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Party question.


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Was watching a stream and someone was asking about the amount of people in a party. From what I recall it was 8 but I have heard it could be up to 12 in party but only 8 will show on screen. What is official amount and is there a post somewhere that give info on party.

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I would think (though this is just my opinion and I am not affiliated with TFP) is that the official answer is 8 in a party since they going for 8 players Co-Op max.  You may be able to get more than 8 (same as more than 8 players playing at the same time on a server) but TFP has optimized the online play around the number of 8.


Again I could be wrong and this is just me applying my logic to the question.  TFP could have completely different logic than I  😁

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I was thinking that too. I just thought I heard someone mention that you could have the extra ones just that they won't show as in your party. Maybe it was allies. I don't know lol, maybe someone could enlighten us on all the facts of being in a party and allied.

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Back before Christmas we had some fun testing this. There was a bug where if you got over 12 people in a party, experience went negative.


Only 8 show on the party currently that I'm aware of, but party can me more.  It is what the game is designed for.  8 players. Not 12+

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