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Alpha 20 Seed Thread!


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4 minutes ago, Krougal said:


The adjustment settings are the stuff under World name that you can adjust when generating. See...most of the screenshots starting from OP.


As to the first part of your question, not without external utils (which I don't think are updated yet) or modding, but I don't think anyone has made a mod to do that so you'd probably be on your own (although the modding community here is very helpful). Nor would it be recommended. While it isn't like Minecraft where there are unique resources per biome, it is going to make it a lot harder to find some of them in appreciable quantities.


Doh! Sorry for making you play Captain Obvious there, I should have picked up on that.


Understood and thank you for your reply. I have a very different playstyle than most 7dtd players, so I just thought I'd ask.


Guess I'll wait for an A20 Nitrogen-ish tool to show up jn the modding community, Thanks again, much appreciated!

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Does biome distribution stay the same with a seed while mountains, pois and stuff change with varied settings ?
I'm looking for a good biome layout that suits my tastes, preferably smaller wasteland and snow and desert not touching.... at almost 12 min to generate the 10240 maps, its a little bit of tedium to run through a number of iterations to find just the right one.

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3 hours ago, Helltore said:

Hi all, sorry for this question, but I can't find a working answer anywhere. Is there a way (biomes.xml, rwgmixer.xml ???) to generate a mostly, if not all, single biome map in A20? I notice this thread asks submitters to include "Biome Adjustment Settings". What are these, and where can I find them? Thanks for any suggestions!

go check the mod forum in one of the sub forums... someone recently made a video in A20 of how to change the biome AFTER world generation.   So some POI's might be in the wrong place, but is that a big deal?  Its extremely easy if you can pick the correct color out of 4 options and paint.    I am sure there is a way to edit BEFORE world generation, but I have not looked that closely as I don't care that much.

2 hours ago, Atrophied said:

Does biome distribution stay the same with a seed while mountains, pois and stuff change with varied settings ?
I'm looking for a good biome layout that suits my tastes, preferably smaller wasteland and snow and desert not touching.... at almost 12 min to generate the 10240 maps, its a little bit of tedium to run through a number of iterations to find just the right one.

Not sure I read you correctly, but the only things affecting the biomes shape/volume/area is the seed name and size.     The other things on generation screen with all the sliders an None/Few/Default/Many will affect the placement of the various "tiles"(such as hills, mountains, lakes, etc) as well as cities WITHIN the seed.    If want a specific biome distribution, see my comment I JUST made above and go "paint" your own after the fact by checking the mods sub forum.




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Ok, are you ready for some goodies?   I have run somewhere close to 500 randomly generated seed names and have about 40 seeds.   These are all fairly high rating using the rating criteria ranging from 15k to 80k.    


NOTE: while not required, if you use one of these seeds in a YT video, I would appreciate a shoutout.


Generation settings: 

Version: A20 b238
Size: 8192
Towns: Many
Wilderness POI: Default
Rivers: Default
Craters: Default
Cracks: Default
Lakes: Default
Plains: 8
Hills: 3 (EDIT: had this set to TWO by accident, it has always supposed to have been THREE)
Mountains: 1



The below link contains 

  1. the montage of thumbnails as seen the in the bottom image named 8192.png
  2. Each map in high resolution(8192x 8192) so you can zoom in quite close and see image previews of each POI in it's position(assuming generation remains constant!)
  3. a thumbs folder which contains the same thumbnail used to make the montage image below



EVENTUALLY, perhaps later next week if I get busy, there will be another link with a spreadsheet for each of these seeds showing tons of seed specific details:

  • Seed name
  • Seed World name (ie, West Cojuja County or something like that) 
  • Best base location coordinates
  • Counts for each grouping of specials within default range of best base location(1km at this point)
  • POI per biome percentage
  • POI per landmass percentage


The below image is broken down into 4 groupings IN ORDER of the column they are in(lower in the image is BETTER for each column):

  • Total of all prefabs on the map.    This includes EVERYTHING the fun pimps refers to as a prefab, so that includes various filler pieces such as road intersections, etc
  • # of traders(all 13 except for one seed)
  • UNIQUE prefabs
  • Rate.  This number is representative of the number of unique good prefabs near the best base location(within 1km).   The higher, the more unique high quality prefabs are near the best base location.  




And a montage of all thumbnails, including a circled best base location radius.





