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Locked Movement screen


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Bug where when i use either mouse button, left or right, sometimes causes the screen to lock where i can move left and right with my mouse and Field Of View but when i try to look up or down the screen just goes left or right. and the Screen also tilts on an axis where it should not be doing so. 

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2 hours ago, Mr Smith 9000 said:

Did you figure out a fix? I have to log out every time it happens. This just started today. Can do everything except look up or down. Oh and when I alt tabbed to come here and went back, the whole world was tilted at a 45 degree angle.

output_log__2020-08-12__19-19-58.txt 75.38 kB · 1 download

Why are you using GLCore with a 2080? You should be using DirectX.


Also, your save is corrupted. Start a new one.

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2 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

Why are you using GLCore with a 2080? You should be using DirectX.


Also, your save is corrupted. Start a new one.

GL was one of the fixes someone recommended for crashes I was experiencing. In what way is the save corrupted? New to this, trying learn. I'd really hate to start over again 🤦‍♂️

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Save is most likely corrupted from not exiting the game client properly.  GLCore should only be used on system with extremely low-end out-dated GPU's that don't have proper driver, or on Linux/Mac machines. If you were looking for a Windows alternative to DirectX, Vulcan would be highly recommended, but AFAIK that platform isn't fully finished yet and still has some display issues.

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