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Why are TFP still selling 7d2d on consoles?

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1 hour ago, Ralco said:

That would be a good point if these weren't the same product different platforms, a better example would be that PC being sold in 2 different shops but one has the chip removed. 

 And yes the build number is misleading most people dont understand build numbers

But consumer rights orient themselves at expectations. Hardware buyers don't expects a PC to be different in a different shop. Buyers of games on the other hand expect there to be differences between console and PC, sometimes unnoticeable, sometimes whole DLCs or features like modability are missing. And even on a basic level they ARE not the same product because you can't start a game for the playstation on a PC and vice versa. The binaries are completely different.


Build numbers might confuse people. That doesn't mean they can just make up their own theories and then declare a consumer rights violation. Sorry, even a laymen will notice that A19.0 and are fundamentally different.


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On 7/29/2020 at 10:38 PM, meganoth said:

But consumer rights orient themselves at expectations. Hardware buyers don't expects a PC to be different in a different shop. Buyers of games on the other hand expect there to be differences between console and PC, sometimes unnoticeable, sometimes whole DLCs or features like modability are missing. And even on a basic level they ARE not the same product because you can't start a game for the playstation on a PC and vice versa. The binaries are completely different.


Build numbers might confuse people. That doesn't mean they can just make up their own theories and then declare a consumer rights violation. Sorry, even a laymen will notice that A19.0 and are fundamentally different.


Mods are not something console players ever expect. That's why it was such a big deal when bethesda announced mods on console (might as well have just said on xbox because of sonys policies regarding mods) name any other game that was lacking such basic content as character creation on console but had it on PC, or was lacking fundamental updates that fixed major issues granted much of the BS that happens to us on console is only worse on pc because of the new zombies they keep adding. Structural integrity is all but broken on console you either have a base that collapses after a few levels or you end up with prefab that collapse leaving floating blocks. Arrows having no understandable flight path, shotguns being better for breaking doors than killing mobs, I enjoy the game but I've never seen a game with such a large disconnect between two versions. 

 You're correct however hardware was a bad example it was yours however a better example would be buying a software disc and it containing half the tools it does at other stores. Also on the store front you have to scroll way to the bottom past the description to even see the build number prior to purchase (on the microsoft store) so even if your average player would understand build numbers which I promise they won't, hiding them is yet another issue that needs fixed 

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Come on, first you bring up build number as a problem if the average player sees it, now you complain the average player won't see it because it is hidden. The average player does not need a build number and therefore the build number is not a problem, case closed.


I brought up hardware to show that a product can exist in many different version, nothing more. You try to bring up the example of stores that sell the same product, but I really don't buy that analogy, whether hardware or CD, it just isn't exactly the same product.


The only question left might be whether it can be called a very different version of the same product (think Microsoft Windows Consumer Edition and Enterprise Edition or SomeGame PS4 Edition and SomeGame Nintendo Switch Edition) or even a totally different product with the same name (think Prey from 2006 and Prey from 2014). After all both games only started off from the same code but then were produced by separate companies as independant products.






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On 7/19/2020 at 5:43 PM, Ralco said:


No in fact the listing for new copies of 7dtd read "pulled by distributor" sure digital copies arent technically being distributed but that's still on those who own the game.


I know this is closed but I wanted to clarify this point to any readers who might be misled by this comment.


TFP partnered with Telltale Games specfically because Telltale was a software publishing company. What Telltale brought to the table was the infrastructure to manufacture and distribute physical disks of the game to brick and mortar stores. This was a very appealing benefit for TFP since they had no way themselves of ever getting physical game copies onto the shelves of Walmarts, Targets, and Gamestops. You can imagine what a plus that was for them.


So the reason the physical copies of 7dtd read as "pulled by distributor" is because all manufacturing ceased when Telltale went out of business. There was no more distribution possible. Even once TFP were able to purchase the rights for the console game they still had no way of doing what Telltale did for them as part of their partnership. This constraint would have no bearing of course on digital stores. If TFP had a way to continue the manufacture and distribution of physical game copies and if there was still a demand for the game by stores, you can be sure they would still be selling and not be pulled from distribution. But TFP is purely a PC development studio.

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