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Nitrado A19 Server keeps crashing - nitrado say 7d2d is faulty. true ?


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i have a Nitrado 7d server,
since about a week is keeps crashing frequently, need like 15 restarts a day, sometimes it has insane laggs like 15-20 seconds still standing until it keeps going.

Nitrado switched my server from experimental to stable,
nothing changed
i reinstalled the server multible times
nothing changed

we are using Navezgane generated in A19 B169 on latest stable server files.

So, is there a REAL problem with Stable-Server files or is it just a phrase from nitrado?

would appreciate any help

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Here is the last output log from nitrado webinterface



pls tell me if you need anything else, iam not that much into server things


And there is logs from yesterday evening, we playd a bloodmoon.

this bloodmoon was interruped with 3 very long lags (up to 20 seconds as mentiond)

and a crash at night-time 1:53 as you can see in the logs

output_log__2020-09-02__21-11-57.txt output_log__2020-09-02__22-07-47.txt output_log__2020-09-03__04-52-04.txt

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Didn't see anything out of the ordinary with Nitrado... But I do know that they've recently started server maintenance and you'll get a notification on your webpanel informing you of the day and time.  I also know that many times the system doesn't keep a 'good'/'complete' log, don't know what's causing that? VM?  I also know that since about May of this year there has been issues.  I also know that they have apparently did some upgrading, changes, etc. not totally sure but somethings have changed.  I can also note that Mods can cause this too as I've experienced it first hand; so I've gone to testing the mods on my client first before uploading.  Sure its a pain but definitely helps.  It's also a good idea to check you're servers IP, as happened with me - the system went down and then they moved it... No one said anything and it took the better part of a day to realize that it was moved and therefore the IP changed.

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We dont use any mods, not a single thing. 100% vanilla.


we have been on the same server since about 4 weeks now and got moved this morning by request to another machine


but it seems it did not help, just had the next server crash.

i used a new server config generated by nitrado and just changed the values according to webinterface and legit values.


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so, we created a new world yesterday evening, after a server reinstall, so 100% fresh server datas

played like 1 hour without a crash.

but today, server restarted without being used, 

and just now, it crashed when i wanted to connect.

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13 hours ago, Syrok said:

is there a specific reason for that?

i always used to play a few last experimental versions and never had any problems like this

Because there were changes to how the worlds are generated, and changes in the actual data contained in the generated worlds themselves. Worlds that were created before those changes will have issues. This is something you accept when opting into experimenal.


If you're still having the issue, we'll need you to post the logs. Instructions on how to report an issue are in the Pinned thread.

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