Ok, I have edited the google drive location.   There are now 79 images on the montage and all 79 high res images and thumbnails.  


If you like a forest base with close(ish) access to desert and snow, then AstronomicBoozes is an exceedingly good seed rating-wise. 


Edited by JoeDaFrogman
Adding more seeds (see edit history)
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So - I'm looking for maps where the biomes of desert and snow DO NOT TOUCH. There are a couple up there, the UnattainableCatalogs being the closest to what I'm after - Snow north, Desert South, Others in the middle somewhere... I've found that I can generate a full map in about 3.5 minutes if I put everything to none and 0, so I'm counting up from Seed "1" and going up from there until I find what I'm looking for... But do I have to? 

Every map created makes a 'biomes.png' file that shows the biomes. Seed 3 gave me this one:


This is ok - but not ideal.  So my question - this is a simply PNG... Can I edit this in any old image editor and just pick the colors and doodle it into what I wanted, and will the generated world adapt to the new biome map, or is this fixed in stone once the world is generated? Anyone know?

I'm going to attempt to swap in this one mid-generation and see what pops up:



Edited by SirQwerx (see edit history)
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Muwahaha! Victory is mine! 

I'm gonna need to adjust the variables and regen this until I get a not-so-incredibly-flat landscape, but the concept is proven!spacer.png

In the level preview it showed the original biome map, but starting a game with the replaced biomes.png gave me this! Here is the full biome.png I used:


(Presuming the forum didn't resize it.)

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15 hours ago, JoeDaFrogman said:

Ok, are you ready for some goodies?   I have run somewhere close to 500 randomly generated seed names and have about 40 seeds.   These are all fairly high rating using the rating criteria ranging from 15k to 80k.    


NOTE: while not required, if you use one of these seeds in a YT video, I would appreciate a shoutout.


Generation settings: 

Version: A20 b238
Size: 8192
Towns: Many
Wilderness POI: Default
Rivers: Default
Craters: Default
Cracks: Default
Lakes: Default
Plains: 8
Hills: 2
Mountains: 1



The below link contains 

  1. the montage of thumbnails as seen the in the bottom image named 8192.png
  2. Each map in high resolution(8192x 8192) so you can zoom in quite close and see image previews of each POI in it's position(assuming generation remains constant!)
  3. a thumbs folder which contains the same thumbnail used to make the montage image below



EVENTUALLY, perhaps later next week if I get busy, there will be another link with a spreadsheet for each of these seeds showing tons of seed specific details:

  • Seed name
  • Seed World name (ie, West Cojuja County or something like that) 
  • Best base location coordinates
  • Counts for each grouping of specials within default range of best base location(1km at this point)
  • POI per biome percentage
  • POI per landmass percentage


The below image is broken down into 4 groupings IN ORDER of the column they are in(lower in the image is BETTER for each column):

  • Total of all prefabs on the map.    This includes EVERYTHING the fun pimps refers to as a prefab, so that includes various filler pieces such as road intersections, etc
  • # of traders(all 13 except for one seed)
  • UNIQUE prefabs
  • Rate.  This number is representative of the number of unique good prefabs near the best base location(within 1km).   The higher, the more unique high quality prefabs are near the best base location.  



And a montage of all thumbnails, including a circled best base location radius.



These are some great seeds, thanks! Would you be able to make a few for the 6k map size as well? I find the 8k to be a bit big for a solo player. Or do you think I should just use one of the 8k?

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5 minutes ago, SolomonN123 said:

These are some great seeds, thanks! Would you be able to make a few for the 6k map size as well? I find the 8k to be a bit big for a solo player. Or do you think I should just use one of the 8k?

I likely will, but probably not for 2-3 weeks at least.    I am still looking for that golden forest seed for myself.  Keep in mind this is well over 2 weeks worth of runs to get down to the 39 you see here.  Granted, 6k runs would take about 1/3rd of the total time(perhaps 1/2) but that's still a while and I won't be starting that for at least a few weeks. 


So, you can sit around and wait while not playing the game.... or you can play an 8k seed(or pick a seed from someone else that is 6k)

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Continuing my experiments, I found some new fun ways to play around with this biome replacement... 

