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A20 City Only Map Option?


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I have been wanting to play a city-only, as well.  No mountains, no janky roads, just city and suburbs, kind of like an "Escape from Phoenix" type map.


I tried to create one using the new generator but when I went into the map it looked horrible.


If you find one, please let me know!

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Heh. One massive city.   You start on the edge.  You have to work your way to the center, to the Tower of Evil,

fight your way in to the final control room.  (said tower has all sloping sides, so forget landing a 'copter on it)


Final building is like Dishong on steroids, espresso and pixiestix.   😛


Biomes change as you work your way inwards...


That could be an interesting one...  (most likely would have to be a mod)

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10 minutes ago, canadianbluebeer said:

Heh. One massive city.   You start on the edge.  You have to work your way to the center, to the Tower of Evil,

fight your way in to the final control room.  (said tower has all sloping sides, so forget landing a 'copter on it)


Final building is like Dishong on steroids, espresso and pixiestix.   😛


Biomes change as you work your way inwards...


That could be an interesting one...  (most likely would have to be a mod)

I would play the heck out of that

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I think it would be great if the main quest line started you at the very edge of the map and led you eventually to a wasteland city at the map center.  When you complete the final quest, you can choose to disable a device and cause the bloodmoons to end.

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