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Dedicated Server Latest Experimental Not Updating


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I am running 7 Days to Die Dedicated Server on a Linode server. When I use steamcmd to update using `app_update 294420 -beta "latest_experimental"` the game is still starting on b152 (validated by running the `version` command in the game console) instead of the latest b163.

Hard to know what I am doing wrong here. Should I be deleting the entire steamcmd 294420 app first and redownloading? Is there a way I can check the game files to determine whether I am actually stuck on b152 (ie is version stored in a specific file or something).


Any advice would be greatly appreciated! :)

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Hmm..thanks for the suggestion.

Still saying up to date already.

$ steamcmd +login anonymous +app_update 294420 -beta latest_experimental +quit
Redirecting stderr to '/home/fdknolksng/.steam/logs/stderr.txt'
[  0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Verifying installation...
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam API...Warning: failed to init SDL thread priority manager: SDL not found

Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK
Waiting for user info...OK
Success! App '294420' already up to date.
CWorkThreadPool::~CWorkThreadPool: work processing queue not empty: 1 items discarded.


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Ok, so I am not entirely sure where 'clear the app cache for steamCMD' means. I ran `rm -rf /home/fdknolksng/.steam/appcache/*`.
Re-ran the app_update command but it is still saying it is up to date.

I dug in and found I could find the buildid from the app manifest at `~/.steam/steamcmd/7_Days_to_Die_Dedicated_Server/steamapps/appmanifest_294420.acf`


Is there somewhere I can check if my buildid is matching the b163 buildid? Just to validate if I am in fact running the incorrect version or not?

  "appid"   "294420"
  "Universe"    "1"
  "name"    "7 Days to Die Dedicated Server"
  "StateFlags"    "4"
  "installdir"    "7 Days to Die Dedicated Server"
  "LastUpdated"   "1593518522"
  "SizeOnDisk"    "14486186838"
  "buildid"   "5229449"
      "manifest"    "2767560053167624036"
    "294422"    "2767560053167624036"
    "betakey"   "latest_experimental"


OK so steamdb is showing a buildid of `5275652` released 17 hours ago. So that should be b163. I'll check if I can force steamcmd to update to a specific build id.

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Hmm I installed Alloc's Server manager for Linux and ran it's command for a force install. That seems to have fixed it. Not sure what has happened. What does Alloc's do that the normal app_update command using steamcmd does not?

I may never know what the cause was... I guess next experimental I can go through the effort again.

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If force install just means that the steam command force_install is used, then that just sets a new install directory. But this sounds unlikely because then you would have had to download the full 14G again and have two images lying around.





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Did you use "force_install_dir" previously? I never tried without, but maybe without it installed it to a default directory and not to the path where you want the server to be installed? If my theory is true, you have a fully updated server somewhere but starting still the old, unupdated one.

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I have literally the same issue. First I tried just upgrading the server to the latest with 


app_update 294420 - beta laterst experimental validate +quit


then I renamed my previous server's folder and did a 


force_install_dir c:\SteamCMD\7_Days_to_Die_server\

to create a new folder and downloaded with 


app_update 294420 -beta latest_experimental


did the entire download again and started but it was still showing as version 18.


Any help would be appreciated. 


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14 hours ago, alicevakarian said:


I you really used that command line then it is no wonder it failed. If it is only a typo you made here in the forum, just ignore this comment


What you immediately should do now is to find the output_log of that last start. The log should have a timestamp of exactly the time you started the dedicated server last. In the log you find exactly which version was started (just to be sure) and from where it was started. Check that it really is



and not some other place.


Alternatively post the log if you have problems with interpreting it.




By the way, steam has its own log. If you look into SteamCMD\logs\content_log.txt, search for the string "latest_experimental". If something is wrong with the steam database, you might see a message like

AppID 294420 missing beta branch "latest_experimental", falling back to public branch


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Thanks for the comments @meganoth / @SylenThunder. I'll check those steamcmd logs etc to try and find out why I think mine had fixed itself. I am sure when the next build drops I'll be back with either some more info on exactly how I overcame the issue, or any further problems.

My suspicion is that I did not use the `+force_install_dir` part of the cmd command... thinking, I had already set a force_install_dir on the initial installation. It was around the same time that I installed Alloc's server management using `apt`... so possibly that command change was the fix rather than Alloc's.

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