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My trader fell to the basement.


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Is there any way to reset his location without resetting progress?


On a similar topic, my character has started falling through terrain a few times but eventually ended up not faaling all the way through. It happened when running on foot. Maybe a loading issue.



I used the game launcher to delete previous game data and did a "clean" install - as clean as it is doing it this way. The game has no mods and map is random generated...

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Ok. The trader popped back up again.

I hope this desn't hapopen any more because, every time that happens you can't turn in the quest. The return ing marker is where the trader used to be and the trader just offers you a new job. It's quite weird that turning in the quest is somehow disconnected from the trader entity...

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  • 4 weeks later...

We've had Trader Jen fall thru the floor but luckily we can still barely click on her head enough to keep talking with her.  Trader Hugh on the other hand completely vanished.  I went into God mode and flew all the way down to bedrock and still couldn't locate him.  Ended up just spawning in a new version.  I'll see if he's returned next time we log on, if so I'll just make one of them "vanish".

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