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Crashing frequently


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Really it's to the point where I can't play anymore. I was playing fine until pretty recently, and now  I crash, get to play for somewhere between 5 minutes to a couple hours, then gone. Tonight I COMPLETELY uninstalled, deleted all associated file folders, re-installed. Same thing. I'm so frustrated and I'm not a techie so I have zero idea what's going wrong. 


here's two crash logs from tonight:





They look completely different to me. (Also, there is no The Fun Pimps folder in my local/temp folders so these are all I have.

Can someone please tell me what is going on here? I know A19 is still unstable, but I have no idea why it's become so unplayable.

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Did you check "C:/Users/Gabe/AppData/Local/Temp/The Fun Pimps/7 Days To Die/Crashes" with show hidden files & folders turned on?

First crash points to simply being out of system memory.
My 7D2D client sucks up around 8 gigabytes of RAM while Windows and everything else takes a bit more than 2 GB, resulting in memory usage excess of 10 GB.
If you have anything running in the background you'll quickly be out of memory with the 12 GB you have.

I used to have the out of memory problem back in A16 or A17 when hosting the game P2P. I turned textures to half which fixed it for me... But this is a different Alpha though.

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The other thing is I've been playing since A11. This is brand new. Like, this update of this experimental of this alpha. I've been playing fine (with the occasional crashes) since A19 came out, and yes it crashes way more than any other alpha has for me, but b173 has become unplayable and I have no idea why

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23 minutes ago, Feycat said:

The other thing is I've been playing since A11. This is brand new. Like, this update of this experimental of this alpha. I've been playing fine (with the occasional crashes) since A19 came out, and yes it crashes way more than any other alpha has for me, but b173 has become unplayable and I have no idea why

There have been some changes to texture streaming and prefab / asset loading through A19 exp.

One of the devs said they will be tweaking the textures to lower the RAM / VRAM requirement. Not sure if it will be for the next experimental or not.

Have you tried playing around with different graphics settings?

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3 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

I bet you're using a custom pagefile size. That will crash Unity just about every time.


2 hours ago, Beelzybub said:

And +1 to checking that your swapfile is set to be managed by windows.

I have... no idea how to fix those. 

4 hours ago, Nugetti said:

Have you tried playing around with different graphics settings?

Yeah, turned them all the way down without better results

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