  • First, I added back in some burnt forest, which doesn't ever seem to random gen with this version.
  • Next, using Paint.net, after I was happy with the general areas of the biomes, I made Transitional Biomes using 50% fill of two different biomes. spacer.png
  • biomes.thumb.png.a87c7f2ff4d38b3a8835cb6c2c47bca3.png
  • This creates a small problem with flashing between two different spectrums as you move across the transitional areas, which I solved by modifying a version of Toad's Biomefix. Toad's version removed the fog and super dark skies from Burnt Forest and Wasteland, swapping in the snow biome's spectrum (blue-ish light). I added a few lines to essentially make all the biomes use Pine Forest, though if you like things to be broodier, you could always switch to something darker... In any case, the result is no flickering between spectrums when crossing the transitional areas (which I always felt was a bit jarring even in vanilla - particularly when flying.) 
  • Code for the mod is here: https://pastebin.com/hGwqMqFc

I apologize if I'm meandering a bit off-topic, but I think there may be a few others here as unhappy with the random gen biomes as I am... 

To use all this:

  1.  Make an 8k world,
  2.  Replace the biomes.png with the attached, or something you created
  3.  Install the mod paste-binned above if you are using transitional areas like my biomes.png file
  4.  Start a new game with the newly created world and enjoy the biomic diversity!
Edited by SirQwerx
typo fixed (see edit history)
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7 hours ago, SirQwerx said:

Continuing my experiments, I found some new fun ways to play around with this biome replacement... 

  • First, I added back in some burnt forest, which doesn't ever seem to random gen with this version.
  • Next, using Paint.net, after I was happy with the general areas of the biomes, I made Transitional Biomes using 50% fill of two different biomes. spacer.png
  • biomes.thumb.png.a87c7f2ff4d38b3a8835cb6c2c47bca3.png
  • This creates a small problem with flashing between two different spectrums as you move across the transitional areas, which I solved by modifying a version of Toad's Biomefix. Toad's version removed the fog and super dark skies from Burnt Forest and Wasteland, swapping in the snow biome's spectrum (blue-ish light). I added a few lines to essentially make all the biomes use Pine Forest, though if you like things to be broodier, you could always switch to something darker... In any case, the result is no flickering between spectrums when crossing the transitional areas (which I always felt was a bit jarring even in vanilla - particularly when flying.) 
  • Code for the mod is here: https://pastebin.com/hGwqMqFc

I apologize if I'm meandering a bit off-topic, but I think there may be a few others here as unhappy with the random gen biomes as I am... 

To use all this:

  1.  Make an 8k world,
  2.  Replace the biomes.png with the attached, or something you created
  3.  Install the mod paste-binned above if you are using transitional areas like my biomes.png file
  4.  Start a new game with the newly created world and enjoy the biomic diversity!

TBH, where I think this might be really cool would be to make the tops of some of the mountains snow area if they are high enough to simulate generally how biomes tend to work in real life.

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1 hour ago, JoeDaFrogman said:

TBH, where I think this might be really cool would be to make the tops of some of the mountains snow area if they are high enough to simulate generally how biomes tend to work in real life.

I'd love to figure this out as well - and I think it might be manually possible after the fact, if I were to import the heightmap as a layer in Paint.NET, and use that to guide the editing.  You'd then need to start a new game with the updated biome.png to make it take. 

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13 hours ago, SirQwerx said:

I'd love to figure this out as well - and I think it might be manually possible after the fact, if I were to import the heightmap as a layer in Paint.NET, and use that to guide the editing.  You'd then need to start a new game with the updated biome.png to make it take. 

its possible via image magic.  If you check the links I posted above to Dan's github(very long one where I quote Red Eagle and one other person about HOW I generate map seeds BEFORE the one where I posted a large montage), one of the output files he generates in the shell scripts is a contours file that looks like this: 


I don't know how its done specifically, but the information is in drawContour.sh.   From what I can tell, it appears to use imagemagick's convert to extract the data from the dmt.raw to a temp file named dmt.png(done in drawMap.sh) and then drawConrtour.sh converts that the the contour you see below.


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On 12/24/2021 at 6:53 PM, JoeDaFrogman said:

Ok, are you ready for some goodies?   I have run somewhere close to 500 randomly generated seed names and have about 40 seeds.   These are all fairly high rating using the rating criteria ranging from 15k to 80k.    


NOTE: while not required, if you use one of these seeds in a YT video, I would appreciate a shoutout.


