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A20: Injury debuffs are happening far too often


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OK I have started several runs now, testing everything I can in A20. My main complaint so far is that it is far too easy to pick up a crippling debuff (like leg breaks, concussion, sprain, infection and so fourth) from combat. Seems almost every bad run in with a Zombie will give you one or more of these. I even fell into a pit "trap" in a POI with 3 Zeds in it and came away with FIVE debuffs. Infection specifically is far too easily applied. It used to be you'd almost never get infected early on, except from a Vulture. I think in my first half dozen test runs (on various difficulties) I ended up infected by end of day 1. Infection is almost always a death sentence early game, unless you get lucky with Tree stumps. It feels too much.

Crap wrong forum. Can this be moved to general?

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Other than the infection it has always been this way. Even in full armor you get debuffs constantly, far better to not get hit.

For early game suicide often seems to be the best way to deal with it instead of being crippled for a half hour because of supplies you don't have.

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I have played maybe 100 hours of A20 and it's incredibly rare for me to get any debuffs. I think there was one time when I had 3.

And if you're playing something like insane/nightmare then you should be the one giving advice here. =P


I do make sure I have a way to run and don't use up all stamina in case I need to make use of it.

You can never get any such debuff on the first (and often 2nd) hit from enemies. That only happens when you stick around in a bad situation.


Fall traps rarely get me for some reason and if that keeps being a problem I would suggest looking at the perception attribute.


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In A19, criticals / debuffs was only an early game problem that was mitigated much too quickly as you progressed.


I feel medical supplies are more valuable now that criticals continue to be important past the early game.


Steroids in particular are a godsend for sprains and broken bones.

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