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brawler vol 4 only for fists?


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7 hours ago, Synvastian said:

its part of a specific "class" of books (pertaining to using fists and fist weapons) So I would assume it only affects those, but I may be wrong

yea I realize it's a class book, thanks.  Just curious if one could use another weapon on a knocked down opponent and get the benefit.  Maybe I'll try and playtest it.

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Caveat, I haven't tested, only speculating:


It's unlikely to differentiate between different reasons for a knock-down. As long as you're punching a knocked down opponent, you should get the punching bonus. So, it shouldn't matter if your friend knocks one down by a club or w/e...


There are different types of stuns (or at least were in A18), don't know if the book applies to all (I assume it should).

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On 7/5/2020 at 3:54 AM, belowzeros said:

extra damage to knocked down - does this only apply to enemies punched down or does the game not know the difference, ie from a club or spear?

The way I read it is that if you hit an enemy with fists that is already knocked down you get the bonus. So the game doesn’t keep track of whether you used fists to do the knock down of an enemy. It only keeps track of whether an enemy is in a knocked down state when you hit it with your fists. You could even knock it down with a club and then switch to fists to hit it while it’s down for the bonus damage. 

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