Generation settings: 

Version: A20 b238
Size: 8192
Towns: Many
Wilderness POI: Default
Rivers: Default
Craters: Default
Cracks: Default
Lakes: Default
Plains: 8
Hills: 2
Mountains: 1



The below link contains 

  1. the montage of thumbnails as seen the in the bottom image named 8192.png
  2. Each map in high resolution(8192x 8192) so you can zoom in quite close and see image previews of each POI in it's position(assuming generation remains constant!)
  3. a thumbs folder which contains the same thumbnail used to make the montage image below



EVENTUALLY, perhaps later next week if I get busy, there will be another link with a spreadsheet for each of these seeds showing tons of seed specific details:

  • Seed name
  • Seed World name (ie, West Cojuja County or something like that) 
  • Best base location coordinates
  • Counts for each grouping of specials within default range of best base location(1km at this point)
  • POI per biome percentage
  • POI per landmass percentage


The below image is broken down into 4 groupings IN ORDER of the column they are in(lower in the image is BETTER for each column):

  • Total of all prefabs on the map.    This includes EVERYTHING the fun pimps refers to as a prefab, so that includes various filler pieces such as road intersections, etc
  • # of traders(all 13 except for one seed)
  • UNIQUE prefabs
  • Rate.  This number is representative of the number of unique good prefabs near the best base location(within 1km).   The higher, the more unique high quality prefabs are near the best base location.  



And a montage of all thumbnails, including a circled best base location radius.




I created an account to post this. I am sure there are thing I do not understand (like how formatting works on this site). 

I have tried multiple maps listed with the appropriate settings. A238 generation with the map settings listed. I am using the names listed on each .png as the seed name but I am not getting the correct map generation. The one I am most interested in is "AnticipantEditor". I have tried all variations of "AnticipantEditor" but I am not getting the map from the picture. Is map generation -not- universal? Am I doing something incorrectly? Perhaps I am using the listed information wrong?

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Here are some size 6144 seeds. They use some rather extreme settings but, to me, using a smaller map is about urban areas being close to each other and the default settings just didn't give me that. I could probably "tone it down" a bit to get some color on these maps, but searching for seeds is boring and I decided not to bother. So, these are the settings:


Size: 6144

Towns: Many

Wilderness POI's: Default

Rivers: None

Craters: None

Cracks: None

Lakes: None

Plains: 10

Hills: 0

Mountains: 0

Random: 0


And here's a preview of what they look like (and their names!):





The red dots are spawn locations. The brown dots that look almost like the red dots are wilderness prefabs. Green is residential, blue is commercial, yellow is industrial (yes, like in Simcity). Light green is residential, dark green is country residential, olive green is rural (city borders -- usually farms but sometimes other stuff like the drive in or the high school). Gray is downtown, pink is trader and you'll usually see traders next to white and black squares (generation artifact, mostly). The weird circle with a green dot at the center is a suggested base location, rated on the proximity of tiers 3, 4 and 5 buildings, industrial buildings, downtown buildings, traders and my own pick of the top 15 POIs in the game. It's 1km in radius. Biome colors are the same as in the in-game's map.




Edited by dcsobral
legend (of zelda?) (see edit history)
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And here are my size 8192 seeds (plus a few from Joe I generated because I liked the look of them). Settings:


Size: 8192

Towns: Many

Wilderness POI's, Rivers, Craters, Cracks, Lakes: Default

Plains: 8

Hills: 3

Mountains: 1

Random: 0


Seed previews:







Legend: https://imgur.com/TA6Cmar

Edited by dcsobral
attach images (see edit history)
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17 hours ago, HeroCanon said:


I created an account to post this. I am sure there are thing I do not understand (like how formatting works on this site). 

I have tried multiple maps listed with the appropriate settings. A238 generation with the map settings listed. I am using the names listed on each .png as the seed name but I am not getting the correct map generation. The one I am most interested in is "AnticipantEditor". I have tried all variations of "AnticipantEditor" but I am not getting the map from the picture. Is map generation -not- universal? Am I doing something incorrectly? Perhaps I am using the listed information wrong?


I am not sure what exactly you mean.    Dan and I have generated seeds the other person originally created, so it's not locked a seed + given computer for sure.   


are you saying(either/or? )

  1. You generated world, and then in the map view window it does NOT look like what I posted in my images
  2.  You generated the world and in the map view windows it DOES look like the images but when you try to play you don't get that world


If #1, then you are doing something wrong.   The seeds are a combination of a seed value AND a size AND the various settings, so check each of those. 


