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When it’s very windy, unlocked doors and hatches should sometimes open on their own


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Thought this would be a cool mechanic, especially during the night/storms.


essentially: any non powered, unlocked doors or hatches (except heavy vault ones) would have a chance to be “blown open” by the wind. This would be within x radius of a player.


unless you’re in PvP I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone need to lock a door, but a lot of people close them for easy protection. who This would give some reason to lock them, and might add a creepy mechanic, as well as allow some zeds to possibly sneak inside of you don’t lock all your doors.

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Come to the place where I live in so You would have enough with such ideas when it comes to wind 😁. It would be great to have foggy mornings in certain biomes, something that actually looks actually like a proper thunderstorm. Some dynamic weather system with at least sounds of the wind that could actually impact the movement of the foliage, but the wind opening doors... 😳.

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On 4/29/2021 at 9:11 AM, Liesel Weppen said:

There is wind in 7d2d?

There's "weather" that dictates storms forming.  And "wind noise", so maybe not "physical wind pushing things around" but if the conditions/sounds that indicate wind occurs, bam, roll for chance to trigger door/hatch open event(s) within x radius of player.  then set a cooldown for a bit. or something like that

1 hour ago, TWORDY said:

Come to the place where I live in so You would have enough with such ideas when it comes to wind 😁. It would be great to have foggy mornings in certain biomes, something that actually looks actually like a proper thunderstorm. Some dynamic weather system with at least sounds of the wind that could actually impact the movement of the foliage, but the wind opening doors... 😳.

There is sort of a way to get fog "rolling in" at night/day...well, it doesn't "roll" but it gets foggier.  An example mod: https://7daystodiemods.com/night-fog/


The fog settings can be triggered on day/night. In the"per biome" it can be triggered differently and is kinda a different effect.

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17 minutes ago, doughphunghus said:

There is sort of a way to get fog "rolling in" at night/day...well, it doesn't "roll" but it gets foggier.  An example mod: https://7daystodiemods.com/night-fog/


The fog settings can be triggered on day/night. In the"per biome" it can be triggered differently and is kinda a different effect.


I figuired out by myself that there is a night fog in 7DTD and it looks dope. I only wish that someday players could have a menu in which weather conditions and its hourly percentage according to biome could be adjusted.

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I have some mods that change the weather, and have played with several others, all except the “seasons” mod, as it not running windows and can’t get DMT working.... anyway..


yeah, I absolutely love having the visibility reduced in my games. Being able to hear but not see zeds/animals is a lot of fun, and seeing some fire/glow/outline of something in the distance really makes the game pop.  I really don’t like the “always daylight even during the night, and I can see all the way to the horizon so I’ll avoid that bear about 1/2 mile over there” settings that vanilla has. 

If anyone cares:

- the fog you get from mods (changing the worldglobal.xml) is nowhere near as dense as you can get from changing it using the debug console.  You can go 0 visibility using the console.

- the fog you get from mods doesn’t allow you to change the color of the fog. You can change the color of the fog using the console. I really hope TFP allows fog color change per biome or “weather event” on the future via xml mods.

- you can make it “very dark” at night. Like pitch black, without fog. It’s really cool and you can see the stars/sky really well, and the moonlight casts shadows really neat (zeds can hide in shadows as they are pitch black shadows). If you turn the fog up to where it’s “foggy” you lose these pretty effects/visuals. 
- you can add “visual effects” to each biome, and they can simulate fog. Or blowing dirt, etc. it’s a nice middle ground.  I prefer to have these occurring just inside the visual range of the fog so it looks like the fog is moving, or something is always moving just out of sight. It’s a fun balance.
-darkness “indoors” is seperate from darkness “outdoors”. I have a mod to make indoors darker.  You kinda want to do this if you go “super fog/dark” game.
- you can make the game have 0 hours of daylight. I have played this and it’s intense, especially if you add the super fog/darkness.  It’s really fun to play a full game through, once, but because how the game uses daylight for some things (end blood moon, zed run settings, sunrises, sunsets,etc) I feel a good balance is to put in 2-6 hours of daylight per day in. It just seems to enhance things, and give you a daily breather if you’re trapped or in a hard spot. 
- cranking up the fog means you can turn down a lot of the “see stuff far” setting like grass/trees/poi meshes So if done well I would imaging you could turn up other graphics settings and have pretty “near visuals” on machines that normally cannot render the game at high detail.



I hear they are working on a weather overhaul and I really hope it has more controls like you stated as the current weather settings don’t really allow you to crank it up and make a world that’s really difficult to survive in, environment wise. I personally want to make it so you have a high chance of dying via weather if you go into any biome other than the green forest, so you have to prep to leave it.  I also feel that the desert is a bit unbalanced because you can’t make a base there (if heat were super hot and deadly) and “cool” it via air conditioning. In snow biome you can build fires to keep warm.


anyway.... hell yes more weather control to make custom survival Hellscapes.. with some zeds I guess.

Edited by doughphunghus (see edit history)
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10 hours ago, doughphunghus said:

I hear they are working on a weather overhaul and I really hope it has more controls like you stated as the current weather settings don’t really allow you to crank it up and make a world that’s really difficult to survive in, environment wise. I personally want to make it so you have a high chance of dying via weather if you go into any biome other than the green forest, so you have to prep to leave it.  I also feel that the desert is a bit unbalanced because you can’t make a base there (if heat were super hot and deadly) and “cool” it via air conditioning. In snow biome you can build fires to keep warm.


anyway.... hell yes more weather control to make custom survival Hellscapes.. with some zeds I guess.

Well... when we are talking about the weather. It`s almost a necessity to have a great, believable weather system in any open-world game. Acidic radiated rains in the Burnt/Radiated biome or something that could spread evenly and periodically across the entire map in the late game could be a great addition. Surviving could be solely impossible without some equipment received from the trader. This would make the last biome the most demanding one, zombies would not be the only danger but the environment itself.

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