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(A20experimental) Fell through ground, not able to load back into server

luci odessa

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I was riding through the city on bikes with my cousin on their server, and while the city was laggy, it had accelerated to the point where I kept rubberbanding back outside the same buildings and could not leave the city. I was finally able to ride my bike back to my cousin and hop off, which sent the bike flying out of view as soon as it fell to the ground. I glanced around for a second, started walking and fell through the ground, falling for a minute before disconnecting after seeing no improvement to my situation. 

It was here where I attempted to log back into the server two times, but was not able to get past the loading screen (with the console open).


Here are the file logs:






Video of me falling lol



Edited by luci odessa (see edit history)
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Your player file is most likely corrupted due to the crash. Have the server admin delete your profile and, unfortunately, you'll need to start over. If the admin is kind, maybe they will give you experience points to get your levels back as well as any inventory. Generally, falling through the world is a connection issue. It is easy to see if there is a problem with your connection by running tracert. If you aren't familiar with tracert command, bring up the command prompt. Type tracert xxx.xx.xx.xxx   then hit return where the xxx is the servers ip address. The result shows every internet hop between you and the server as well as telling you if there were any lost packets along the way. Also, if there are more than 30 hops between you and the server, then it is more likely for you to run into problems. Unfortunately, if tracert does find a problem there is nothing you can do about it....it's an internet issue. If you want to learn more about the tracert command, I'd suggest a google search.

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I had the same issue, but console logs and server logs had nothing that looked meaningful so I didn't bother to report it. I quit and came back in with no corruption, and my position was fixed (back on land)


Not much help, I know, but at least might get enough attention for devs to try replicating it.



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2 hours ago, Star69 said:

Your player file is most likely corrupted due to the crash. Have the server admin delete your profile and, unfortunately, you'll need to start over. If the admin is kind, maybe they will give you experience points to get your levels back as well as any inventory. Generally, falling through the world is a connection issue. It is easy to see if there is a problem with your connection by running tracert. If you aren't familiar with tracert command, bring up the command prompt. Type tracert xxx.xx.xx.xxx   then hit return where the xxx is the servers ip address. The result shows every internet hop between you and the server as well as telling you if there were any lost packets along the way. Also, if there are more than 30 hops between you and the server, then it is more likely for you to run into problems. Unfortunately, if tracert does find a problem there is nothing you can do about it....it's an internet issue. If you want to learn more about the tracert command, I'd suggest a google search.

that is unfortunate, but figured that would most likely be the fix. i am skeptical it's entirely fault of internet since it only became a problem when wandering the city, as we hadn't had this problem for the past 20 in-game days. my discord call with the host and music were working fine, but the bigger cities seem very unstable, and even unplayable in this experimental build

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13 hours ago, Star69 said:

Your player file is most likely corrupted due to the crash. Have the server admin delete your profile and, unfortunately, you'll need to start over. If the admin is kind, maybe they will give you experience points to get your levels back as well as any inventory. Generally, falling through the world is a connection issue. It is easy to see if there is a problem with your connection by running tracert. If you aren't familiar with tracert command, bring up the command prompt. Type tracert xxx.xx.xx.xxx   then hit return where the xxx is the servers ip address. The result shows every internet hop between you and the server as well as telling you if there were any lost packets along the way. Also, if there are more than 30 hops between you and the server, then it is more likely for you to run into problems. Unfortunately, if tracert does find a problem there is nothing you can do about it....it's an internet issue. If you want to learn more about the tracert command, I'd suggest a google search.


Thought of that, too, but it continues to happen after deleting the files.
In fact, the files have to be deleted more than once. The game gets stuck on "Creating player..." and that is fixed, temporarily at least, by deleting my player data from the server. It's stored in the Player folder of the save, identified by your Steam-64 ID.

For example...

The .map file can be left alone, but the other two must go/be replaced. The server admin did this for me and I got past the "Creating player..." message. But it keeps happening over and over.

Edited by Par_A (see edit history)
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