If #2, well that's just kind of a bad UI design (IMHO) on the fun pimp part.   When you generated a world, you MUST take note of the world name, this is NOT the same as the seed.    


eg(this is in the advanced generation section when I clicked that button in "New Game"): 






Click the BACK button.


Now, here is what you DO NOT WANT TO DO(next picture).   If you type in the World Generation Seed here, you will get the default settings for towns, plains, etc and that wont create the same world!!!!!




See how it's RED????? That means you ALREADY generated that world!    


Click the arrows beside Game World until the one you just generated comes up with the correct "Generated World Name" you took note of on the previous screen.   Of course, yours will be completely different from Hibolo Valley since the seed is different.  



AnticipantEditor will be New Milodu County if you got the settings all correct(size would be the only thing that would change the world name with the same seed(though the seed MUST be in the EXACT same case as listed.   If you  "anticipantEditor"(note the lowercase 'a'), you would get a COMPLETELY different world!




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On 12/25/2021 at 1:43 AM, SirQwerx said:

So - I'm looking for maps where the biomes of desert and snow DO NOT TOUCH. There are a couple up there, the UnattainableCatalogs being the closest to what I'm after - Snow north, Desert South, Others in the middle somewhere... I've found that I can generate a full map in about 3.5 minutes if I put everything to none and 0, so I'm counting up from Seed "1" and going up from there until I find what I'm looking for... But do I have to? 

Every map created makes a 'biomes.png' file that shows the biomes. Seed 3 gave me this one:


This is ok - but not ideal.  So my question - this is a simply PNG... Can I edit this in any old image editor and just pick the colors and doodle it into what I wanted, and will the generated world adapt to the new biome map, or is this fixed in stone once the world is generated? Anyone know?

I'm going to attempt to swap in this one mid-generation and see what pops up:



DeiformCylinders, DiacausticCooms, DiptheroidAntecdence, DivorciveDecrepitude, BrachyuriousDo-it-yourselfer(quite high rating), AligningMichigan, etc.     Quite a few to choose from.   NOTE I typed thse names while looking at the image so, the names may have incorrect spellings, so double check if plan to try any!!!!

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On 12/19/2021 at 6:02 AM, Arkswell24 said:


I’m looking for a seed 8k that has 50-80% snow biome in the map. Tryna do a warrior difficulty snow biome run. Ty

SexagenarianVichy has an abnormally high amount of snow POI's with 64.87%(second highest was like 48.46), and a total map landmass for snow biome of 51.70%(again the next highest was like 45.81%)



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On 12/24/2021 at 6:53 PM, JoeDaFrogman said:

Ok, are you ready for some goodies?   I have run somewhere close to 500 randomly generated seed names and have about 40 seeds.   These are all fairly high rating using the rating criteria ranging from 15k to 80k.    


NOTE: while not required, if you use one of these seeds in a YT video, I would appreciate a shoutout.


Generation settings: 

Version: A20 b238
Size: 8192
Towns: Many
Wilderness POI: Default
Rivers: Default
Craters: Default
Cracks: Default
Lakes: Default
Plains: 8
Hills: 2
Mountains: 1



The below link contains 

  1. the montage of thumbnails as seen the in the bottom image named 8192.png
  2. Each map in high resolution(8192x 8192) so you can zoom in quite close and see image previews of each POI in it's position(assuming generation remains constant!)
  3. a thumbs folder which contains the same thumbnail used to make the montage image below



EVENTUALLY, perhaps later next week if I get busy, there will be another link with a spreadsheet for each of these seeds showing tons of seed specific details:

  • Seed name
  • Seed World name (ie, West Cojuja County or something like that) 
  • Best base location coordinates
  • Counts for each grouping of specials within default range of best base location(1km at this point)
  • POI per biome percentage
  • POI per landmass percentage


The below image is broken down into 4 groupings IN ORDER of the column they are in(lower in the image is BETTER for each column):

  • Total of all prefabs on the map.    This includes EVERYTHING the fun pimps refers to as a prefab, so that includes various filler pieces such as road intersections, etc
  • # of traders(all 13 except for one seed)
  • UNIQUE prefabs
  • Rate.  This number is representative of the number of unique good prefabs near the best base location(within 1km).   The higher, the more unique high quality prefabs are near the best base location.  




