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which game would you see in future  

14 members have voted

  1. 1. which game would you see in future ( choose 1 or more)

    • 7dtd clone but in medival period.
    • 7dtd clone but in mixed with horizon zero dawn ( primitive society, forests everywhere but still with zombie)
    • 7dtd clone but in scifi setting.
    • 7dtd clone but ww 1 setting
    • 7dtd 2
    • 7dtd clone but with difrrent setting that above
    • Diffrent type of game ( write in coment how it would looks like)

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At least "final" A20 is here and we can expect only few alpha to get final version ( honestly we only have left - 1. armors 2. water improvments 3. bandits 4. story  so +- 2,3 years of developments for 1,2,3 and 1 or 2 years for story)

so my question is : what type of game made by TFP would you see in future?

Edited by Matt115 (see edit history)
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It was a toss for me between medieval and and scifi, I like both settings in games.


I feel like a medieval period could actually be more of a horror game with darker areas (no magic lights that stay on in POIs without power), and if you get in trouble there would be no pulling out your machine gun to get out of it. I could see healing or curing diseases being more difficult as well. For traveling you'd need a horse, which you'd have to keep alive. I do think there would be a lot less to craft though.


I love scifi as well, but I think the zombies would end up being more of a background enemy. If we are talking about lasers, plasma throwers, flying vehicles, very fast vehicles, maybe even shields and other stuff along those lines, I don't know how dangerous zombies would be without the devs having to resort to some really cheesy tactics to make them a threat. I think there'd need to be raiders and such that would be the real threat with the zombies only being a problem when you were on foot and in tight areas. On the other hand, if the scifi one took place on another planet, then anything goes as far as zombies.

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7 hours ago, Fenris said:


I love scifi as well, but I think the zombies would end up being more of a background enemy. If we are talking about lasers, plasma throwers, flying vehicles, very fast vehicles, maybe even shields and other stuff along those lines, I don't know how dangerous zombies would be without the devs having to resort to some really cheesy tactics to make them a threat. I think there'd need to be raiders and such that would be the real threat with the zombies only being a problem when you were on foot and in tight areas. On the other hand, if the scifi one took place on another planet, then anything goes as far as zombies.

well you think in mass effect or star wars style.  i think about sci fi in alien or dead space style - everything is slow big and dirty. so zombie can works perfect in this sitation. 

Maybe i will give you example how it could work :

you and your friends are flying in mining spacecraft- but you have low fuel so you need to land on nearest planet. but this planet have strange storms and damage your vehicle. So after crash you find abbadoned colonies with zombies on jungle planet. So yeah you can have laser gun can wear hazmat suit or secruity uniform. you can find  some venicles but they will work like Aliens'ACP- slow and weak armor . So yeah you will  have "better" stuff but most things you have to do yourself - you what better armor? mine minerals.  Ammo? mining. Clothes- farms etc

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