death with my steel axe, I climbed to the roof and couple of bikers and vultures showed up. Chopped them all and it was already morning time. Then I looked around and saw something absolutely stunning and I had to share it with you guys. This is it. What a view! This is Alpha 20 randomly generated world!



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My first A20 save, it took me a while to get deeper into the city. I walked into the downtown area for the first time and I was blown away. The little details like the filler park pieces, the way the curbs fit together and such really pull it all together. I had seen a bit of it on the dev streams but it still didn't prepare me for seeing it in game. I'm still hilariously giddy about the overpasses because they just look so cool!

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On 12/27/2021 at 2:41 PM, mr.devolver said:

Background story:


I've been playing with WalkerSim mod to boost the amount of zombies, I'm playing solo and I was on a quest, clearing and grabbing package from that big "HIGASHI PHARMACEUTICAL" building on the right side of the screen below. The quest involved killing 100 zombies inside of the building, all kinds of nasty stuff including lots of ferals and radiated zombies were there. When I finally made it to the top and thought that everything is going to be ok and all silent now, then another horde of ferals, radiated zombies, dogs and vultures showed up on the roof, all trying to kill me, I was running like crazy all around the roof with a steel axe in my hands, trying to evade every attack on the small, but complexly designed space with lots of stairs, railings, etc. but I made it and I killed all of them! I quickly realized it's very late and that I'm not gonna make it back to trader in time. What was even worse though, after clearing the building, being low on ammo, with half broken weapons, I realized it's the horde night and it starts in just couple of in-game minutes... I was standing at the helipad on the roof, thinking what should I do. But the game didn't really let me breathe peacefully for too long and the horror-like horde night action music started playing, and so I made that decision very quickly. I went back down through lots of complex interior passages and I fought the first hordes that made it to the top! I was thinking: "This game actually starts to feel right now! This is what it was supposed to feel like from the beginning!". As I was getting to lower levels of the building, more and more zombies showed up, I fought my way all the way to the ground floor and quickly tried to find exit lol I think I axed a zombie business man that was passing by as I was running towards the exit. Once I was outside, I quickly ran back to my motorcycle and all those freaking ferals running after me. I drove couple of meters away and I was like: "Nah, trader's closed anyway, let's try my luck again... :D" I stepped down from the motorcycle and fought through the whole horde night! Zombies stopped comming around 3AM and I was like: "Well, was that it? I'm a bit disappointed now. Let's check out that building over there", I went to a random building nearby and started axing all the sleepers, didn't even let them stand up and then I found a cop zombie there, yay! I chopped him to death with my steel axe, I climbed to the roof and couple of bikers and vultures showed up. Chopped them all and it was already morning time. Then I looked around and saw something absolutely stunning and I had to share it with you guys. This is it. What a view! This is Alpha 20 randomly generated world!



Ooo sweet, you got the new remnant skyscraper there too...😎

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