And a montage of all thumbnails, including a circled best base location radius.





Ok, I have edited the google drive location.   There are now 79 images on the montage and all 79 high res images and thumbnails.  


If you like a forest base with close(ish) access to desert and snow, then AstronomicBoozes is an exceedingly good seed rating-wise. 


Firstly thank you for all of this amazing work!  That said I am also not getting exactly the same generation when using the identical settings even just on the preview screen.  For example your suggestion of AstronomicBoozes the only thing that seems to be the same is the biome layout.  The towns, water even mountains seem to layout differently.  


Here is a screenshot.  If I am using the wrong settings I apologize but I regenerated this several times and compared against your screenshots and settings detailed above.  The only possible variable I can think of is you are not giving a value for "Random" so my assumption was it is set to 0?


Here is a link to the screenshot.  Not sure how to insert images here on the forum:




I know this isn't a helpdesk and you are not support, but if you can help me understand what I did wrong I would greatly appreciate it.


Thanks again for all your hard work!


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20 minutes ago, TensorTime said:

Firstly thank you for all of this amazing work!  That said I am also not getting exactly the same generation when using the identical settings even just on the preview screen.  For example your suggestion of AstronomicBoozes the only thing that seems to be the same is the biome layout.  The towns, water even mountains seem to layout differently.  


Here is a screenshot.  If I am using the wrong settings I apologize but I regenerated this several times and compared against your screenshots and settings detailed above.  The only possible variable I can think of is you are not giving a value for "Random" so my assumption was it is set to 0?


Here is a link to the screenshot.  Not sure how to insert images here on the forum:




I know this isn't a helpdesk and you are not support, but if you can help me understand what I did wrong I would greatly appreciate it.


Thanks again for all your hard work!


In phone so cant answer.  Red my reply to someone else from Tuesday around 7 pm to see if that's your problem

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22 minutes ago, JoeDaFrogman said:

In phone so cant answer.  Red my reply to someone else from Tuesday around 7 pm to see if that's your problem

I'm not even going into a game so it's not #2, I'm just on the random generator menu and typing in (even tried copying and pasting in) the name AstronomicBoozes and setting the settings to:


Size: 8192
Towns: Many
Wilderness POI: Default
Rivers: Default
Craters: Default
Cracks: Default
Lakes: Default
Plains: 8
Hills: 2
Mountains: 1



The click "Generate World" and compare it to what I see on your google drive for that map.  About the only thing that is identical is the biome layout so I know I have the size and biome name correct.  I'm wondering if it's one of the other settings was different when it was generated?  Like I mentioned you don't have a value for Random specified so I'm not sure what that should be other than 0.


No worries if you don't have time,  it's not the end of the world.  Just wanted to make sure it was something I was doing so if other people were using your seeds they wouldn't have similar issues.


FYI I did also eventually start a game and got the map I expected, just not the one you show for that seed/size/settings.

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53 minutes ago, TensorTime said:

I'm not even going into a game so it's not #2, I'm just on the random generator menu and typing in (even tried copying and pasting in) the name AstronomicBoozes and setting the settings to:


Size: 8192
Towns: Many
Wilderness POI: Default
Rivers: Default
Craters: Default
Cracks: Default
Lakes: Default
Plains: 8
Hills: 2
Mountains: 1



The click "Generate World" and compare it to what I see on your google drive for that map.  About the only thing that is identical is the biome layout so I know I have the size and biome name correct.  I'm wondering if it's one of the other settings was different when it was generated?  Like I mentioned you don't have a value for Random specified so I'm not sure what that should be other than 0.


No worries if you don't have time,  it's not the end of the world.  Just wanted to make sure it was something I was doing so if other people were using your seeds they wouldn't have similar issues.


FYI I did also eventually start a game and got the map I expected, just not the one you show for that seed/size/settings.

In your reply, you did hills = "2" but all mine were hills =3, so that absolutely can account for the difference.

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18 minutes ago, JoeDaFrogman said:

In your reply, you did hills = "2" but all mine were hills =3, so that absolutely can account for the difference.

Ah ok you have hills = 2 in your original post that's why I was trying to sort this out.  If it is supposed to be hills = 3 you probably need to edit the original post.


Again man, thank you!


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